
Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Romney Economy Part 2: Sensata shuts down plant in panic!

by on Oct. 19, 2012, under Pol. & Govt.
        Photo courtesy of the brave Sensata workers at Bainport.
The Sensata plant at Freeport Illinois shut down early today, closing the plant for the entire weekend, barricading the entrances and telling 2nd shift workers not to report. They’re doing this out of panic. What are they afraid of?

That’s right – they’re afraid of The Ed Show! That would be MSNBC’s Ed Shultz, who does an hour long show from 5PM-6Pm Arizona time on MSNBC. And tonight he’s broadcasting his show live from Bainport, the tent city Sensata workers have set up across the road from the Sensata factory. Panic!!! Ed Shultz is coming to Freeport! Send the workers home and barricade  the entrances! He might try to come over and ask us some questions, questions we don’t want to answer. Questions like since you sell your sensors to GM & Chrysler and subsidiaries of Siemens, who sells them to Japanese car makers with assembly factories in the US, why are you moving your operation to China, thousands of miles away, even though you claim it’s to be “closer” to your customers? It couldn’t be because even though the Freeport factory set profit records last year with American workers, you think you can make even more profits paying Chinese workers 99 cents an hour? To hell with American workers, to hell with the economic devastation your plant closure will have on the community of Freeport – cheap Chinese workers = even more profit. Our investors will be able to build an elevator for their cars!
The Sensata Freeport factory is now scheduled to close November 5 – the day before the election. On election day Sensata workers will go cast their ballots, and then go file for unemployment compensation, many for the first time in their life – unless we, the American people can get them to stop it! Go to and sign their petition. Write your Congress and Senate representatives.  And watch the Ed Show tonight, at 5PM Arizona time, for the real story of what’s happening at Sensata Freeport/Bainport.
The Romney Economy – all our manufacturing jobs outsourced to China, while we all work at Walmart or McDonalds. Sensata is owned by Bain Capital – Mitt Romney could stop this plant closing tomorrow if he really wanted to “stand up to China” like he claims.

  • Brian Maple 6 days ago
    #OBAMA 2012

  • joanie24 6 days ago
    How can the American people vote for unpatriotic Romney who is a liar and conspirator to create the downfall of America by closing factories, firing workers, and shipping the factories and jobs to China?

  • Richard Vergis 4 days ago
    We the American people need to stop this at any cost. Anarchy is coming..this is the start of our future...this generation has not had to make sacrafices. Our parents stood in picket lines to make our lives better. The time is coming ...politicians won't listen...we need to act..whatever it takes.

  • fortbuckley 5 days ago
    Is this the same Sensata Industries that's associated with President Obama's pension from Illinois?
    "President Barack Obama and his supporters continue to slash at Gov. Mitt
    Romney for keeping some of his private-sector wealth overseas, even
    though the president’s Illinois pension is also invested in Chinese
    companies and a fund in the Cayman Islands."
    "The president’s overseas wealth is part of the pension he earned from
    his six years in Democratic-run Illinois legislature. The pension, which
    is worth between $50,000 and $100,000, is managed by the Illinois State Board of Investment."
    "The [pension] board’s 2011 report said it owned a $1 million bank loan held by Sensata Technologies. Obama’s share of that loan is under a dollar. Sensata is closing its U.S. facility to move 170 jobs into China,
    prompting outrage from Democrats, who have used Sensata as a club
    against Romney. The GOP presidential nominee’s money-managers have also invested a slice of his wealth in the company."
    How bad can Sensata Technologies be, if Democratic Party-dominated Illinois invests in it? Or, is Chinese money OK if DEMOCRATS benefit from it? (Click on this link at your own risk; the source is the "Daily Caller" website).

    • BajaDemocrats MOD 5 days ago parent
      Gimme a break. Someone eligible for a pension has absolutely zero say in what that pension plan invests in. Mitt Romney has 100% say over what he invests in. No, his wealth is in a blind trust you say? Mitt Romney himself said blind trusts are an "age old ruse". You tell a blind trust what it can & cannot do, you give it the rules". . And Romney's "blind trust" is run by his long time friend & attorney. His "blind trust" invested $1 million in a fund run by one of his son's last year. Mitt Romney founded Bain Capital and owns millions of dollars of Sensata stick. Mitt Romney could stop this plant closure and outsourcing all it's jobs to China in one phone call if he really meant what he says about "standing up to China".

    • Surprise123 5 days ago parent
      You're not deflecting attention away from this one. Most Americans' pension plans invest in companies that hurt our economy by transferring jobs, technology, expertise overseas to an authoritarian Communist regime.
      But, there is a big difference between being a small, passive shareholder in a massive pension plan, and being the former CEO of Bain Capital, and Bain's current #1 shareholder, a shareholder who will probably make millions off of the pain of the 170 soon-to-be unemployed Sensata workers.
      President Obama recognizes that the fact that his pension invests in such companies as Sensata is a problem for American workers; Mr. Romney, however, does not recognize that his former tenure at Bain, and his current status as its #1 shareholder is a problem for American workers.
      Therein lies the difference.
  • Ali Goria 6 days ago

    Considering Ed Schultz accidentally shot and killed his own dog, I wouldn't want to be in his vicinity either.

    • BajaDemocrats MOD 5 days ago parent
      And I wouldn't want to go on a hunting trip with Dick Cheney.

    • Del Wasso 6 days ago parent
      Amazing, Ali, how it is that you could turn the plight of 170 of my Freeport neighbors into a tirade against a liberal talk show host. And post with a fake moniker, too.
      Conservatism is dead - having morphed into American fascism at it's worst. Get your head on straight - your job is next.

    • Surprise123 5 days ago parent
      Your job is next. That should be our mantra. Yep, keep on focusing on the messenger, and ignore the plight of those workers.
      We are Sensata. And its American workers (and the poor Chinese slave laborers, too, for that matter) are us.

  • BajaDemocrats MOD 4 days ago
    Past time for a Bain Tax - Daily Kos diary calling for tariffs in Chinese auto parts to save Sensata Freeport -
  • JoAnne Gilmer 5 days ago

  • JoAnne Gilmer 5 days ago

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