
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

GOP Pledge-O-Meter: Tracking the promises of the GOP Leadership in Congress

PolitiFact has compiled promises that Republican congressional leaders made during the 2010 campaign and is tracking their progress on our GOP Pledge-O-Meter.
We rate their status as Not Yet Rated, In the Works or Stalled. Once we find action is completed, we rate them Promise Kept, Compromise or Promise Broken. (See our About the Pledge-O-Meter page for definitions of the ratings.)
The report card at right provides an up-to-the-minute tally of all the promises.
Browse the GOP Pledge-O-Meter:

Promises we’ve rated recently

Update nuclear warheads

The Promise:
"And we will update our nuclear warheads."

Update September 24th, 2012:
Funding is there for updating warheads

Establish operational control of the border

The Promise:
Will "ensure that the Border Patrol has the tools and authorities to establish operational control at the border and prohibit the Secretaries of the Interior and Agriculture from interfering with Border Patrol enforcement activities on federal lands."

Update September 21st, 2012:
Sides work together, border gets tighter

Fund weapons research

The Promise:
"We will once again fund weapons’ research and development not just to meet the threats of today, but those of tomorrow."

Update August 24th, 2012:
Funding provided, but sequester looms

Fully fund missile defense

The Promise:
Will "work to ensure critical funding is restored to protect the U.S. homeland and our allies from missile threats from rogue states such as Iran and North Korea."

Update August 24th, 2012:
Programs are funded, but disagreements persist

Expand health savings accounts

The Promise:
Will "improve Health Savings Accounts by making it easier for patients with high-deductible health plans to use them to obtain access to quality care."

Update August 15th, 2012:
Little hope in this Congress

Reduce federal pay

The Promise:
"We will bring federal pay scales that have become so exaggerated into line with market rates."

Update August 15th, 2012:
Little to no movement

Pass 'clean' military spending bills

The Promise:
Troop funding bills "will not be held up by unrelated policy changes, or extraneous domestic spending and pork-barrel projects."

Update August 13th, 2012:
Bills have passed, but with millions in earmarks

Do away with the concept of ''comprehensive'' spending bills

The Promise:
Do away with the concept of ''comprehensive'' spending bills. "Let’s break them up, to encourage scrutiny, and make spending cuts easier. Rather than pairing agencies and departments together, let them come to the House floor individually, to be judged on their own merit. Members shouldn’t have to vote for big spending increases at the Labor Department in order to fund Health and Human Services. Members shouldn’t have to vote for big increases at the Commerce Department just because they support NASA. Each department and agency should justify itself each year to the full House and Senate, and be judged on its own."

Update August 10th, 2012:
Breaking up spending bills into smaller pieces? Didn't happen.


The Promise:
Cancel the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), "a move that would save taxpayers tens of billions of dollars."

Update August 3rd, 2012:
Repeal is moot

Repeal the health care bill

The Promise:
Will "immediately take action to repeal" the health care law.

Update July 25th, 2012:
Obamacare stands

Give states incentives to develop innovative programs that lower premiums and reduce the number of uninsured Americans

The Promise:
After repealing health care law, will "incentivize states to develop innovative programs that lower premiums and reduce the number of uninsured Americans."

Update July 25th, 2012:
Mechanisms are in Obamacare

Ensure access for patients with pre-existing conditions

The Promise:
After repealing health care law, will "make it illegal for an insurance company to deny coverage to someone with prior coverage on the basis of a pre-existing condition, eliminate annual and lifetime spending caps, and prevent insurers from dropping your coverage just because you get sick."

Update July 25th, 2012:
Obamacare addresses pre-existing condition issue

Eliminate annual and lifetime spending caps

The Promise:
After repealing health care law, will "eliminate annual and lifetime spending caps" (in health insurance plans).

Update July 25th, 2012:
Spending caps were part of Obamacare

Enact medical liability reform

The Promise:
Will "enact common-sense medical liability reforms to lower costs, rein in junk lawsuits and curb defensive medicine."

Update July 24th, 2012:
Reform bill passed House, stuck in Senate

Enact conscience protections into health law

The Promise:
After repealing health care law, will "enact into law conscience protections for health care providers, including doctors, nurses, and hospitals," such as allowing them to decline to provide abortion services.

Update July 24th, 2012:
Bills hit roadblocks in Senate

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