Barack Obama
Barack Obama became the 44th President of the United States in January 2009, the first African-American to hold the office. After graduating from Columbia University and Harvard Law School, Obama took a job as a community organizer on the South side of Chicago and became involved in Democratic politics. He taught in the University of Chicago law school (1992-2004) before serving in the Illinois Senate (1997-2004) and as the US Senator from Illinois (2004-2008). The domestic and foreign agenda of his presidency have been shaped by the global financial crisis, the health care reform debate, and ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. One of his most important international initiatives was an opening to the Muslim world in a June 2009 Cairo speech. During the 2008 presidential campaign, Obama spoke frequently of his personal Christian faith and of the importance of ethical and religious values in creating a more just society.
United States
United States
Remarks by the President on a New Beginning
June 4, 2009
President Barack Obama's June 2009 address at Cairo University, entitled "A New Beginning," represents a key point in his efforts to improve US relations with the Muslim world. Obama noted that common principles of justice, tolerance, and human dignity might inform deeper cooperation betwee...
June 4, 2009
President Barack Obama's June 2009 address at Cairo University, entitled "A New Beginning," represents a key point in his efforts to improve US relations with the Muslim world. Obama noted that common principles of justice, tolerance, and human dignity might inform deeper cooperation betwee...
Barack Obama on Reaching Out to All Those Affected by the Oak Creek Shooting
August 6, 2012
Barack Obama on the Importance of Relationships and How the Lord Can Bring Healing to Aurora
July 20, 2012
Obama Talks to Volunteers and Firefighters in Colorado on Friday
June 29, 2012
Barack Obama Affirms American Exceptionalism
May 23, 2012
Barack Obama on the Christian Values Defining His Decision to Support Same-Sex Marriage
May 9, 2012
Barack Obama on Why He Now Supports Same-Sex Marriage
May 9, 2012
Barack Obama on American Reliance on Prayer when Declaring the 2012 National Day of Prayer
May 3, 2012
Barack Obama on the Challenge of "Never Again" on Holocaust Remembrance Day
April 23, 2012
Barack Obama on Economic Fairness and the Buffet Rule
April 11, 2012
Barack Obama on Questioning Faith at the Easter Prayer Breakfast
April 4, 2012
Barack Obama on the Economic Importance of Education for All in a Speech at the AP Luncheon
April 3, 2012
Barack Obama on Social Darwinism in the Republican Budget in a Speech at the AP Luncheon
April 3, 2012
Barack Obama on Soul Searching after the Shooting of Trayvon Martin
March 23, 2012
Barack Obama on Why He is Not Fighting a War against Religion
March 13, 2012
Barack Obama on the Basic Values Shared by the US and Israel at AIPAC
March 4, 2012
Barack Obama in Defense of His Remarks on Education
February 28, 2012
Barack Obama on the Birth Control Mandate Compromise
February 10, 2012
Barack Obama on Faith when Facing Urgent Problems at the National Prayer Breakfast
February 2, 2012
Barack Obama on Values as the Moral Glue of Society at the National Prayer Breakfast
February 2, 2012
Barack Obama on Prayer and Values as a Personal Motivator at the National Prayer Breakfast
February 2, 2012
Barack Obama on Common Values and Their Role in Public Life at the National Prayer Breakfast
February 2, 2012
Barack Obama on his Faith History and his Faith Today at the National Prayer Breakfast
February 2, 2012
Barack Obama on Faith and International Responsibility at the National Prayer Breakfast
February 2, 2012
Barack Obama on Restoring American Values at the 2012 State of the Union
January 24, 2012
Barack Obama on Protecting Religious Liberty in the Middle East in the 2012 State of the Union
January 24, 2012
Barack Obama on American Values and the Budget Crisis at the 2012 State of the Union
January 24, 2012
Barack Obama on the Value of Education in His 2012 State of the Union Address
January 24, 2012
Barack Obama on the Necessity of Education in His 2012 State of the Union Address
January 24, 2012
Barack Obama on His Philosophy of Government in His 2012 State of the Union Address
January 24, 2012
Barack Obama on Economic Inequality in His 2012 State of the Union Address
January 24, 2012
Barack Obama on Service during Remarks for Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 16, 2012
Barack Obama on Universal Values at the Christmas in Washington Event
January 11, 2012
Barack Obama on the Jewish People and the American Dream at a Jewish Congregational Assembly
December 16, 2011
Barack Obama on Being Quintessentially American at the Dedication of the Martin Luther King Jr Memorial
October 16, 2011
Barack Obama on Government Values for the Budget in the Rose Garden
September 19, 2011
Barack Obama on the Principles of Balancing the Budget
September 19, 2011
Barack Obama on the Erosion of the American Dream in Jobs Speech Before Congress
September 8, 2011
Barack Obama on Observing Ramadan
August 1, 2011
Barack Obama on the Value of Compromise in an Address to the Nation
July 25, 2011
Barack Obama on Supporting Gay Rights
June 24, 2011
Barack Obama on US-Israeli Shared Values
May 22, 2011
Barack Obama on the Arab Spring
May 19, 2011
Barack Obama on Peacefully Ending the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
May 19, 2011
Barack Obama on the Future of American Values in the Middle East
May 19, 2011
Barack Obama on Not Fighting a War against Islam at Remarks on the Death of Osama bin Laden
May 1, 2011
Barack Obama on Values Commitments and the National Budget
April 13, 2011
President Obama about the Importance of the Budget
April 13, 2011
President Obama on the Sustaining Role of His Faith at National Prayer Breakfast
February 10, 2011
President Obama on Praying for Humility in Politics at National Prayer Breakfast
February 10, 2011
Barack Obama on the Role of his Mother on his Values and Faith at the National Prayer Breakfast
February 2, 2011
Barack Obama on the Experiences that Brought Him to Jesus at National Prayer Breakfast
February 2, 2011
Barack Obama on the Presidency and Prayer at the National Prayer Breakfast
February 2, 2011
Barack Obama on His Daily Prayers and Petitions at the National Prayer Breakfast
February 2, 2011
Barack Obama on the American Family in the 2011 State of the Union
January 25, 2011
Barack Obama on Being Called a Muslim in David Corn's book Showdown
December 1, 2010
Barack Obama on Prosperity and Freedom at the University of Jakarta
November 10, 2010
Barack Obama on Tolerance and the Spark of the Divine at the University of Jakarta
November 10, 2010
Barack Obama on the Moral Necessity of America's Values at Remarks Made to the United Nations
September 23, 2010
Barack Obama on American Resilience during Remarks on the Anniversary of September 11
September 11, 2010
Barack Obama on "Ground Zero Mosque" Controversy
August 13, 2010
Barack Obama on Faith and Civility at the National Prayer Breakfast
February 4, 2010
Barack Obama on Civility, Faith, and Disagreement at the National Prayer Breakfast
February 4, 2010
Barack Obama on Prayer and its Power at the National Prayer Breakfast
February 4, 2010
Barack Obama on Just Peace in his Nobel Peace Prize Speech
December 9, 2009
Barack Obama on Religious Restraints on Violence in his Nobel Peace Prize Speech
December 9, 2009
Barack Obama 2009 Address to the United Nations
September 23, 2009
Barack Obama on the US Response to Climate Change
September 22, 2009
Barack Obama on Prayer in an Interview with Terry Moran
July 24, 2009
Barack Obama on a Common Humanity at the Ghanaian Parliament
July 11, 2009
Barack Obama on Freedom of Religion at the Esperanza National Prayer Breakfast
June 19, 2009
Barack Obama on the Golden Rule at the Esperanza National Prayer Breakfast
June 19, 2009
Barack Obama on the French Hijab Ban at a Joint Press Conference with Nicolas Sarkozy
June 6, 2009
Barack Obama on Faith in Humanity at Cairo University
June 4, 2009
Barack Obama on Tolerance and Islam at Cairo University
June 4, 2009
Barack Obama on Religious Freedom in the US at Cairo University
June 4, 2009
Barack Obama on the Shared Principles of Islam and America at Cairo University
June 4, 2009
Barack Obama on Peaceful Interreligious Relationships at Cairo University
June 4, 2009
June 4, 2009
Barack Obama on Fighting Negative Stereotypes of Islam at Cairo University
June 4, 2009
Barack Obama on Faith as a Social Unifier
June 4, 2009
Barack Obama on Faith and Humility at the University of Notre Dame
May 17, 2009
Barack Obama on the Golden Rule at the University of Notre Dame
May 17, 2009
Barack Obama on Engaging the Muslim World at the Turkish Parliament
April 6, 2009
Barack Obama on the Character of the American Nation at a Joint Press Conference with President Gul
April 6, 2009
Barack Obama on Science and Morality at the Signing of the Stem Cell Executive Order and Scientific Integrity Presidential Memorandum
March 6, 2009
Barack Obama on a New Relationship with the Muslim World in His Inaugural Address
January 21, 2009
Barack Obama on American Religious Diversity in His Inaugural Address
January 21, 2009
January 21, 2009
Barack Obama on Abortion in Third Presidential Debate
October 15, 2008
Barack Obama on Attitudes About Sex and Abortion Reduction in Third Presidential Debate
October 15, 2008
Barack Obama Clarifies his Abortion Answer from Saddleback Forum in 'This Week' Interview
September 7, 2008
Barack Obama on Religious Freedom at Saddleback Civil Forum
August 16, 2008
Barack Obama on Personal and National Moral Failings at Saddleback Civil Forum
August 16, 2008
Barack Obama on Abortion Policy at the Saddleback Civil Forum
August 16, 2008
Barack Obama on Confronting Evil at Saddleback Civil Forum
August 16, 2008
Barack Obama on Faith-Based Hiring at Saddleback Civil Forum
August 16, 2008
Barack Obama on Moral Aspect of Society's Problems in TIME Essay
August 7, 2008
Barack Obama on his Conversion Experience in Newsweek Interview
July 21, 2008
Barack Obama's Response to Franklin Graham's Question about Salvation for Non-Christians in Newsweek Interview
July 21, 2008
Barack Obama on Racial Reconciliation as a Religious Issue in Newsweek Interview
July 21, 2008
Barack Obama on Foreign Policy in the Islamic World in Interview with Fareed Zakaria
July 13, 2008
Barack Obama on Submitting to the Lord's Will at African Methodist Episcopal Church General Conference
July 5, 2008
Barack Obama on Active Faith at African Methodist Episcopal Chuch General Conference
July 5, 2008
Barack Obama on Establishing the Council for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships at Eastside Community Ministry
July 1, 2008
Barack Obama on the Role of Faith-Based Groups in Addressing Contemporary Challenges at Eastside Community Ministry
July 1, 2008
Barack Obama on Constitutional Principles Guiding His Faith-Based Initiatives at Eastside Community Ministry
July 1, 2008
Barack Obama on Faith-Based Groups and Education Partnerships at Eastside Community Ministry
July 1, 2008
Barack Obama on Incorporating People of Faith into Policy Making at Eastside Community Ministry
July 1, 2008
Barack Obama on Specifics of his Faith-Based Initiatives Plan in Relevant Magazine Interview
July 1, 2008
Barack Obama on Hiring and Religious Discrimination in Relevant Magazine Interview
July 1, 2008
Barack Obama Apologizes to Muslim Women Barred from Appearing at Campaign Rally in Press Statement
June 19, 2008
Barack Obama on Bishop Arthur Brazier at Apostolic Church of God
June 15, 2008
Barack Obama on the Story of Israel at American Israel Public Affairs Committee Policy Conference
June 4, 2008
Barack Obama on Rev. Pfleger's Comments in Statement
May 31, 2008
Barack Obama on his Departure from Trinity United Church of Christ in a Letter to Rev. Moss
May 30, 2008
Barack Obama on Zionism and Israel in The Atlantic Interview
May 12, 2008
Barack Obama Responds to Rev. Wright's Speech at the National Press Club in Press Conference
April 29, 2008
Barack Obama on His Continued Church Membership at Trinity United Church of Christ in Press Conference
April 29, 2008
Barack Obama on Rev. Wright's Response in Press Conference
April 29, 2008
Barack Obama on the Theology of Black Churches in Press Conference
April 29, 2008
Barack Obama Apologizes for 'Small Town Bitterness' Remarks at AP Luncheon
April 14, 2008
Barack Obama Welcomes Pope Benedict XVI to the US in Press Release
April 14, 2008
Barack Obama on Stewardship of the Environment at Compassion Forum
April 13, 2008
Barack Obama on Science and Religion at Compassion Forum
April 13, 2008
Barack Obama on Gods Intervention in History at Compassion Forum
April 13, 2008
Barack Obama Clarifies his Comments on "Bitter" People "Clinging to Religion" at Compassion Forum
April 13, 2008
Barack Obama on Lessons from Living in a Muslim-majority Country as a Child at Compassion Forum
April 13, 2008
Barack Obama on the Debate over Religious Language in Public Debate t Compassion Forum
April 13, 2008
Barack Obama on Homophobia in the African-American Community in The Advocate Interview
April 10, 2008
Barack Obama on Rev. Wright's Comments in Philadelphia
March 18, 2008
Barack Obama on Rev. Jeremiah Wright in Philadelphia
March 18, 2008
Barack Obama on his Church and the Black Community in Philadelphia
March 18, 2008
Barack Obama on his Pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright in Huffington Post
March 14, 2008
Barack Obama on Rev. Wright's Controversial Comments in Huffington Post
March 14, 2008
Barack Obama on God's Plan at the University of Texas at Brownsville
February 29, 2008
Barack Obama on Supporting Gay Rights as a Christian in Beaumont
February 28, 2008
Barack Obama on His Christian Faith at Rally in Boise
February 2, 2008
Barack Obama on Faith-Based Programs in Christianity Today Interview
January 23, 2008
Barack Obama on Abortion in Christianity Today Interview
January 23, 2008
Barack Obama on His Personal Faith in Christianity Today Interview
January 23, 2008
Barack Obama on Aligning Himself with God in Beliefnet Interview
January 22, 2008
Barack Obama on Speaking in Churches in Beliefnet Interview
January 22, 2008
Barack Obama on His Faith Background in Beliefnet Interview
January 22, 2008
Barack Obama on His Cultural Understanding of the Muslim World in a Beliefnet Interview
January 22, 2008
Barack Obama on Pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright in Beliefnet Interview
January 22, 2008
Barack Obama on Faith-Based Programs and Religious Vitality in Beliefnet Interview
January 22, 2008
Barack Obama on E-mails Circulating about His Personal Faith to the Brody File
January 22, 2008
Barack Obama on Courting Evangelicals at the South Carolina Democratic Presidential Debate
January 21, 2008
Barack Obama on Civil Rights at Ebenezer Baptist Church
January 20, 2008
Barack Obama on the Moral Deficit at Ebenezer Baptist Church
January 20, 2008
Barack Obama on Church Values at the First Congregational United Church of Christ
December 16, 2007
Barack Obama on American Foreign Policy Towards the Muslim World
December 4, 2007
Barack Obama Refutes Rumors of his Practicing Islam in Brody File Interview
November 11, 2007
Barack Obama on Abortion as a Moral Issue in a Christian Broadcasting Network Interview
November 9, 2007
Barack Obama on Faith at MTV/MySpace Forum
October 30, 2007
Barack Obama on Courage at Howard University
September 28, 2007
Barack Obama on His Favorite Bible Verse at Dartmouth Democratic Presidential Debate
September 26, 2007
Barack Obama on Same-Sex Marriage in HRC Democratic Presidential Forum
August 9, 2007
Barack Obama on Same-Sex Marriage at Visible Vote 08 Presidential Forum
August 9, 2007
Barack Obama on Failed Housing Promises at the Hampton University Annual Ministers' Conference
June 5, 2007
Barack Obama on Religious Pluralism at the Hampton University Annual Ministers' Conference
June 5, 2007
Barack Obama on the Prison System at the Hampton University Annual Ministers' Conference
June 5, 2007
Barack Obama on Maturity at Southern New Hampshire University
May 19, 2007
Barack Obama on Energy at the Detroit Economic Club
May 7, 2007
Barack Obama on Terrorist Recruits at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs
April 23, 2007
Barack Obama on Global Threats at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs
April 23, 2007
Barack Obama on a Democratic Agenda Appealing to People of Faith in Street Prophets Interview
January 16, 2007
Barack Obama on the Role of Churches in HIV/AIDS Prevention Efforts at Saddleback Church
December 1, 2006
Barack Obama on the Influential Role of People of Faith in Fighting HIV/AIDS at Saddleback Church
December 1, 2006
Barack Obama on Following Christ's Example at Saddleback Church
December 1, 2006
Barack Obama on the "God Gap" at Call to Renewal Conference
June 28, 2006
Barack Obama on his Faith Journey at Call to Renewal Conference
June 28, 2006
Barack Obama on Religion in the Public Square
June 28, 2006
Barack Obama on Pluralism at Call to Renewal Conference
June 28, 2006
Barack Obama on Translating Religious Motivation into Policy at Call to Renewal Conference
June 28, 2006
Barack Obama on Fair-Minded Words and Abortion at a Call to Renewal Conference
June 28, 2006
Barack Obama on the Religious Divides in Party Affiliation in Call to Renewal Speech
June 28, 2006
Barack Obama on Proportion in Church-State Matters in Call to Renewal Speech
June 28, 2006
Barack Obama on the Reality of Compromise in Politics in Call to Renewal Speech
June 28, 2006
June 28, 2006
Barack Obama on Red vs. Blue States at the 2004 Democratic National Convention
July 27, 2004
August 6, 2012
Barack Obama on the Importance of Relationships and How the Lord Can Bring Healing to Aurora
July 20, 2012
Obama Talks to Volunteers and Firefighters in Colorado on Friday
June 29, 2012
Barack Obama Affirms American Exceptionalism
May 23, 2012
Barack Obama on the Christian Values Defining His Decision to Support Same-Sex Marriage
May 9, 2012
Barack Obama on Why He Now Supports Same-Sex Marriage
May 9, 2012
Barack Obama on American Reliance on Prayer when Declaring the 2012 National Day of Prayer
May 3, 2012
Barack Obama on the Challenge of "Never Again" on Holocaust Remembrance Day
April 23, 2012
Barack Obama on Economic Fairness and the Buffet Rule
April 11, 2012
Barack Obama on Questioning Faith at the Easter Prayer Breakfast
April 4, 2012
Barack Obama on the Economic Importance of Education for All in a Speech at the AP Luncheon
April 3, 2012
Barack Obama on Social Darwinism in the Republican Budget in a Speech at the AP Luncheon
April 3, 2012
Barack Obama on Soul Searching after the Shooting of Trayvon Martin
March 23, 2012
Barack Obama on Why He is Not Fighting a War against Religion
March 13, 2012
Barack Obama on the Basic Values Shared by the US and Israel at AIPAC
March 4, 2012
Barack Obama in Defense of His Remarks on Education
February 28, 2012
Barack Obama on the Birth Control Mandate Compromise
February 10, 2012
Barack Obama on Faith when Facing Urgent Problems at the National Prayer Breakfast
February 2, 2012
Barack Obama on Values as the Moral Glue of Society at the National Prayer Breakfast
February 2, 2012
Barack Obama on Prayer and Values as a Personal Motivator at the National Prayer Breakfast
February 2, 2012
Barack Obama on Common Values and Their Role in Public Life at the National Prayer Breakfast
February 2, 2012
Barack Obama on his Faith History and his Faith Today at the National Prayer Breakfast
February 2, 2012
Barack Obama on Faith and International Responsibility at the National Prayer Breakfast
February 2, 2012
Barack Obama on Restoring American Values at the 2012 State of the Union
January 24, 2012
Barack Obama on Protecting Religious Liberty in the Middle East in the 2012 State of the Union
January 24, 2012
Barack Obama on American Values and the Budget Crisis at the 2012 State of the Union
January 24, 2012
Barack Obama on the Value of Education in His 2012 State of the Union Address
January 24, 2012
Barack Obama on the Necessity of Education in His 2012 State of the Union Address
January 24, 2012
Barack Obama on His Philosophy of Government in His 2012 State of the Union Address
January 24, 2012
Barack Obama on Economic Inequality in His 2012 State of the Union Address
January 24, 2012
Barack Obama on Service during Remarks for Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 16, 2012
Barack Obama on Universal Values at the Christmas in Washington Event
January 11, 2012
Barack Obama on the Jewish People and the American Dream at a Jewish Congregational Assembly
December 16, 2011
Barack Obama on Being Quintessentially American at the Dedication of the Martin Luther King Jr Memorial
October 16, 2011
Barack Obama on Government Values for the Budget in the Rose Garden
September 19, 2011
Barack Obama on the Principles of Balancing the Budget
September 19, 2011
Barack Obama on the Erosion of the American Dream in Jobs Speech Before Congress
September 8, 2011
Barack Obama on Observing Ramadan
August 1, 2011
Barack Obama on the Value of Compromise in an Address to the Nation
July 25, 2011
Barack Obama on Supporting Gay Rights
June 24, 2011
Barack Obama on US-Israeli Shared Values
May 22, 2011
Barack Obama on the Arab Spring
May 19, 2011
Barack Obama on Peacefully Ending the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
May 19, 2011
Barack Obama on the Future of American Values in the Middle East
May 19, 2011
Barack Obama on Not Fighting a War against Islam at Remarks on the Death of Osama bin Laden
May 1, 2011
Barack Obama on Values Commitments and the National Budget
April 13, 2011
President Obama about the Importance of the Budget
April 13, 2011
President Obama on the Sustaining Role of His Faith at National Prayer Breakfast
February 10, 2011
President Obama on Praying for Humility in Politics at National Prayer Breakfast
February 10, 2011
Barack Obama on the Role of his Mother on his Values and Faith at the National Prayer Breakfast
February 2, 2011
Barack Obama on the Experiences that Brought Him to Jesus at National Prayer Breakfast
February 2, 2011
Barack Obama on the Presidency and Prayer at the National Prayer Breakfast
February 2, 2011
Barack Obama on His Daily Prayers and Petitions at the National Prayer Breakfast
February 2, 2011
Barack Obama on the American Family in the 2011 State of the Union
January 25, 2011
Barack Obama on Being Called a Muslim in David Corn's book Showdown
December 1, 2010
Barack Obama on Prosperity and Freedom at the University of Jakarta
November 10, 2010
Barack Obama on Tolerance and the Spark of the Divine at the University of Jakarta
November 10, 2010
Barack Obama on the Moral Necessity of America's Values at Remarks Made to the United Nations
September 23, 2010
Barack Obama on American Resilience during Remarks on the Anniversary of September 11
September 11, 2010
Barack Obama on "Ground Zero Mosque" Controversy
August 13, 2010
Barack Obama on Faith and Civility at the National Prayer Breakfast
February 4, 2010
Barack Obama on Civility, Faith, and Disagreement at the National Prayer Breakfast
February 4, 2010
Barack Obama on Prayer and its Power at the National Prayer Breakfast
February 4, 2010
Barack Obama on Just Peace in his Nobel Peace Prize Speech
December 9, 2009
Barack Obama on Religious Restraints on Violence in his Nobel Peace Prize Speech
December 9, 2009
Barack Obama 2009 Address to the United Nations
September 23, 2009
Barack Obama on the US Response to Climate Change
September 22, 2009
Barack Obama on Prayer in an Interview with Terry Moran
July 24, 2009
Barack Obama on a Common Humanity at the Ghanaian Parliament
July 11, 2009
Barack Obama on Freedom of Religion at the Esperanza National Prayer Breakfast
June 19, 2009
Barack Obama on the Golden Rule at the Esperanza National Prayer Breakfast
June 19, 2009
Barack Obama on the French Hijab Ban at a Joint Press Conference with Nicolas Sarkozy
June 6, 2009
Barack Obama on Faith in Humanity at Cairo University
June 4, 2009
Barack Obama on Tolerance and Islam at Cairo University
June 4, 2009
Barack Obama on Religious Freedom in the US at Cairo University
June 4, 2009
Barack Obama on the Shared Principles of Islam and America at Cairo University
June 4, 2009
Barack Obama on Peaceful Interreligious Relationships at Cairo University
June 4, 2009
June 4, 2009
Barack Obama on Fighting Negative Stereotypes of Islam at Cairo University
June 4, 2009
Barack Obama on Faith as a Social Unifier
June 4, 2009
Barack Obama on Faith and Humility at the University of Notre Dame
May 17, 2009
Barack Obama on the Golden Rule at the University of Notre Dame
May 17, 2009
Barack Obama on Engaging the Muslim World at the Turkish Parliament
April 6, 2009
Barack Obama on the Character of the American Nation at a Joint Press Conference with President Gul
April 6, 2009
Barack Obama on Science and Morality at the Signing of the Stem Cell Executive Order and Scientific Integrity Presidential Memorandum
March 6, 2009
Barack Obama on a New Relationship with the Muslim World in His Inaugural Address
January 21, 2009
Barack Obama on American Religious Diversity in His Inaugural Address
January 21, 2009
January 21, 2009
Barack Obama on Abortion in Third Presidential Debate
October 15, 2008
Barack Obama on Attitudes About Sex and Abortion Reduction in Third Presidential Debate
October 15, 2008
Barack Obama Clarifies his Abortion Answer from Saddleback Forum in 'This Week' Interview
September 7, 2008
Barack Obama on Religious Freedom at Saddleback Civil Forum
August 16, 2008
Barack Obama on Personal and National Moral Failings at Saddleback Civil Forum
August 16, 2008
Barack Obama on Abortion Policy at the Saddleback Civil Forum
August 16, 2008
Barack Obama on Confronting Evil at Saddleback Civil Forum
August 16, 2008
Barack Obama on Faith-Based Hiring at Saddleback Civil Forum
August 16, 2008
Barack Obama on Moral Aspect of Society's Problems in TIME Essay
August 7, 2008
Barack Obama on his Conversion Experience in Newsweek Interview
July 21, 2008
Barack Obama's Response to Franklin Graham's Question about Salvation for Non-Christians in Newsweek Interview
July 21, 2008
Barack Obama on Racial Reconciliation as a Religious Issue in Newsweek Interview
July 21, 2008
Barack Obama on Foreign Policy in the Islamic World in Interview with Fareed Zakaria
July 13, 2008
Barack Obama on Submitting to the Lord's Will at African Methodist Episcopal Church General Conference
July 5, 2008
Barack Obama on Active Faith at African Methodist Episcopal Chuch General Conference
July 5, 2008
Barack Obama on Establishing the Council for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships at Eastside Community Ministry
July 1, 2008
Barack Obama on the Role of Faith-Based Groups in Addressing Contemporary Challenges at Eastside Community Ministry
July 1, 2008
Barack Obama on Constitutional Principles Guiding His Faith-Based Initiatives at Eastside Community Ministry
July 1, 2008
Barack Obama on Faith-Based Groups and Education Partnerships at Eastside Community Ministry
July 1, 2008
Barack Obama on Incorporating People of Faith into Policy Making at Eastside Community Ministry
July 1, 2008
Barack Obama on Specifics of his Faith-Based Initiatives Plan in Relevant Magazine Interview
July 1, 2008
Barack Obama on Hiring and Religious Discrimination in Relevant Magazine Interview
July 1, 2008
Barack Obama Apologizes to Muslim Women Barred from Appearing at Campaign Rally in Press Statement
June 19, 2008
Barack Obama on Bishop Arthur Brazier at Apostolic Church of God
June 15, 2008
Barack Obama on the Story of Israel at American Israel Public Affairs Committee Policy Conference
June 4, 2008
Barack Obama on Rev. Pfleger's Comments in Statement
May 31, 2008
Barack Obama on his Departure from Trinity United Church of Christ in a Letter to Rev. Moss
May 30, 2008
Barack Obama on Zionism and Israel in The Atlantic Interview
May 12, 2008
Barack Obama Responds to Rev. Wright's Speech at the National Press Club in Press Conference
April 29, 2008
Barack Obama on His Continued Church Membership at Trinity United Church of Christ in Press Conference
April 29, 2008
Barack Obama on Rev. Wright's Response in Press Conference
April 29, 2008
Barack Obama on the Theology of Black Churches in Press Conference
April 29, 2008
Barack Obama Apologizes for 'Small Town Bitterness' Remarks at AP Luncheon
April 14, 2008
Barack Obama Welcomes Pope Benedict XVI to the US in Press Release
April 14, 2008
Barack Obama on Stewardship of the Environment at Compassion Forum
April 13, 2008
Barack Obama on Science and Religion at Compassion Forum
April 13, 2008
Barack Obama on Gods Intervention in History at Compassion Forum
April 13, 2008
Barack Obama Clarifies his Comments on "Bitter" People "Clinging to Religion" at Compassion Forum
April 13, 2008
Barack Obama on Lessons from Living in a Muslim-majority Country as a Child at Compassion Forum
April 13, 2008
Barack Obama on the Debate over Religious Language in Public Debate t Compassion Forum
April 13, 2008
Barack Obama on Homophobia in the African-American Community in The Advocate Interview
April 10, 2008
Barack Obama on Rev. Wright's Comments in Philadelphia
March 18, 2008
Barack Obama on Rev. Jeremiah Wright in Philadelphia
March 18, 2008
Barack Obama on his Church and the Black Community in Philadelphia
March 18, 2008
Barack Obama on his Pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright in Huffington Post
March 14, 2008
Barack Obama on Rev. Wright's Controversial Comments in Huffington Post
March 14, 2008
Barack Obama on God's Plan at the University of Texas at Brownsville
February 29, 2008
Barack Obama on Supporting Gay Rights as a Christian in Beaumont
February 28, 2008
Barack Obama on His Christian Faith at Rally in Boise
February 2, 2008
Barack Obama on Faith-Based Programs in Christianity Today Interview
January 23, 2008
Barack Obama on Abortion in Christianity Today Interview
January 23, 2008
Barack Obama on His Personal Faith in Christianity Today Interview
January 23, 2008
Barack Obama on Aligning Himself with God in Beliefnet Interview
January 22, 2008
Barack Obama on Speaking in Churches in Beliefnet Interview
January 22, 2008
Barack Obama on His Faith Background in Beliefnet Interview
January 22, 2008
Barack Obama on His Cultural Understanding of the Muslim World in a Beliefnet Interview
January 22, 2008
Barack Obama on Pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright in Beliefnet Interview
January 22, 2008
Barack Obama on Faith-Based Programs and Religious Vitality in Beliefnet Interview
January 22, 2008
Barack Obama on E-mails Circulating about His Personal Faith to the Brody File
January 22, 2008
Barack Obama on Courting Evangelicals at the South Carolina Democratic Presidential Debate
January 21, 2008
Barack Obama on Civil Rights at Ebenezer Baptist Church
January 20, 2008
Barack Obama on the Moral Deficit at Ebenezer Baptist Church
January 20, 2008
Barack Obama on Church Values at the First Congregational United Church of Christ
December 16, 2007
Barack Obama on American Foreign Policy Towards the Muslim World
December 4, 2007
Barack Obama Refutes Rumors of his Practicing Islam in Brody File Interview
November 11, 2007
Barack Obama on Abortion as a Moral Issue in a Christian Broadcasting Network Interview
November 9, 2007
Barack Obama on Faith at MTV/MySpace Forum
October 30, 2007
Barack Obama on Courage at Howard University
September 28, 2007
Barack Obama on His Favorite Bible Verse at Dartmouth Democratic Presidential Debate
September 26, 2007
Barack Obama on Same-Sex Marriage in HRC Democratic Presidential Forum
August 9, 2007
Barack Obama on Same-Sex Marriage at Visible Vote 08 Presidential Forum
August 9, 2007
Barack Obama on Failed Housing Promises at the Hampton University Annual Ministers' Conference
June 5, 2007
Barack Obama on Religious Pluralism at the Hampton University Annual Ministers' Conference
June 5, 2007
Barack Obama on the Prison System at the Hampton University Annual Ministers' Conference
June 5, 2007
Barack Obama on Maturity at Southern New Hampshire University
May 19, 2007
Barack Obama on Energy at the Detroit Economic Club
May 7, 2007
Barack Obama on Terrorist Recruits at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs
April 23, 2007
Barack Obama on Global Threats at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs
April 23, 2007
Barack Obama on a Democratic Agenda Appealing to People of Faith in Street Prophets Interview
January 16, 2007
Barack Obama on the Role of Churches in HIV/AIDS Prevention Efforts at Saddleback Church
December 1, 2006
Barack Obama on the Influential Role of People of Faith in Fighting HIV/AIDS at Saddleback Church
December 1, 2006
Barack Obama on Following Christ's Example at Saddleback Church
December 1, 2006
Barack Obama on the "God Gap" at Call to Renewal Conference
June 28, 2006
Barack Obama on his Faith Journey at Call to Renewal Conference
June 28, 2006
Barack Obama on Religion in the Public Square
June 28, 2006
Barack Obama on Pluralism at Call to Renewal Conference
June 28, 2006
Barack Obama on Translating Religious Motivation into Policy at Call to Renewal Conference
June 28, 2006
Barack Obama on Fair-Minded Words and Abortion at a Call to Renewal Conference
June 28, 2006
Barack Obama on the Religious Divides in Party Affiliation in Call to Renewal Speech
June 28, 2006
Barack Obama on Proportion in Church-State Matters in Call to Renewal Speech
June 28, 2006
Barack Obama on the Reality of Compromise in Politics in Call to Renewal Speech
June 28, 2006
June 28, 2006
Barack Obama on Red vs. Blue States at the 2004 Democratic National Convention
July 27, 2004
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