You know America has really gone down the toilet when you see images like this.
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You know America has a long way to go toward liberty and justice for all when you see comments like this.
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Yes, we must not allow gays the same rights as philandering Religious Right heterosexuals with multiple sacred marriages!
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Any credible reason for why that is, other than you just not seeming to like it?
An era where people must fear persecution for being themselves and showing their affection for their chosen partner, gay or not, must be brought to a close. If you don't like it, that's fine; but if you despise it so much, then just don't get yourself involved with it.
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You know America has gone down the toilet when zombies like this, whose minds are devoured by the maggots of bigotry, think they can lay down the law for the rest of us based not on constitutional principle, but on what makes them personally uncomfortable.
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i love how you all use the flag as a "prop" while you cast judgement on those with whom you disagree. all human beings deserve these rights, but those who serve our country in the most honorable way possible, who risk their lives and disability, deserve the civil rights that the rest of us take for granted.
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More like America is finally heading in a respectable direction as we take fewer and less discriminating stands on the private lives of our citizens, and especially those who risk their lives to fight for and defend this country.
Is it so much to ask that we show them the proper respect in their decision to be with whomever they want and not have to fear displaying their affection, within reasonable bounds of course, in public? Me thinks not.
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It's about time.
LBGT is one of the first groups targeted by hate groups in Nazi germany, and it is always depressing to listen to people trying to do the same thing in the US.
I remember when LBGT had to be locked up in the brig when people found out so that someone wouldn't throw them over the side in the middle of the night. DADT fixed that problem, but not in a constructive way. Cost $billions$ in lost manpower.
The country is finally becoming civilized.
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@ cindy you must have never served....stop watching faux liars...
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I love the military but this has got to STOP !!!
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No, Cindy, you have got to stop, and get over it. Even BARRY GOLDWATER said you don't have to be straight, you just have to shoot straight. Barry Goldwater, for all love! Are you really so dedicated to right-wing purity that you have to out-reactionary him? (Or are you so poorly informed that you don't know who I'm talking about?)
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So what's next, SEX IN PUBLIC, to a lot of people that's also a constitutional right.
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Ah, the Slippery Slope Fallacy. I was wondering when that one would rear its head.
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Look at The Netherlands if you want to see where Liberals are trying to take America. I lived in Amsterdam for 2 years, and yes I did see Public sex, in the parks on the beach and in down town Amsterdam. I found all three occasions to be disgusting and degrading. I shore don't want my kid to find out about sex by watching a crack whore making money in the back of the train station, or a man doing doggy style to his boyfriend on a bridge. This is what I have seen while living in Amsterdam. I found it to be the most degrading thing I have ever seen. How could you ever teach respect to others in such a degrading environment?
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yes, you are right. i wouldn't enjoy seeing the things that you described above.
we should all be more like the repubs in congress who solicit sex from undercover cops in airport bathrooms, and solicit sex from pages on capitol hill.
just because "liberals" see gays as deserving of civil rights, this does not mean we want to see doggy-style sex on a bridge, or anything else comparble.
how we act in public and treat others is an individual choice. the repubs are very fond of treating gays as "less than", and not deserving of civil rights. you all love to wrap yourself in the flag and suggest to those of us who support gay rights that we are sinful, and unpatriotic. yet the hypocritical repubs we have seen in washington have fought to TAKE rights from those from whom they derive their sexual pleasure.
i don't know of anyone, gay or straight, who wants to see public sex.
you tell me how giving gays civil rights, how treating them as Jesus would have treated them, is going to lead to more public sex.
get a clue.
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Ever heard of "public indecentcy" laws. The Netherlands don't have them. The US does.
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A wonderful moment, documenting real change. On the same day as Newt assured a gay man he would continue to support 2nd Class status for LGBT.
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2 Peter 2:19 They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity--"for people are slaves to whatever has mastered them."
Romans 1:28 Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done.
Corinthians 6:9-10 - "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." (NIV).
1 Corinthians 6:11 - "And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God." (NIV)
Romans 1:26-27 - "Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion." (NIV)
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Cool story bro
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I always find it terrible interesting how in spite of all the teachings of Jesus, he never speaks up against homosexuality even once. You would think if it were an issue of such great importance, then he would've given it some attention, wouldn't you?
Now there is one thing I'm curious about - and being the obviously religious person you are, perhaps you can help me out with this.
You believe that God is the creator of the world and all the people in it, correct? Now if we assume God to be all-knowing and all-mighty, then does it not fall into logic that he would know that there would eventually be homosexual people? If he was so against it, then why did he have the possibility for it to happen in the first place?
Seems quite a bit counterproductive, if you ask me; unless God, being the all-loving God that people claim he is, actually doesn't hate his own creations.
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Something very tragic has indeed happened on this day. This nation has already experienced economic decline with our economy in the toilet having a 10+% unemployment rate. We also made some bad decisions to use the taxpayer’s money to fix the problem by rewarding the companies that mismanaged their finances and some that even created some of the money losing investment bubbles, by propping them up with these funds, resulting in a national debt that is a generational problem. Then, we find out about government gun running with the weapons to Mexican drug lords program ala Eric Holder, while he is trying to disarm licensed law abiding US citizens. Now, we have the public lesbian kiss. So, add it all up. We have economic debacle, the rewarding of incompetence and crooks, dishonest government officials causing American deaths, and now moral decay. This nation needs a doctor!!! We are very sick!!! For all you people wearing the rose colored glasses: Take the stupid glasses off!!! This nation is in a downward spiral and moral decay is the last stage before a complete collapse.
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As one who views this as a sign of positive change, I guess you can throw me into that rose-colored glasses group.
Regardless, as a heterosexual male, and quite proud of it I might add, I'll keep those glasses on, thank you very much. Regardless of one's personal beliefs or values, I've always believed that humankind is united in their respective desire of wishing to love and being loved in return.
Now whether or not I agree with homosexuality, I whole heartily respect such a wish and see no reason whatsoever to stand in the way of a person's happiness and wishing to express said happiness as so many people do every day. To say that this is wrong or that it's leading into a downwards spiral of moral decay is, in my humble opinion, to deny one of the very fundamental aspects of what makes us human beings in the first place.
In the same manner as one should only shoot a gun if he/she is ready to be shot back, if you're not ready to put your right to openly display your affection for your loved one on the chopping block, please stop acting like a petulant child and condemning others simply because you don't like it.
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Conservative males who have an issue with two attractive women kissing each other... please return your hetero card.
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The real story is how did 4% of Americans force the other 96% to accept this abomination?
Once America no longer has God's Grace and Protection its doomed, and you can thank the seditious progressive democrats for its destruction.
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...So you're saying that allowing military homosexual couples to openly express themselves is going to deprive America of God's divine protection?
Alright, let's be frank. Let's assume that were true for the moment... out of all the unspeakable atrocities that have occurred within our national borders (rape, murder, mass suicides, bombings, racism, book burnings, discrimination, etc) do you reallythink this is going to be the issue that deprives America of aforementioned protection? Please take a moment and seriously consider how you respond.
Well, regardless of how utterly ridiculous and nonsensical I think such a notion is; humankind has long since held the keys to its own destruction if it so chose. We certainly don't need God's help in that.
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4%? Of what? Of whom? Cite your sources. In the meantime, look up: "argumentum ad populum," "tyranny of the majority" and "US civil liberties." Finally, religious beliefs do not belong in a logical debate. Got any more fallacious canards?
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@Ryan Ashlight
- Yes, to your first question. Society has social mores; openly displaying homosexual love has never been one of them….until now!
- No, but it doesn’t help. The Bible teaches us that God will reject the wicked when the wicked continually affront God’s Commandments.
- Civilizations throughout history have sown the seeds of their own destruction, but do we have to be the plow?
- Seditious progressive democrats support the tyranny of democracy. How else could they advance socialism without going thru the Article V. Amendment Process?
- Religious beliefs have long been welcomed into the public debate since the founding of this nation. A ‘fallacious canard’ would be the concept that the separation of church and state has some constitutional merit, it does not.
- If you are offended by Christians expressing their religion in the public square it is because of your own personal wickedness offends you.
To err is human, to forgive is divine but to be intolerant of religion is not very benign.
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@Dug Fmjamul: What you're saying must be based on the premise that you believe America to be an inherently Christian nation, correct? It's not.
That is precisely the reason why we have Separation of Church and State, so that anyone and everyone who comes to America would have religious freedom without fear of persecution. The Founding Fathers themselves had varying views on the state of Christianity and its impact on both the common man and its relevance with respect to the law.
Thomas Jefferson said: "Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the common law"
"Christianity is the most perverted system that ever shone on man".
Benjamin Franklin said: "Lighthouses are more useful that churches"
And that's not even touching the tip of this proverbial iceberg in that these men, the ones who fought like hell to draft and create the Constitution that this nation wasfounded on, knew very well that there was a difference between being a Christian and being an American.
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@Ryan Ashlight
"That is precisely the reason why we have Separation of Church and State", if such a separation exists, it exists by the tyranny of democracy and not by anything found in the Constitution...
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You're aware that human beings have and have had more than one single, homogenous society on Earth, correct? If you're referring to Western Society in the US, I assume you're also aware that our social mores once dictated that race mixing and interracial marriage were once highly taboo? And that women weren't viewed as equal to men in worth? "Until now!" Appealing to Tradition is illogical.
Good for you. But you have no right to influence the law in a free country with your particular religion as the basis.
Civilizations throughout history have sown the seeds of their own destruction, but do we have to be the plow?
Yes, civilizations have, for a myriad of complex reasons, though so far none of those reasons have had anything to do with homosexual relations or homosexual marriage. Most civlizations do not become utterly extinct, however; most of the time they scatter, evolve or transform, or are absorbed by "bigger" civilizations. And somehow, the planet still manages to turn on its axis.
Talk about Begging the Question. This rhetoric makes no sense to anyone who isn't tuned in to whatever niche, extremist newsletter you subscribe to.
Arguments supported only by reason and verifiable evidence are the backbone of meaningful public discourse, due process, science, free thought, the philosphy of the Founding Fathers, and most relevantly, the US Constitution. If you can bring in your god as "evidence" then I can bring in my god, and we end up having a war of unsubstantiated superstition, dogma, myths, and whatever the hell else pops into our heads, instead of actually engaging in the process of uncovering Truth.
If you are offended by anyone using logic and facts in the public square it is because your own personal narrow-mindedness offends you.
No one is taking away your right to believe in fairy tales. No one is taking away your churches. You don't need to hide yo wife, hide yo kids. Stop making up straw-filled bogeymen.
Desmond has his barrow in the market place, Molly is the singer in a band, Desmond says to Molly "Girl, I like your face" and Molly says this as she takes him by the hand, "Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, life goes on, la la how the life goes on."
By the way, Still waiting on what that "4%" statistic you posted means. In the meantime, chew on these:
"For the first time in Gallup's tracking of the issue, a majority of Americans (53%) believe same-sex marriage should be recognized by the law as valid, with the same rights as traditional marriages"
"According to the poll, 68 percent of Americans said they support gay and lesbians' rights to serve openly. Fifty percent said they "strongly" favored the idea.
Moreover, although many national Republicans leaders were against the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," more Republicans surveyed favor the idea of allowing gays and lesbians to serve in the armed forces openly than oppose it."
"The latest Gallup findings, Reuters reports, are in line with two earlier national polls this spring that show support for legally recognized gay marriage has gained a newfound majority among Americans."
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Seems links aren't allowed here. I linked to those poll quotes. I also linked you to www(dot) usconstitution(dot) net /consttop_reli(dot) html in resonse to this nonsense:
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we are not intolerant of religion. what we are intolerant of is people like you wrapping yourself in christianity, quoting the bible, and using it as grounds to be judgementall of others.
do you think gays expressing their love in the public square the same way that a heterosexual couple might is "wicked"?
if you are offended by gays expressing their feelings openly in the public square in the same way that a man and a woman would, it is because your own personal intolerance (wickedness) offends you.
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I like how it gets widely reported and aired all over the news when two pretty hot gay chicks hug and kiss. This is the media pushing their gay rights and gays in the military agenda. Why dont they show two big hairy sweaty grizzly bears hugging and kissing? Ill tell you why, because probably over 90% if the population would find it repulsive and it wouldnt promote their agenda. Its no accident that the two gays were good looking young women.
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She was chosen by a lottery. There's no conspiracy here, magical thinker.
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I am gladd to see the military did not step in and put a stop to this. As my father (God rest his sole) a career Army man told me the best thing ever to happen in the military was when Truman desegregated the armed serices. Just think everyone back then said it was the worst thing in the world it would not work. Well we all know what the militaries lead on this accomplished. I am not here to argue LBGT issues as my views are mine. The most important thing that should be argued is civil rights for everybody even if they don"t apply to your personal views. Thank you Navy for being civil hopefully this is the start of justice for all.
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