
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Romney Story Time Line from 02/07 - 02/08/2012

This time line if from yesterday morning until 1:00 am this morning. I could not possibly cover all the stories, so I did a time line with links to all articles.

0:53 AM – Today
Embarrassing For Romney
@ cschweitz : At this point, it's just embarrassing for @MittRomney. He's been running since the 2008 election. How has he not lost all his self esteem?

0:46 AM – Today
@ michaelpfalcone : 4 years ago Romney won 45 of Minnesota's 87 counties, this year he's on track to lose all of them

0:12 AM – Today
Mitt Romney -- Unlike Newt Gingrich -- Congratulates The Winner
When Newt Gingrich gave his election night speech in Florida, he didn't acknowledge that he had lost. He also never congratulated Mitt Romney, who won that state.
Romney was more gracious in his defeat on Tuesday, congratulating Rick Santorum, who had already won Minnesota and Missouri. (The results in Colorado have not yet been announced.)
"I expect to become our nominee with your help. So I want to congratulate all of my fellow Republicans, particularly Sen. Santorum, and I look forward to the contest to come," he said.
Much of Romney's speech was devoted to memories of his father, George Romney, who was head of American Motors Corp. and governor of Michigan. While Romney often invokes the lessons of his father on the trail, he used his story in a more personal way Tuesday to talk about his vision of America:
My father never graduated from college. He apprenticed, as a lath and plaster carpenter, and he's pretty good at it. He actually could take a handful of nails, stick them in his mouth and spit them out, pointy end forward. On his honeymoon, he put aluminum paint in the truck of the car and sold it along the way to pay for the gas and the hotels. There were a lot reasons my father could have given up or set his sights lower. But my dad believed in America. And in the America that he believed in, a lath and plaster guy could work up to become head of a car company. And a guy who had sold aluminum paint out of his car, could end up being governor in one of the states where he sold that aluminum paint.
For my dad and for hundreds of thousands, millions of others like him -- like my mom as well -- this was the land of opportunity, where the circumstance of birth was no barrier to achieving one's dreams. In dad's America, small business, entrepreneurs -- these were encouraged and respected.
The spirit of enterprise, innovation and derring-do propelled our standard of living and our economy passed every other nation on earth. I refuse to believe that America is just another place on the map with a flag. We stand for freedom and hope and opportunity.
-- Amanda Terkel

11:56 PM – 02/07/2012
Romney's Full Remarks The following are Mitt Romney's remarks as prepared for delivery:
Thank you, Colorado! I congratulate my fellow Republicans, and I look forward to the contests to come. We will take our message of liberty and prosperity to every corner of the country. And when this primary season is over, we will stand united to defeat Barack Obama and restore the values that have made America the greatest nation on earth.
Three years ago, Barack Obama came to Colorado to accept his Party’s nomination. He rented out a huge stadium. He hauled in some Styrofoam Greek columns and two giant screens to set the mood. On that big stage in Denver, he made some even bigger promises.
He said the “Democrats have a very different measure of what constitutes progress."
Under his definition, progress would be measured by "how many people can find a job that pays a mortgage."
More Americans have lost their jobs during President Obama’s term than during any other in modern history. And more Americans have lost their homes during President Obama’s term than during any other in modern history. Under his own definition, President Obama has failed. We will succeed!
In that same speech in Denver, candidate Obama said progress would be determined by “whether the average American family saw its income go up … instead of down." During the last four years, the median income has fallen by around 10%. Under his own definition, President Obama has failed. We will succeed!
Candidate Obama went on to say that we could measure progress by "whether someone with a good idea can take a risk and start a business.” Have you seen what's happened to small business? Last year, under President Obama, there were almost 100,000 fewer new business start-ups than there were three years before. By his own definition, President Obama has failed. We will succeed!
Candidate Obama said we could see progress in “an economy that honors the dignity of work.” Under President Obama, the average duration of unemployment has more than doubled and 14 million more people are on food stamps. By his own definition, President Obama has failed. We will succeed!
This week, President Obama said that he deserves a second term because, and I quote, “We’ve made progress.” No, Mr. President, under the definition of progress you described here four years ago, you have not made progress.
Three years ago, President Obama said that if he couldn’t turn the economy around in three years, he’d be looking at a one-term proposition. Truer words could not have been spoken.
This is a moment when our country cries out for fundamental change and reform. Washington cannot reform itself and Washington will never be reformed by those who have been compromised by the culture of Washington. This is a clear choice. I am the only person in this race – Republican or Democrat – who has never served a day in Washington. In the world I come from, leadership is starting a business, not trying to get a bill out of a subcommittee.
I have said over and over that this campaign is about more than just replacing a President – it’s about saving the soul of America. We all know in our hearts that soul is corrupted by a Washington culture of reckless spending, voting to raise your own pay, and saying you support term limits but always running for re-election. It’s that Washington that we must change. This is not a moment when we can continue to do business as usual. This is not a moment when we can expect those in Washington to realize suddenly that they have been wrong and next time they will get it right.
I stand before you ready to lead this party and this nation. I have led businesses. I have led an Olympics. I have led a state.
President Obama says he is learning. We say, he is learning too little and too late. The presidency is not the place to learn how to lead. It is a place to exercise the judgment and leadership that has been learned over a lifetime.
I know that many of us are concerned about our future. Over the last thirty years, I can't tell you how many times I've heard a situation is hopeless or a long list of all the reasons something can't be done. But I've never been very good at listening to those people and I've always enjoyed proving them wrong.
It's one of the lessons I learned from dad.
My father never graduated from college. He apprenticed, as a lath and plaster carpenter, and he was darn good at it. He learned how to put a handful of nails in his mouth and spit them out, point forward. On his honeymoon, he and Mom drove across the country. Dad sold aluminum paint along the way, to pay for gas and hotels. There were a lot reasons my father could have given up or set his sights lower. But Dad always believed in America; and in that America, a lath and plaster man could work his way up to running a little car company called American Motors and end up Governor of a state where he had once sold aluminum paint. For my Dad, America was the land of opportunity, where the circumstances of birth are no barrier to achieving ones dreams. In Dad's America, small business and entrepreneurs were encouraged, and respected. The spirit of enterprise, innovation, pioneering and derring-do propelled our standard of living and economy past every other nation on earth. I refuse to believe that America is just another place on the map with a flag. We stand for freedom and opportunity and hope. These last few years have not been the best of times. But while we've lost a few years, we have not lost our way. The principles that made us a great nation and leader of the world have not lost their meaning. They never will. We know we can bring this country back.
I believe in America. And so do you.
This election, let’s fight for the America we love. We believe in America. Thank you. And God bless America.

11:53 PM – 02/07/2012
Romney Congratulates Fellow Republicans
@ MittRomney : Congratulations to my fellow Republicans tonight. We'll continue to take our message of liberty & prosperity to every corner of the country.

11:48 PM – 02/07/2012
Romney Down In The Dumps
@ politicoroger : I realize it's a tough night for him, but Romney seemed WAY down in his speech. Never let them see how much it hurts, Mitt.

11:46 PM – 02/07/2012
Romney Glitter Bombed After Speech
@ hollybdc : Guy just threw a glitter bomb at Romney on rope line at election night rally in denver. Secret service pounced

11:44 PM – 02/07/2012
Romney's Authenticity Shows
@ samsteinhp : Romney is quite authentic talking about his dad. i understand why this came so late. but still.

11:43 PM – 02/07/2012
Romney: 'I Believe In America'
@ 2chambers : "I refuse to believe that America is just another place on the map with a flag" -- Romney
11:31 PM – 02/07/2012
Will Romney Break His Quiet Streak?
@ EmilyABC : Romney hasn't done a press conference since Feb. 1. Will a rough night tonight break that streak tomorrow?

10:54 PM – 02/07/2012
Mitt Romney's Gubernatorial Endorsements Don't Pay Off
Rick Santorum won the Minnesota caucuses on Tuesday night, besting the GOP field's frontrunner who had the endorsement of Tim Pawlenty, a high-profile former governor of the state.
In fact, two of the losses Mitt Romney has now sustained have come in places where he had the backing of the state's governor or recent governor.
Romney received the coveted endorsement of South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R) in December. He lost the state's primary to Newt Gingrich.
In Minnesota, Romney had the backing of Pawlenty, who served as governor from 2003 to 2011. Pawlenty bowed out of the GOP presidential race in August and endorsed Romney the next month. Pawlenty has been one of Romney's top surrogates, frequently talking to the press and appearing at events to boost Romney and attack his rivals.
Of course, it's unlikely that Romney lost because of his endorsements. But it also shows that they are not a sure-fire way to appeal to voters -- a fact perhaps not lost on the governors themselves.
Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels (R) has decided to stay neutral in the GOP primary. A popular figure in the party, he was recently tapped by Republican leaders in Congress to deliver the response to President Barack Obama's State of the Union address.
In an interview with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell on Feb. 2, Daniels discussed the ineffectiveness of gubernatorial endorsements.
"I don't know who in the world would care much what I thought," Daniels said, when asked about a possible endorsement. "Others who I consider bigger figures than I have endorsed and I don't think it's made much difference. We've seen at least one or two governors endorse a candidate in their own state, and then have that candidate lose."
"So I don't think most voters pay that much attention to such things," he added. "And I guess maybe that's one reason I haven't stirred myself to do it in either -- in any direction."
On Tuesday night, Fox News host Greta Van Susteren asked Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) whether Romney's poor showing in Minnesota was a "slap in the face" to Pawlenty. Bachmann refrained from answering directly.
"The vote tonight is not necessarily reflective tonight of the final vote. It's an indicator. ... Of course, you want to be the winner tonight. You've got a lot more hurdles and a lot more gates to go through. It depends. These candidates are going 50-state wide. It depends on how much energy you want to expend on the state."
In Iowa and Florida, the Republican governors stayed neutral in the GOP primary. New Hampshire, Missouri and Colorado have Democratic governors, although Romney had the backing of former New Hampshire governor John Sununu, who was in office from 1983 to 1989. Romney won that state.
-- Amanda Terkel

10:43 PM – 02/07/2012
Romney Can't Win Unless He Goes To The Gutter
@ politicalwire : An emerging theme: Romney can't win unless he pummels his rivals with negative ads...

10:41 PM – 02/07/2012
Why Didn't Romney Attack Santorum?
Mitt Romney's loss in Minnesota's caucus on Tuesday evening wasn't entirely shocking. For days, the state's former governor and Romney's national campaign co-chair, Tim Pawlenty, had been downplaying expectations.
But few could have imagined that former Sen. Rick Santorum would emerge victorious as quickly and plainly as he did. Certainly not the Romney-backing super PAC.
Restore our Future made just under $135,000 in ad purchases in Minnesota, according to records compiled by the Wall Street Journal. All of it targeted Newt Gingrich.
Why Romney's super PAC didn't turn its guns on Santorum is explainable: they still see Gingrich as the longer-term threat.
But the strategy does suggest that Democrats might not be that far off when they insist that Romney can't win a contest unless he and his allies tear his opponent down. For what it's worth, Santorum's super PAC did advertise in Minnesota and the money it spent went after both Romney and Gingrich.
"They're not so different," an announcer says over photos of Romney and Gingrich. "Supporting big government that strangles our nation's ability to create jobs. Bailouts. Government-run healthcare. Who can we trust?"
-- Sam Stein
10:36 PM – 02/07/2012
Romney Lagging Behind 2008 Numbers In Some Colorado Counties
@ smotus : Of the 6 CO counties reporting, Romney is running behind his 2008 numbers in 5 of them. #COcaucus
10:32 PM – 02/07/2012
Sen. Blunt: Romney Could 'Go The Distance'
@ BuzzFeedBen : MO Sen Blunt stmt: "Mitt Romney has the organization and the resources to go the distance in this election". Just not tonight.
10:29 PM – 02/07/2012
Paul Responds To Romney Losses
@ Stowydad : Paul to AP: “I’m a little surprised. I thought Romney would have some of this automatic carryover,” Result "opens up the door" to GOP rivals
10:27 PM – 02/07/2012
Disastrous Night For Romney
@ BenjySarlin : If it wasn't obvious, this is turning into a disastrous night for Romney 

10:16 PM – 02/07/2012
Live Side-By-Side Comparisons
@ MysteryPollster : For live side-by-side comparisons of Mitt's county level votes, '12 vs '08, nothing better than the HuffPost map:

9:58 PM – 02/07/2012
Flashback To 2008

@ AKaczynski1 : Mitt Romney won 172,329 votes in Missouri in 2008. 

9:06 PM – 02/07/2012
Romney Knows State's Gone
@ LarrySabato : Is there actually anybody who thinks Romney will win MN? All you have to do is listen to Mitt, T-Paw, etc. They already know it's gone.

9:00 PM – 02/07/2012
Romney Attacked For Massachusetts Emergency Contraception Decision
HuffPost's Jon Ward reports:
As the Catholic Church expressed outrage against the White House in recent days for a health care mandate they say violates their conscience, it stood to reason that the question of whether Mitt Romney forced Catholic hospitals to do the same would resurface. And on Tuesday, it did. Fellow Republican presidential candidates Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich criticized Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, on the issue.
Click here to read more.

7:58 PM – 02/07/2012
Romney Four Years Ago Today: ‘I Hate To Lose’
The Washington Post reports:
Mitt Romney announced he was suspending his campaign for the 2008 Republican nomination on Feb. 7, 2008, at CPAC, the annual convention for conservative activists. ...
"I want you to know, I’ve given this a lot of thought -- I’d forestall the launch of a national campaign and, frankly, I’d make it easier for Senator Clinton or Obama to win.
Frankly, in this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign be a part of aiding a surrender to terror.
This isn’t an easy decision. I hate to lose."
Click here to read more.

7:44 PM – 02/07/2012
Romney 'Like A Giant Hairball'
@ kerstinshamberg : .@howardfineman on Romney: "He's a little bit like a giant hairball that the Republican party cat is trying to cough up"
7:28 PM – 02/07/2012
Romney Intensifies Fight For Social Conservatives
The AP reports:
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney set aside his focus on the economy in recent days and shifted to abortion, religious freedom and gay marriage, part of an intensified effort to win over social conservatives in GOP caucuses in Colorado and Minnesota on Tuesday. Romney, who previously supported abortion rights and is now an opponent, has struggled since his 2008 presidential bid to convince some cultural conservatives that he's conservative enough. Rival Rick Santorum, long an outspoken figure on social issues, hopes those voters will help him finish strong on Tuesday.
Click here to read more.

6:37 PM – 02/07/2012
Romney Secret Super PAC Donor Revealed
HuffPost Fundrace reports:
The Romney super PAC, Restore Our Future, today filed an amendment to their year-end filing replacing the name of an obscure shell company with those of two actual human beings. The change happened to Glenbrook LLC, which had become the subject of a New York Times investigation to determine the person behind the contribution. The $250,000 Glenbrook LLC contribution has now been attributed to Jesse and Mindy Rodgers, with each giving $125,000.
Click here to read more, and don't forget to sign up for the HuffPost Fundrace newsletter.

6:30 PM – 02/07/2012
Romney Braces For Santorum Threat
Bloomberg's Lisa Lerer and Jennifer Oldham report:
Mitt Romney sought to fend off an added challenge in the race for the Republican presidential nomination, opening a coordinated assault against Rick Santorum to combat the potential for a drawn-out nomination contest. Amid signs that Santorum could make a strong showing in tonight’s Minnesota caucuses, Romney’s campaign turned its attention from Newt Gingrich, long seen as its toughest rival, and set its sights on the former Pennsylvania senator who won Iowa’s party caucuses.
Click here to read more.

6:09 PM – 02/07/2012
Flashback: Pro-Romney Email Details Big Rescue
BuzzFeed's McKay Coppins reports:
As Mitt Romney's opponents continue their campaign to cast the candidate as a heartless, uncaring elitist, his supporters have begun to return fire--by circulating a true story of Romney at his most heroic.
Click here to read more.

5:55 PM – 02/07/2012
How Tuesday's GOP Caucuses Award Delegates
GOP voters in Missouri, Minnesota and Colorado went to the polls in three states today to caucus for the candidates of their choice and the awarding of delegates to the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., later this year.
Each state has different rules for awarding its delegates. Yahoo! News took a look at how the process will work in each state.
Click here to read more.

5:32 PM – 02/07/2012
Primaries Could Force Out One Of Romney’s Rivals
The Daily Beast's Ben Jacobs reports:
Today will see three crucial contests in the GOP presidential primary. Although these races will not award a single delegate, they will determine the fate of one of the remaining four candidates. Rick Santorum’s low-key campaign needs to be successful tonight in at least one of the three states where voters will be expressing preferences—Colorado, Minnesota, and Missouri. The first two states, which are caucuses, will be crucial in determining if Santorum’s success organizing social conservatives and evangelicals in Iowa was a unique phenomenon or a sign of real appeal in Middle America. In Missouri, which is a nonbinding primary, Santorum will have his one opportunity to go head-to-head against Mitt Romney, as Newt Gingrich opted not to participate in this “beauty contest.”
Click here to read more.

5:22 PM – 02/07/2012
Romney Sends Well Wishes To McCain's Mom
@ BenjySarlin : In '08, she slammed Romney: "he's a Mormon!" RT @MittRomney: Roberta McCain is 100 years young today. Ann and I wish her a Happy Bday
5:13 PM – 02/07/2012
Romney Getting Ready For Super Tuesday
CNN reports:
A super PAC supportive of Mitt Romney is looking ahead to the March 6 Super Tuesday contests with a $160,000 advertising buy in Ohio, a source with the organization told CNN. A Restore Our Future source said the group will begin airing television advertisements in the crucial swing state Wednesday. Ohio is one of 10 states scheduled to vote on Super Tuesday.
Click here to read more.

5:00 PM – 02/07/2012
Romney, NOM React To Prop 8 Ruling While White House Offers No Comment
HuffPost reports:
Marriage equality advocates are hailing a federal appeals court's declaration of California's voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage as unconstitutional as a historic moment -- but others are offering less praise for the decision. As Towleroad is pointing out, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney offered no comment on the Prop 8 decision. “I don’t have a comment on litigation in general and in this litigation to which we are not a party," he said. "Beyond that, I can say that the President has long opposed, as you know, divisive and discriminatory efforts to deny rights and benefits to same-sex couples."
Click here to read more.

4:38 PM – 02/07/2012
Romney Wasn't Always Against Planned Parenthood
@ aseitzwald : Mitt Romney attended a Planned Parenthood fundraiser in 1994, Ann gave $150.

4:36 PM – 02/07/2012
Romney Flashback
@ 7im : Romney 1994: "we must make equality for gays and lesbians a mainstream concern."

4:09 PM – 02/07/2012
Romney Flashback
@ AKaczynski1 : Mitt Romney once said 'being a Republican in Massachusetts is like being a cattle rancher at a vegetarian convention."

3:48 PM – 02/07/2012
Romney: 'This Decision Does Not End This Fight' Mitt Romney released the following statement on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision striking down Proposition 8 as unconstitutional Tuesday: “Today, unelected judges cast aside the will of the people of California who voted to protect traditional marriage. This decision does not end this fight, and I expect it to go to the Supreme Court. That prospect underscores the vital importance of this election and the movement to preserve our values. I believe marriage is between a man and a woman and, as president, I will protect traditional marriage and appoint judges who interpret the Constitution as it is written and not according to their own politics and prejudices.

3:47 PM – 02/07/2012
Romney Speaks Out On Prop 8 Ruling
@ ZekeJMiller : Romney: Today, unelected judges cast aside the will of the people of California who voted to protect traditional marriage.

1:28 PM – 02/07/2012
Flashback: Mitt's Crony Capitalism?
@ AKaczynski1 : Crony Capitalism? Mitt Romney appointed the wife of Bain colleague to the Mass. Tpike Board. She also is a liberal dem.

1:12 PM – 02/07/2012
Flashback: Romney Once Had Woman Removed As Sunday School President
@ AKaczynski1 : In 1993 Mitt Romney had a woman removed as Sunday school prez after LDS officials said only a man should hold the post.

10:57 AM – 02/07/2012
Romney Buzzwords
@ alexwagner : Select buzzwords from latest Romney salvo: dominated, resounding, methodical, broad-based appeal, long-haul #FreakedOut

10:21 AM – 02/07/2012
Team Romney: Newt's Strategy 'A Flight Of Fancy'
@ jonward11 : Romney's political director Rich Beeson says Newt's southern states strategy is "a flight of fancy and not grounded in reality."

10:21 AM – 02/07/2012
Romney Looks To Beat Santorum In Colorado And Minnesota
The AP reports:
Republican presidential challenger Rick Santorum is hoping that his weeks of criticism of GOP front-runner Mitt Romney will pay off Tuesday when Colorado and Minnesota hold nominating caucuses. Romney, in turn, is looking to continue his winning streak after back-to-back victories in Florida and Nevada last week.
Click here to read more.

 10:05 AM – 02/07/2012
Team Romney Downplays Today's Caucuses
@ mmurraypolitics : Romney camp issues memo downplaying today's cacuses, saying no delegates are technically awarded today. But same was TRUE of Iowa...

10:01 AM – 02/07/2012
Romney Memo Blasts His Opponents
@ samsteinhp : Romney memo: "It is difficult to see what Governor Romney’s opponents can do to change the dynamics of the race in February."

9:55 AM – 02/07/2012
Romney Targets Santorum
CNN reports:
Mitt Romney's front-running campaign on Monday took aim at trailing rival Rick Santorum, suggesting there is concern the conservative Santorum might be poised to do well in this week's Republican presidential contests.
Click here to read more.

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