For those of you who do not know who David Duke is, read what he would have said at his State of the Union Address had he been elected President in 2000. Also check out his web site. Chills run down my spine.
David Duke Online Radio Report 02-10-2003
by David Duke
Broadcast Date 02-10-2003
Mr. Speaker, Vice President Cheney, Members of Congress, distinguished guests, fellow citizens:
Americans have never faced a greater threat to our freedom, to our heritage and to our survival than the danger we face at this very moment.
The greatest risk we face is not from Saddam Hussein of Iraq or from Kim Jong Il of North Korea. It is not from terrorism per se. From the beginning of time the world has always been a violent place, with wars and terrorism as a chronic condition of humanity. The reason why America faces terrorism for the first time in our history comes from the fact that our government has been influenced by a foreign power intent on embroiling us in foreign conflicts. Who is this foreign power? Every one of you in this chamber knows identity of this foreign power, but none dare say it. However, your former, esteemed and courageous colleague, the Honorable Senator William Fulbright, identified the danger on the TV program Meet the Press. [1] He said that Israel controls the U.S. Senate.
Israeli agents and American traitors have led America into foreign entanglements and aggression that now make us the target of terrorism.
They and their servants have caused the American government to support the murderous and criminal actions of Israel. They support Israel’s criminal actions despite the fact that they know that by doing so America will be irreparably harmed. Those traitorous actions led directly to the horrendous attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. They have put every American, both at home and abroad, in mortal danger. And now, these traitors are destroying our precious liberties and freedoms by their very un-patriotic Patriot Act. They have led America and our way of life to the very edge of destruction.
Let me acquaint you with facts that the Jewish-dominated press in America have hidden from you. These disloyal Americans have supported a rogue regime in Israel that has murdered, maimed and crippled tens-of-thousands of people; including Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians and other Mideastern populations. Even more importantly to the people of America, Israel has also committed murderous acts of terrorism against the people of the United States.
I realize that some of you will be shocked by my use of the words “treason” and “traitors” to describe government officials who support Israel. I assure you that I do not casually use these words. I use them with deadly precision.
When I say that Israel has committed horrendous acts of terrorism against the United States, there can be no denial of this fact. Even Israel itself had to admit their treachery against us after one of its terrorist attacks against America became exposed in the Lavon Affair. Because of the overwhelming Jewish influence in America’s media, most Americans have never even heard of the Lavon Affair. Tonight, I stand before you to cut away the veil of subversion and lies woven by the Jewish-dominated media in America.
In the Lavon Affair, Jewish agents in 1956 launched terrorist bombings against American post offices, cinemas and libraries in Egypt. [2] Israel wanted to falsely blame Egypt for this terrorism and cause America to go to war against that country. It was only the premature explosion of a Jewish agent’s bomb that saved us from this plot. The failure and exposure of this Israeli terrorism led directly to the resignation of the Israeli defense minister, Pinhas Lavon. Even after this terrorist attack against the United States, traitors in the United States government continued to aid Israel with billions of our tax dollars and even with military weapons! A few years later Israel used some of those advanced weapons in another terrorist attack, a surprise military assault on an American ship.
This treason can be aptly illustrated by the events following the murderous Israeli attack on the U.S. naval ship, the USS Liberty, an attack that left 34 young Americans dead and 171 of our sailors and marines grievously maimed and wounded. Our American Secretary of State at the time, Dean Rusk, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the time, Admiral Thomas Moorer, have both testified that the attack by Israel was a deliberate and premeditated attack against America.
During the 1967 Israeli war, Israel launched a murderous attack using unmarked fighter jets and torpedo boats against our American naval ship in international waters. The heroic actions of the captain and crew of the USS Liberty saved many lives, kept the ship afloat and prevented the further nightmare of America launching a war against an innocent nation.[3] The heroic Commander of the Liberty, James McDougal later won America’s highest military honor, the Congressional Medal of Honor, for his courage during the Israeli attack. Two of the survivors of the USS Liberty are here tonight. They are James M. Ennes, USS Liberty veteran and author, and Phillip F. Tourney, current President of the USS Liberty Veterans Association. Both of these men, as well has their fellow survivors of this attack, have worked hard to expose this Israeli act of terrorism and to expose the treason that has kept most of the facts hidden from the American people. I ask them to stand so we can honor them.
In both the USS Liberty and Lavon Affair terrorist attacks, Israel committed murderous terrorist acts against America with a plan meant to falsely blame Egypt so as to provoke a war against that country.
Jewish supremacy over the media kept the American people from learning about these treacherous acts while traitors in our government kept billions of our tax dollars flowing to this rogue nation even after these horrific attacks against us. America continued to supply this terrorist, enemy attacker with our own military weapons, the same kinds of military weapons Israel used to attack the USS Liberty.
The extent of Zionist infiltration and treason is so great that even after this foreign power attacked and murdered our sons on the Liberty, Zionist traitors were able to block Congressional inquiry into this horrendous act of betrayal and murder against us. For forty-four years they prevailed. But, I am here tonight to tell you that this President and the American people will no longer permit such treason to go on. I announce tonight the launching of a formal Congressional investigation into the terrorist, surprise attack on the USS Liberty.
After the attack on Pearl Harbor, any U.S. government officials who would have tried to cover up the Japanese attack or tried to give American military aid to Japan would have been rightly tried and executed as traitors to the United States. Those traitors who have tried to cover up Israel’s treachery in the attack on the Liberty and who continued to support Israel after its dastardly acts of war against America should be treated in the same way.
The reason why this kind of treason can prosper in the United States is a result of the overwhelming power that the Zionists and their accomplices have in the mass media of the United States. For instance, there was no outrage from the Jewish-dominated media after Israel attacked the USS Liberty and no condemnation of the traitors that worked to keep Congress from formally investigating this vicious attack. Mr. Speaker, I am announcing tonight that I am directing the Attorney General of the United States to begin an investigation and prosecution of those U.S. officials who treasonously helped cover up this infamy, the most murderous assault on an American vessel in peace time since the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Israel would not even exist except for the billions of American tax dollars that have flowed to it, and yet Israeli treachery against our nation continues without pause. Long after the attack on the USS Liberty; Israel has continued to betray us with spies such as Jonathan Pollard. Many American CIA officials have testified that Pollard and Israel did more direct harm to the security of the United States than any other spy case in history. [4]
Israel sold Pollard’s stolen American intelligence information to our greatest enemy at that time, the Soviet Union. Israel’s treachery devastated our intelligence network and led directly to the murder of many of our operatives in Europe. The Pollard case, though, is not an isolated incident of Israeli treachery against us. It goes on right up to this very moment.
Israeli-sponsored, American treason is still going on today as it has for decades. Over the past three years, dutiful and courageous members of the FBI, CIA, Secret Service and DEA cracked the largest foreign espionage ring ever discovered in the United States. A huge spy ring of hundreds of Israelis worked to penetrate the highest echelons of American intelligence agencies and the American military. [5] About 200 Israeli agents were apprehended for attempting to penetrate the Justice Department, U.S. judiciary, military bases, FBI, DEA, INS and CIA. [6]
Some members of this Israeli spy ring had for many months shadowed half of the 9-11 hijackers as well as the hijacker leader, Mohammed Atta. Five of these Israeli spies were so closely watching Mohammed Atta that they actually lived on his same street in Hollywood, Florida.
We also know that Israeli intelligence had penetrated the entire telephone system of the United States. In treason upon treason, an Israeli company was given the contract to conduct official wiretaps of all U.S. government surveillance. Yes, you heard me correctly.
An Israeli company with direct funding from the Israeli government and ties to the Mossad was given the contract to provide all of the surveillance and wiretaps conducted by the United States government! In other words, Israel had the technical ability to wiretap almost any telephone line in the United States, and that included tapping the lines of U.S. law enforcement personnel! This is same Israeli government that so recently spied on us and damaged us by Jonathan Pollard’s espionage. In fact, the record shows that a powerful Israeli drug ring in the United States escaped punishment because of this Israeli control over our phone systems. This Israeli firm tapped the telephone communications of the law enforcement personnel investigating this drug ring. [7]
I will now address the fact that the FBI and CIA have direct evidence of Israeli complicity in the 911 attack. Let me recount some of it for you. In the first few moments of the attack on the World Trade Center, five men were caught filming and wildly celebrating this murderous carnage against America. They were arrested with false passports, large sums of cash and a number of box cutters in their van! They were apprehended by the FBI and discovered to be Israeli agents. (After their release they later fled to Israel). The FBI held them for months and they all failed lie detector tests. Why did these Israeli agents, during the first few moments of the World Trade Center attack, cheer the horrendous murder and carnage unless they knew who was responsible and who would be blamed? They believed that the September 11 attack would be good for Israel.
Although the previous President in his State of the Union Address of two years ago stated that 130 Israelis died in the attack, you may be surprised to learn that not a single Israeli citizen died in the World Trade Center. This is in spite of the fact that the Jerusalem Post reported on the morning after the attack that 4000 Israelis were believed to be in the area of the World Trade Center. [8] The New York Times later reduced the 130 casualties to one, [9] and today, most news media accounts of the victims by nation list no Israeli casualties at all. No Israeli casualties in the WTC is simply a mathematical impossibility unless there was Israeli prior warning to at least some of the Israelis at the WTC. Ten days after Bush’s State of the Union Speech, the FBI confirmed that warning messages of the impending attack were received by an Israeli firm, Odigo, at its offices in both Israel and in the World Trade Center. [10]
The evidence is clear that Israel knew the details of the World Trade Center attack well in advance, and then purposely and treacherously warned some of its nationals but did not warn us. By doing so, Israel is directly responsible for the thousands of American deaths, deaths that could have easily been prevented. You see, Israel wanted the 911 carnage to ensure American support for Ariel Sharon’s escalation of war agenda of the Palestinian people, and also to further his war aims against Israel’s most powerful enemies; Iraq and Iran. Israel seeks to decimate any country that could challenge its supremacy in the Mideast, and they are using our money, our weapons and the very lives of our young men to achieve that supremacy.
Now, these Zionist traitors are trying to get us into a new and unjust war against their enemies, just as they had attempted the same through terrorism in 1956 and 1967. This time their target is Iraq, the nation they fear can challenge their military power in the Mideast. But the truth is, unlike Israel, the Iraqis have committed no terrorist acts against the United States.
Let’s look at the call for war against Iraq that comes from the Zionist traitors in the media and government.
They want us to start a war which may well cost thousands of American lives, cost hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives and hundreds of billions of American dollars. Ultimately, it will make most of the world hate us. It is a war that will not make us more secure from terrorism but more certain to suffer from it. Ultimately, it will make us and our children less safe. In every way you can imagine, this is a war against America, not for America, because this war will do irreparable harm to our country.
How do these Zionist warmongers justify this war?
They say Iraq has, quote, “Weapons of Mass Destruction.”
It is true that Iraq might well have a few Weapons of Mass Destruction, but if we are going bomb every nation that has such weapons, we will have to start by bombing Israel. The fact is we know with complete certainty that Israel has enormous stashes of Weapons of Mass Destruction. For instance, Israel has about 400 nuclear warheads, far more than they could ever possibly need in any war against Arabs. The only need for such weapons would be to blackmail and threaten Europe and America.
The courageous Israeli nuclear scientist, Mordechai Vanunu, now sits in Israeli prison for daring to expose these Israeli Weapons of Mass Destruction. Through espionage and theft, Israel stole atomic secrets and materials from the United States. Another courageous Israeli, the former Mossad officer, Victor Ostrovsky, revealed to the world that not only does Israel have a huge chemical and biological weapons programs; they have tested these horrendous weapons on Palestinian prisoners. And, not only does Israel have one the world’s largest stashes of chemical and biological weapons, it also has the means to deliver them. They have long range missiles, supersonic aircraft and even submarines which enable Israel to strike with nuclear or biological weapons at almost any target in the world. Saddam has no such capability.
The Jewish supremacists in government and media tell us that Iraq has a ruthless leader who might use these weapons against us.
The truth is that in an interview with Israeli journalist Amos Oz, Ariel Sharon has threatened to start World War Three! Here is what he said in his own words:
“…Let them be aware in Washington, Moscow, Damascus and China that if one of our ambassadors is shot, or even a consul or the most junior embassy official, we might start World War Three just like that!”[11]
A prominent Israeli Professor at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Martin Van Crevel recently advocated the forcible deportation and the ethnic cleansing of all the Palestinians from Israel and the West Bank. He went on to say that Israel shouldn’t worry about European or American objections because Israel has the capability of hitting most European capitals with nuclear weapons. “We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets of our air force.” He went on to say that Israel should follow the advice of former Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan who said that “Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.” In light of these facts, my fellow Americans, who is the real danger to the world’s peace and security, Ariel Sharon or Saddam Hussein?
The advocates of war say that Iraq is hiding weapons from UN inspectors.
The truth is that we cannot be sure that Iraq has such weapons; but, at least Iraq allows UN inspections and UN inspectors to go anywhere they want in Iraq. Israel, on the other hand, will not allow any inspections of their huge nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs. In fact, Israel will not even allow a United Nations commission to investigate its recent mass murder of Palestinian civilians at Jenin.
The Zionist warmongers say that Iraq has invaded another nation (Kuwait) and then violated UN resolutions to withdraw from it; and therefore we cannot trust them and must launch a massive attack and invasion against them now.
The fact is that Iraq was severely punished for their Kuwait war, and they have not attacked any other nation since. In its short history, Israel has invaded many sovereign nations, such as its invasion of Lebanon, where Israelis killed tens of thousands of civilians, tortured tens of thousands more in their prisons, destroyed at least 100,000 homes and bombed much the ancient city of Beirut to rubble. Israeli troops oversaw the mass murder of hundreds of men, women and children in their concentration camps. Israel also invaded the West Bank of Palestine and Gaza over 35 years ago and still continues to this day a brutal military occupation suppressing the three million men, women and children who live there.
Israel is at this very moment in violation of many United Nations resolutions, including many supported by the United States, such as requiring Israel to halt the building of settlements in the occupied territories, and withdraw. Even after 35 years of brutal military occupation, Israel still thumbs its nose at both the United States and the United Nations. In fact, Israel has violated far more United Nations resolutions than has Iraq. But previous American administrations did not threaten to bomb or put economic sanctions against Israel, they just sent Israel more billions of our tax dollars and the very weapons they use to perpetrate their murderous, criminal actions.
My fellow Americans, I do not exaggerate in saying Israel has committed terrible crimes against humanity. Israel’s recently reelected leader, Ariel Sharon, is a bon-a-fide war criminal. Even an official Israeli investigative commission found him to have personal responsibility for the murder of 1,500 men, women and Children at the Shatila and Sabre concentration camps. [12] This mass murderer, Ariel Sharon, has also killed thousands of civilians through the devastating invasion of Lebanon and the bombing of one of the most ancient and historic cities of the world: Beirut.
Let me show you how far these traitors to the United States will go in using us to strike at Israel’s enemies, and how this so harms America. I will now speak about one of the darkest and shameful actions in the history of America. Over the past ten years, they have used our government to purposely cause the deaths of hundreds of thousands of children. Such a crime against humanity does not only strike at the victims but dearly harms the people of the United States itself.
In the first Gulf War, we drove Iraqi forces from Kuwait and inflicted a devastating punishment and defeat on Iraq with the death at least 100 thousand of its soldiers and civilians and destruction of 90 percent of its military arsenal. Instead of being the kind and generous victor America has been in previous wars; under Zionist influence we continued to punish the people of Iraq long after the shooting stopped.
You see, we didn’t personally punish Saddam Hussein, he still basks in the luxury provided by his office, but we did terribly punish the most innocent people of Iraq. We directly caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of children, the elderly and the sick. We enforced onerous sanctions and embargoes against Iraq that even halted the flow of medicine and food to Iraq’s suffering civilian population. A United Nations study estimated that over one million civilians, mostly the elderly and children, died from starvation and lack of medical supplies after the end of military hostilities.
Some Americans might think that what I’m saying just can’t be true. We certainly don’t want to believe that America would directly cause the death of hundreds of thousands of children. But, tragically, it is true. The Secretary of State at the time was the Madeline Albright, one of the many Jewish supremacists with high positions in the U.S. government. Albright appeared on the TV program 60 Minutes on May 11, 1996 and was asked by Lesley Stahl about the horrendous death toll caused by our embargo against Iraq. I will quote to you her exact words.
Lesley Stahl, speaking of US sanctions against Iraq: “We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And — and you know, is the price worth it?”
Madeline Albright: “I think this is a very hard choice, but the price — we think the price is worth it.”[13]
My fellow Americans, as your President it pains me to quote the callous words of the former Secretary of State of the United States of America, the exceedingly Jewish, Madeline Albright. If Saddam Hussein or anyone charged by the World Court had uttered that statement, our government spokesmen would show it to the world as proof of his guilt. To think that an American official would announce to the world that America caused the death of 500,000 children and that these deaths were quote, “worth it,” is the most shameful and un-American act that I can imagine.
Any other national figure in world who said such would face trial for crimes against humanity. My fellow Americans, now do you realize why America has become so hated. We rightfully mourn the loss our 2600 Americans who died on 911, and we call for punishment of the perpetrators. How do you think the rest of the world reacts to America causing the death of 500,000 children? I think it is no accident that 911 happened after our embargo directly led to a death toll of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children and elderly. Even Osama Bin Laden himself in interviews before 911 stated that the death toll of children in Iraq was one of the chief motivations for his campaign against America.[14] Now do you realize why those hijackers of 911 and thousands more around the world are even willing to sacrifice their lives to get at us!
Now don’t get me wrong. I believe that we must punish anyone in the world who causes the deaths of Americans no matter what their motivation. But, this must apply not only to the Osama bin Laden’s of the world, but also to the traitors to America who have created the bin Laden’s and Atta’s of the world. And, if bin Laden should be hunted down for terrorism against America, then so should we hunt down the Israeli terrorists who attacked the USS Liberty and the Israelis who were accessories to the 911 attack itself. We bombed and invaded Afghanistan. Yet, the Israelis certainly had more complicity in the 911 attack than the government of Afghanistan. There absolutely no evidence that the Taliban had any prior knowledge of the 911 attack or could have done anything to prevent it. That certainly is not true of Israel.
The 200 Israeli spies I told you about earlier, instead of being prosecuted for espionage, were set free and allowed to return to Israel. Some of those released were the Israeli spies who monitored and wiretapped the hijackers themselves. Ask yourself, “Why were these spies let go?” Their testimony is vital to any complete investigation of 911, but now due to treasonous actions by this Zionist agent of the Terrorism Task Force in the Justice Department, Michael Chertoff, they are out of reach forever in Israel. The obvious reason why the Israeli spies were let go is, of course, that if they had been charged on serious espionage charges, some of them would have surely cooperated with the government, and the American people would have learned about the Israeli treachery in the 911 attacks.
The traitors holding high positions in our government could not afford to be so exposed, so these foreign spies were let go. I announce to you tonight, that I, effectively immediately, do dismiss the current head of terrorism investigations and the criminal division of the Justice Department, one Mr. Michael Chertoff, and ask the Attorney General to initiate a criminal investigation into Chertoff’s release of the 200 Israeli spies apprehended in 2001 and 2002.
I can imagine the ranting of the Jewish-controlled press right after my speech tonight. They will say that I am un-American to bring up these things, No, my fellow Americans, I love America…I love America so much that I demand that the American government do what is right and what is moral. I love America so much that I, as your President, will not permit the continuation of the immoral and murderous actions that the Jewish supremacists and traitors have fostered upon us.
It is also true that we Americans will end up suffering terrible consequences unless we do what is right. What goes around comes around. The government of the United States is supposed to be our servant, but instead we have allowed it to be our master, and this master has been controlled by a foreign power. We must make our government do what is right and moral, not only for the sake of morality itself, and to lessen human suffering, but in the sure knowledge that doing wrong against other nations will eventually bring harm our own people.
I say this to the nation of Iraq, and especially to the poor children of Iraq, for many thousands of them still suffer from our embargo with disease and malnutrition. This carnage was not the true American spirit, but incited by traitors to every principle our nation was founded upon. If the American people had been truly aware of these atrocities, we would never have permitted such an outrage. As President of the United States, this obscenity will end now. That is the most moral and patriotic thing we can do as Americans.
As of this moment, if Iraq agrees to continue to allow current inspections, I will completely lift the embargo against it. I have instructed my Secretary of State to begin a dialogue with the Iraqi leader to usher our nations into a new era of diplomacy and friendship.
I have also issued an executive order immediately halting any monetary or military aid to the nation of Israel and demanding the immediate repayment of all loans granted to the Israeli state.
Furthermore, I have instructed my Secretary of State to propose to the United Nations that Israel be required to account for and destroy its huge cache of Weapons of Mass Destruction, including nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. Furthermore, Israel must allow full and unfettered UN inspections to insure the destruction of these weapons. If not, Israel will face an economic embargo and blockade of everything but food and medicine. We will show more kindness to the children of Israel than the Jewish supremacists have shown to the children of Iraq.
I also will seek at the next meeting of the United Nations Security Council to sponsor an order putting teeth into former UN resolutions calling for Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories. Israel must immediately vacate the occupied territories acquired in the 1967 war and return precisely to its borders of 1967 or face sanctions and embargo. In addition, Israel will be required to appear before an International Tribunal to fairly determine and reimburse any Palestinian family who has lost homes or other property to Israeli destruction. Furthermore, I propose that the United States must immediately make formal recognition of the new and sovereign state of Palestine.
I also will support international efforts to bring the Prime Minister of Israel, Arial Sharon, before an international tribunal for his numerous crimes against humanity.
Now, my fellow Americans, let us turn away from the Zionist occupation of the West Bank and address a more serious question for all Americans: the Zionist occupation of the East Bank of the Potomac. There is no greater threat to the American people than the control of our Government and much of our mass media by an alien, foreign power.
I have endeavored here tonight to show you why we suffer terrorism today, and why we must prevent, as far as humanly possible, the reasons for which we suffer from such attacks. The former President of the United States told us the big lie that we were attacked because the men of September 11 hated freedom. No my friends, we are hated not because we are free, but because we are not.
We are hated because a foreign power and its agents have usurped the most powerful positions in the American political process and media establishment and poisoned the hearts and minds of America. We were attacked because this alien power has set this nation on a path destined to harm the safety, security and freedom of the American people.
On what principle is America founded? You can find in the title of our most sacred founding document, the Declaration of Independence. The United States declared just that, our intention to be independent. That is the idea that every people, and most importantly to us, our own people have a right to have an independent government, a government of, by and for the people, a government solely dedicated to our own well-being and acting solely on our own behalf, not controlled or influenced by any foreign power.
The events of the last few decades show that this most sacred principle of our country has been lost. For instance, how can it be that we allow the most powerful lobby, the most powerful force in the American political process be controlled by a foreign power? The Israeli Lobby, is not only the most powerful lobby, it is the lobby that no American politician dare stand against and survive. Is it not a scandal that hardly a single Congressman or Senator in the United States government dares to call for an end to military aid to Israel, even after that nation committed terrorism against us in the Lavon Affair and the attack on the Liberty, even after the treachery of Jonathan Pollard and the recent huge Israeli spy ring and its complicity in the 911 attack.
As former Senator Fulbright warned us, how can we allow a foreign power to control the most powerful and senior body of the United States Government? Is that independence? Is that freedom? Tonight, I urge every American to dedicate himself to American Independence!
Now, ladies and gentlemen, we must deal frankly with the Jewish Question. The Jewish-dominated press tells us that any opposition to Jewish supremacy over American political and social life is quote, “anti-Semitism.”
Actually, we don’t oppose every Jew anymore than during the First Gulf War we opposed every individual Iraqi. We oppose only the Jewish supremacists who control Israel and the major Jewish communities around the world. To oppose Jewish supremacism is not anti-Semitism, it is simply self-defense. It is a policy not only good for us, but it is ultimately good for most Jews as well, because if their evil goes unchecked, these Jewish supremacists will cause massive anti-Semitic reactions. Look at the tremendous anti-Jewish feeling that has erupted all over the world from the evil done by Jewish supremacists against the Palestinians and Lebanese.
It is not “anti-Semitism” to show how the leaders of the most powerful Jewish organizations in America and around the world have their true allegiance to Israel rather than to the nations in which they live. You have been told by the Jewish-dominated press that this is untrue, that powerful Jewish leaders are generally good and patriotic Americans. Well, I quote to you tonight from one of the powerful Jews in the United States. His name is Dr. Stephen Steinlight. His words come from an article he wrote very recently, in October of 2001 titled “The Jewish Stake in America’s Changing Demographics.”
Steinlight is no minor Jewish figure. He served for five years as the Director of National Affairs (domestic policy) in the most powerful and respected Jewish organization in the United States, the American Jewish Committee. In this article written for his fellow Jews, Steinlight admits his rampant Jewish supremacism and disloyalty to America. I will let him speak for himself. I quote:
I’ll confess it, at least, like thousands of other typical Jewish kids of my generation, I was reared as a Jewish nationalist, even a quasi-separatist. Every summer for two months for 10 formative years during my childhood and adolescence I attended Jewish summer camp. There, each morning, I saluted a foreign flag, dressed in a uniform reflecting its colors, sang a foreign national anthem, learned a foreign language, learned foreign folk songs and dances, and was taught that Israel was the true homeland. Emigration to Israel was considered the highest virtue, and, like many other Jewish teens of my generation, I spent two summers working in Israel on a collective farm while I contemplated that possibility. More tacitly and subconsciously, I was taught the superiority of my people to the gentiles who had oppressed us. We were taught to view non-Jews as untrustworthy outsiders, people from whom sudden gusts of hatred might be anticipated, people less sensitive, intelligent, and moral than ourselves…[15]
Now, if anybody else but a Jewish leader would have said what Steinlight said, he would be called anti-Semitic and mercilessly condemned in our media. I am sure that tomorrow I will be condemned in America’s Jewish-dominated press as an anti-Semite simply for quoting Steinlight’s stark admission of disloyalty and his clear Jewish supremacism. Notice that Steinlight admits how he was taught, as quote “typical Jewish kids of his generation,” that Jews are superior to Gentiles, and that Gentiles are, quote, “less sensitive, intelligent and moral.”
In his article he accurately credits Jewish organizations for changing America’s immigration laws and flooding America with non-Europeans. He’s right about that fact. Jewish groups were clearly the most dominant and powerful force behind the scrapping of the centuries-old American immigration laws. Jewish leaders actually brag about their preeminent role in breaking down our immigration laws.
From the very time of the origin of the Constitution, American immigration law has sought to keep America an overwhelmingly European nation. These immigration laws were intact all the way to the relatively recent year of 1965. Jewish supremacists were the leaders of a 50 year effort to overturn those laws and purposely destroy the racial fabric of America. It wasn’t that they truly believed in multiculturalism. They saw multi-racialism, multiculturalism as simply a weapon in their war for supremacy over the American Republic.
Note the hypocrisy, the diabolical duality of Mr. Steinlight and these Jewish supremacists. While Jews were busy trying to destroy the solidarity and political, social and cultural dominance of Gentile, European-Americans in the United States, at the very same time they fostered extreme Jewish supremacism among Jews, and supported the establishment of the Jewish supremacist nation of Israel.
In the height of treachery and hypocrisy, they actively subverted the government of the United States, aiming to make European Americans a minority in our own country. They destroyed our heritage and our group loyalty in order to gain control over America and use it to support the most racist nation on earth: Israel. Israel has the strictest immigration laws in the world, and many other laws meant to create and maintain absolute Jewish supremacy in Israel.
Indeed, in Palestine, massive Jewish immigration, racial supremacism and Jewish solidarity were used to overcome the Palestinian people. Jewish supremacists try to undermine the heritage, traditions, culture and solidarity of every people among whom they dwell, not only Europeans. They know that they can reign supreme in any nation by remaining united and focused on their own agenda while promoting a rootless, multicultural Babylon wherever they live. Steinlight in his article puts it quite succinctly and straightforwardly to his fellow Jews when he says:
For perhaps another generation, an optimistic forecast, the Jewish community is thus in a position where it will be able to divide and conquer and enter into selective coalitions that support our agenda.[16]
You see, Jewish supremacism is based on a great lie, a great deception, one that is perhaps the most sinister in the history of the world. Jewish supremacists understand that if they promote their own solidarity and objectives while destroying the solidarity and self-interest of the people among whom they dwell, they will reign supreme. It is comparable to the power of a united and organized team on a football field competing against opposing players who are aimless individuals taught that it is evil to support their own team.
Are you beginning to see what has happened to our country, my fellow Americans? Now do you understand why our team is losing and their team is winning?
I know that even by saying this, I will be accused of being a racist or supremacist. The ones who will inevitably invoke that slander will be those like Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League of the B’nai B’rith, a man who supports the most racist and supremacist nation on earth, Israel!
Listen my countrymen, I am not a supremacist. I am not like the Jewish supremacists who want to rule not only Tel Aviv, but also New York, Washington, DC, London, Paris, Berlin and Moscow. Indeed, they want dominance over the whole world through their globalism. I don’t want to suppress anyone, but I certainly want to preserve my heritage as an American.
I am proud of my European heritage and I deeply love my culture, my traditions and my Christian faith. I do not hate others. In fact, I respect other nations and their own unique heritages. I am just saying that we have the right for our nation to go on as our forefathers created it. Our country is overwhelmingly a European-American and Christian nation; and by God, we have a right to preserve that heritage, just as every people and nation has that fundamental right. For simply stating such a natural and simple principle, we are hypocritically branded as racists or supremacists by the true racial supremacists: the Zionists.
The fact is, if we don’t stop this Jewish-promoted, massive non-European immigration, our children will walk as strangers in their own land. Our children will be a besieged minority in a land unrecognizable to our forefathers. For example, I can cite what happened in my own racially-transformed city of New Orleans. The school board actually removed George Washington’s name from a public school after he was branded as an immoral example for children. What has happened to America when a public school can’t be named after the father of our country?
In some parts of America even today, especially in the Southwest, if your child speaks English, he or she may well be at a big disadvantage in schools and in cities where Spanish has become the dominant language. Mexican Reconquista organizations openly promote the conquest and break off of about a quarter of the United States as the new nation of Aztlan. I greatly respect those of Spanish descent, and consider Spain a full-partner in European civilization and culture, but most of this tidal wave of immigration from the south isn’t even truly Spanish or European. What America faces is a question of sovereignty and survival of our national identity and our heritage itself.
Think about Mr. Steinlight’s words. He writes about how the Jewish community can quote, “Divide and conquer.” The ultimate weapon employed by Jewish supremacists is promotion of racial, ethnic and religious diversity. Having many competing ethnic and groups helps them “divide and conquer” and reign supreme! I pray that both conservatives and liberals can finally wake up to this fact. The destruction of European-American unity and consciousness has directly led to Jewish supremacy over our culture and our government. They preach multiculturalism for us because it is a divisive weapon used to create their own supremacy.
The truth is that Palestinians and the entire Islamic world must come to realize that they became America’s enemy only because they are the Zionist’s enemy. Had the Jewish supremacists never gained control over the American media and politics, and had European-Americans more actively defended our heritage, culture and rights from the Jewish supremacists, Palestine would still be populated and governed by Palestinian Christians and Moslems. The truth is that Palestine will never be liberated until the American people are liberated.
The precious heritage and the freedom that our forefathers won is now threatened with annihilation. The founding element of our society is now being lost to low birthrates and massive immigration. The unique and beautiful heritage of European-Americans is threatened with genocide. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language defines genocide as:
“The systematic and planned extermination of an entire national, racial, political or ethnic group.”
Let me repeat, our people are threatened with genocide, the systematic extermination of our entire race. We are already witnessing the systematic eradication of our culture and traditions, as well as demographic changes designed to reduce European-Americans to a small minority in America. This same process now proceeds in all countries that are predominantly of European descent. Although this may sound fantastic to many Americans, these demographic changes occurring in America and Europe are not accidental, but are a result of a systematic effort by Jewish supremacists both in America and Europe to eliminate our people and destroy our sense of unity and heritage. It is similar to their efforts to flood Jewish settlers into the West Bank and eventually reduce the Palestinians to a small and oppressed minority. But, they seek much more than domination over the Palestinians, they seek, and they are achieving, domination over the world.
This is truly the greatest threat to the American people. Indeed, it is also the greatest threat to Europe and to the all the peoples on Earth. The New World Order, the globalism driven by Jewish supremacists, is advancing like a dark, evil shadow over the earth. Ultimately, its triumph would mean the eradication of every unique and beautiful people and culture on the earth. It is a creed that will also destroy the health of the earth’s environment and humanity’s freedom.
The greatest freedom always lies in the smallest governments, those that are the closest to the people. Why should Washington, or Berlin or Moscow, Buenos Airies or any far away capitol tell the people of say Saskatchewan, Canada how they should live, what laws they should have, how much their taxes should be, what their children should be taught in school. World government will crush freedom as surely as a bulldozer would crush a flower. I tell you that the Jewish supremacists who dominate the United States are now not only dedicated to destroying the Palestinian people, they are destroying our own people, our own heritage, our own liberty; and they want to use our government, our money and the blood of our young men to install and enforce this New World Order of Jewish supremacy. That is what is really going on with their proposed war in Iraq.
Jewish supremacist government officials such as Fleisher, Perle and Wolfowitz, Israeli agents who are probably fleeing to Israel at this very moment as I speak, have for years been telling us that the war against Iraq will be just the beginning of a new World War. No, we will call a halt to this evil war right now.
I address you tonight to tell you that, as your President, I will continue to move America toward a just path, a peaceful path. At home, I will move to restore our sacred freedom and independence, and enact measures to defend our culture, our heritage and our borders. Tonight, I, as Commander-in-Chief of America’s armed forces, have issued orders for our troops now deployed in the Mideast to return home and immediately be redeployed on our border with Mexico. It is time to enforce our immigration laws and defend the integrity and well-being of our own country.
I also am instructing the new Office of Homeland Security to begin to root out the Zionist traitors who have so deeply penetrated the highest echelons of our government.
I am determined that the American government become once again dedicated to putting America first. America should not be the world’s policemen. Our nation should be a beacon to the world by the example we set right here at home. Real Americans don’t want to be world’s master. We simply want to be the master in our own house. We don’t want the hegemony, or the uniformity and the burdens of empire, we want to thrive and flourish in our own unique qualities and character and heritage, those beautiful traditions and rights and values possessed by the American people. These are the principles upon which America was built. These are the enduring pillars of America that must be restored.
Jesus Christ tells us “what profit a man to gain the whole world but to lose his own soul.”
That same principle is true for a nation as well as for an individual. Our focus as Americans should not be on the megalomania expressed in dreams of empire, but on concern for the very heart and soul of our country. If we are healthy and strong, moral and just, America will become what our forefathers envisioned.
As an American, I want America to be healed and made free, just as Palestinians desire the same for their own homeland. Join me in the colossal effort ahead to restore America’s freedom, independence and heritage. I believe that by this patriotic work we will not only bring great blessings for our own people, but for the whole world.
Good night and God Bless You All!