
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

'Dismal' jobs report gives Mitt Romney shot at the Hispanic vote

Mitt Romney's presidential campaign is out with another dual English-Spanish web ad, this one about the "dismal" jobs report that showed Hispanic unemployment rose from 10.3 to 11 percent in the past month. This is only a web ad right now, but it has the feel of TV spot (if it were cut in half to 30 seconds).

President Obama's campaign has been waging an early-and-often battle for the hearts and minds of Hispanics and will likely win the Latino vote. Obama supports the pro-immigrant DREAM Act, popular among many Hispanics, and Romney said he would've vetoed it. Obama's also trying to make Romney look extremist to Latinos when it comes to immigration. Romney has largely dropped the issue as a topic now that the GOP primary is over.

But will it be enough for Obama if Hispanics feel worse off under the president? It's not as if they'll flock to Romney. But many might stay home on Election Day. That would be a killer for Obama, who won 57 percent of the Florida Hispanic vote in 2008 (George W. Bush took 56 percent in 2004).

Romney might be making gains, or Obama might be losing support among Hispanics. Last month's Quinnipiac University poll showed Obama winning the Latino vote 42-40 over Romney. That's not enough for the Democrat. A Marist Florida poll was better news for Obama. It showed him winning the Hispanic vote 55-36 in Florida. Both polls have relatively small Latino sample sizes. So it's unclear who's right.

Romney releases 'Better Day' English-Spanish ad. ¿Cómo se dice "self deportation" en Español?

Republican Mitt Romney's campaign announced the dual release of a positive spot, a Better Day, in English and Spanish. It's a good bet the latter will run in Florida, the Hispanic-heavy swing state where Romney has the best chance to win (but not a majority) of the Hispanic vote.
Meantime, the Romney campaign has become pretty quiet about his hardline immigration stances from the GOP primary now that he's a general election candidate. ¿Cómo se dice "self deportation" en Español?
The text:

VIDEO TEXT: “What Will Be Different About A Romney Presidency?”

VOICEOVER: “What will be different about a Romney presidency?”

VIDEO TEXT: “Day 01”

VOICEOVER: “From day one, President Romney focuses on the economy and the deficit, unleashes America’s energy resources, and stands up to China on trade. President Romney’s leadership puts jobs first.”

VOICEOVER: “But there’s something more than legislation or new policy.”

VOICEOVER: “It’s the feeling we’ll have that our country’s back, back on the right track.”

VOICEOVER: “That’s what will be different about a Romney presidency.”

 MITT ROMNEY: “I’m Mitt Romney and I approve this message.”

Union targets Mitt Romney in Spanish-language Florida ad

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The Service Employees International Union is teaming up with the pro-Obama SuperPAC Priorities USA for a new $4-million TV and radio ad campaign in Florida, Colorado and Nevada through the summer.
“Mitt Romney shows his true colors and what his intentions are,” said healthcare worker and SEIU Local 1199 member Raphael Suarez from Kissimmee, Florida. “Mitt Romney only cares about corporations and their profits. I'm proud to voluntarily contribute to COPE, our PAC fund, to ensure that Romney's record on the economy, immigration and workers gets out to the community so Hispanics can make informed decisions about what's at stake for working families.”
"Our members want to make sure that people know the truth and are informed on the facts," said Monica Russo, SEIU Florida president. "Mitt Romney's own words show the facts about how he feels about our communities."

Here's the script in English:

(text on screen) MITT ROMNEY IN HIS OWN WORDS.

ROMNEY: You can focus on the very poor, that’s not my focus

VOTER 1 FEMALE: What about us? He’s not thinking about us.

VOTER 2 MALE: It’s easy for him to say that since he doesn’t have the same necessities as us.

VOTER 1 FEMALE: He is… just thinking about those that have made money already.


ROMNEY: I’ll also tell my story: I’m also unemployed.

VOTER 2 MALE: When you are really out of work… you are worried, you don’t want to laugh or make fun of anybody.

VOTER 1 FEMALE: I feel that he should not be the person that leads this country.

(voice over) SEIU COPE is responsible for the content of this advertisement.
(text on screen) Mitt Romney: His words say it all.

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Paid by for SEIU COPE,, which is responsible for the content of this advertisement. Not authorized by any candidate or committee.

Posted by Adam C. Smith at 12:01:29 am

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