Poll: Do you support a strong public health care option?
I am tired of all the gas bags in washington who we elected telling everybody that we do not want a public option. I believe the insurance companies are living high on the hog and dismissing health care that people are paying for , putting all that money in their fat back pockets and telling those who pay for their insurnace coverage to go tohell. they tell our doctors what they can do and what services we get. the government can not do not worse and would give those greedy b_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, a run for their money. they the insurance companies dictate who lives and who dies, and who can have insurance and who can't. I went without insurance for a long time, now I have medicare, thank God. My children all work and still can't afford insurance for their families, that is not fair. that is morally wrong. insurance is a right for everyone in the united states of America. I am discussed with all the politicians, and those egotistical people who sit int he background and tell the legislators what they can do and not do and then pay them to vote they way they want them to, the worst part is the politicians do it. they are not looking after their constitutes they are looking out fore themselves. we should make them do without their precious health care for six months so they know what we go through.