I am absolutely mortified at what is going on in our military. Where are the generals who sit on their high a_____, they do not seem to be doing anything to help our soldiers when they come back from war, much less those who must sit and listen to those soldiers horror stories. It is not right It says shame on the United States, they can't even keep their soldiers safe...
This man a Muslin, a doctor, for whatever reason, opened fire, we may never know why, but somewhere it is telling us a story that we need to know how to make it end right for our military personnel. I do not believe that it was a terrorist act, or a religious thing, I believe it was a cry for help that went unanswered. I do not know what to do I am a civilian, never been in the service be4, and I wish that I had an answer, somewhere there is one, and we need to find it, be4 another since less act is committed against our military here at home (where they are suppose to be safe)or aboard.