Joe Walsh: “I could give a darn” about how foreigners are treated
Tea Party Rep. Joe Walsh says that they have no rights, and that he "could give a darn" how they're treated VIDEO
Monday, Oct 8, 2012 11:30 AM EDTIllinois Tea Party Rep. Joe Walsh, once again giving voice to the conservative id, told a crowd in Wood Dale, Ill., this weekend that he doesn’t care about the rights of non-American citizens, and doesn’t care if they’re mistreated in what he sees as a grand struggle between the West and radical Islam. “I’m gonna do whatever I can to beat and kill that ugly, evil, radical strain [of Islam]. I’m not concerned about their rights and their liberties,” Walsh said at a campaign event Saturday.
“People, my friend, those who are not American citizens. I’m not, they are trying to kill me and my kids. They are trying to kill you and your fellow Americans. I’m concerned with protecting Americans. I could give a darn about their rights, or their freedoms, or how we treat them if they are not American citizens,” Walsh added. Video of the event was captured by a tracker from the CREDO super PAC, a liberal outside group connected to the progressive cellphone provider CREDO mobile.
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