
Saturday, April 23, 2011

President Obama speaks on Manning and the rule of law


Saturday, April 23, 2011 12:26 PM ET

TORTURE - It's a dirty job

But someone gets to do it.
Saturday, April 23, 2011 12:31 PM ET

Rule of law?

No wonder public education and teaching the Constitution are under attack.
The corporate state does not want citizens. It wants consumers.
But off shoring jobs reduces the number of consumers so the whole game is falling apart.
Saturday, April 23, 2011 12:36 PM ET

The burden of the job

Now he has been reduced to mumbling without regard to truth. Kind of like the previous one. Did he have farther to fall?
Saturday, April 23, 2011 12:36 PM ET

Let them eat laws

But it's long been clear that this is Obama's understanding of "a nation of laws": the most powerful political and financial elites who commit the most egregious crimes are to be shielded from the consequences of their lawbreaking -- see his vote in favor of retroactive telecom immunity, his protection of Bush war criminals, and the way in which Wall Street executives were permitted to plunder with impunity -- while the most powerless figures (such as a 23-year-old Army Private and a slew of other low-level whistleblowers) who expose the corruption and criminality of those elites are to be mercilessly punished.
Obama is a politician.
In the US, a politician's job isn't to understand the law or the consequences of the laws they make and enforce, but rather to grandstand.
Since that is how they get elected, why would anyone expect them to govern with respect for legality or legal principles?
Like almost all Republicans and many Democrats, good governance is an afterthought, an inconvenience, that actually interferes with the actual exercise of power.
Having voted for him, contributed (a very few dollars) to his campaign, and ardently advocated for his election, I feel more personally betrayed by him than by Bush and Cheney -- who were, after all, exactly what they appeared to be: soulless shills for State corporatism and the ruthless exploitation of this planet and its inhabitants.
Saturday, April 23, 2011 12:40 PM ET

How Did this Happen?

Obama seems to have been swallowed up by the Beltway. What happened to the guy we voted for?
Does he believe inside himself what he said about Manning? I regard Obama as a highly intelligent man of good character. Perhaps he is too practical a politician for my tastes.
Or has he gone to the dark side?
Saturday, April 23, 2011 12:41 PM ET

His own exceptionalism

I may be viewing this more darkly than you, Glenn:
It may be that Obama spoke extemporaneously and without sufficient forethought, but it is -- at best -- reckless in the extreme for him to go around decreeing people guilty who have not been tried: especially members of the military who are under his command and who will be adjudged by other members of the military under his command. Moreover, as a self-proclaimed Constitutional Law professor, he ought to have an instinctive aversion when speaking as a public official to assuming someone's guilt who has been convicted of nothing. --GG
Obama did speak off-the-cuff, but I don't think the statement lacked in consideration. He is the President. He believes Manning is guilty (of what exact statutes of law-breaking the public apparently doesn't need to be informed). Ergo, Manning IS guilty.
This is the power of the Executive. As one of the commenters (Eternal Vigilance) at FDL aptly put it:
“L’État, c’est moi” – Obama
Read 1Voice's other letters

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