
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Obama's support for gay marriage sparks Web reaction


Politicians react to President Obama's gay marriage support

In an interview with ABC News, President Obama said, "I think same sex couples should be able to get married." Politicians, policy-makers and interest groups react to this latest development. For full coverage, follow @NBCNews or visit
  1. President Obama sent out this tweet minutes after the news broke 
  2. BarackObama
    "Same-sex couples should be able to get married."—President Obama
  3. VIDEO: NBC News Special Report
  4. Full Story: Evolution of President Obama's stance on gay marriage
  5. VIDEO: Joe Biden on Meet the Press last Sunday: I'm 'absolutely comfortable' with gay marriage

  6. Meet the Press
  7. mitchellreports
    Ok White House tell us u wouldn't have done this without the Biden push on @meetthepress
  8. Mitt Romney says he remains opposed to same-sex marriage during an event in Oklahoma City
  9. GarrettNBCNews
    Romney says in OKC that he remains opposed to same sex marriage: "I have the same view that I've had since running for office. "

  10. Dylan Ratigan
  11. GOP
    The Republican Party position is clear. We support maintaining marriage between one man and one woman:
  12. bergus
    "Marriage…can only be between one man and one woman." — E-mail from the GOP. Of Iowa. Where marriage can be between any two people.
  13. First House Republican to speak out against Obama's support of gay marriage
  14. AllenWest
    Pres failures are masked by irrelevant pandering as a collectivist who does not respect individual sovereignty. More of the same politics.
  15. House Speaker John Boehner addresses Obama's gay marriage announcement
  16. LukeRussert
    Boehner on Fox Business #SSM "I obviously believe marriage is between a man and a woman. #GOP is focused on the economy."
  17. LukeRussert
    Boehner dodges question on Constitutional amendment banning gay marriage saying "he hasn't seen proposal." #SSM
  18. Politicians speaking in favor of gay marriage 
  19. NancyPelosi
    A great day in our fight for civil rights-President Obama adds his support for marriage #equality. #BeautifulDay
  20. SenJeffMerkley
    Obama’s support today for marriage equality is HUGE. Fundamental fairness for all is within reach!
  21. DavidMDrucker
    "States are able to make decisions on domestic partner benefits." @MIttRomney
  22. ChrisCoons
    President Obama taking a historic step today in declaring support for marriage equality. Couldn't be prouder.
    1. SenGillibrand
      .@BarackObama Thx for your support of full #marriageequality today. Your leadership in the fight for #lgbt equality means so much.
    2. toddstarnes
      RNC chair: "We support maintaining marriage between one man and one woman and would oppose any attempts to change that."
    3. MikeBloomberg
      No matter the setbacks, freedom will triumph over fear & #equality will prevail over exclusion: #ssm
    4. CoryBooker
      We STILL have so much work to do. 100s of laws that deny rights & privileges to gay Americans that straight American's enjoy. #Equality4All
    5. NitaLowey
      I have been blessed to have a long and happy marriage - all Americans deserve that same opportunity. #lgbt #marriageequality
    6. jaredpolis
      Thank you @BarackObama for supporting marriage equality for all Americans
    7. MarkUdall
      Glad President @BarackObama has come out in support of marriage equality. #LGBT marriage strengthens families & communities.
    8. jahimes
      Glad the Pres finished "evolving" on marriage equality. Our core national value is equality and equal protection under the law.
    9. askgeorge
      Wanted to make sure you saw that President Obama today said that he believes “same sex couples should be able to...
    10. SenJohnThune
      I agree w/ Leader McConnell. POTUS' ‘to-do’ list for Congress is breathtaking in its cynicism. #ObamaStopList
    11. SenatorShaheen
      I applaud the president's announcement today in support of gay marriage.
    12. RepJerryNadler
      Thank you President @BarackObama for standing up for all American families and supporting marriage #equality
    13. davidcicilline
      "President Obama took bold step of recognizing same-sex couples in committed relationships entitled to the same rights as every American!
    14. repblumenauer
      Obama support for marriage equality huge step forward for America…. the tide is turning and the current running deeper and faster.
    15. RepSpeier
      Marriage is about two people who love each other. Glad to hear that Pres Obama thinks so too! #NOH8 #equality
    16. SenatorLeahy
      Thrilled to hear POTUS’s support for #marriageequality. Historic step in march for equality that touches the hearts of so many Americans.
    17. CongRothman
      Marriage Equality is a matter of basic human rights. America’s same-sex families are now closer to having their unions recognized by govt.
    18. RepJudyChu
      Thrilled to see #President #Obama back #MarriageEquality. This is a huge day for the #LGBT community!
    19. GerryConnolly
      .@BarackObama gets it right. No barriers to the inalienable rights of our Constitution for any citizen, gay or straight
    20. chelliepingree
      Why my family has always supported marriage #equalilty. #BeautifulDay #mepolitics
    21. LuisGutierrez
      Yesterday I expressed my desire that President Obama speak with clarity & come out in support of #MarriageEquality. Today, he came through!
      19 hours ago

      1. CoryBooker 
        Giambusso from The Ledger asked me 4 a statement re: Obama & marriage equality. I told him I'd give him one as soon as I stopped dancing
      2. jessetyler
        With @MichelleObama & @JustinMikita permission I would like to marry @BarackObama right now!
      3. amaeryllis
        I'm going to bet people saying President Obama's support "means nothing" never comforted a 15 yr old gay kid asking why everyone hates him.
      4. SeanEldridge
        As someone who is getting married next month, this is the greatest wedding gift of all. Thank you Mr. President.
      5. TheEllenShow
        Thank you President @BarackObama for your beautiful and brave words. I'm overwhelmed.
      6. MikeBloomberg
        President @BarackObama’s announcement is a major turning point in the history of American civil rights: #ssm
      7. janemarielynch
        Pretty darn happy today. Thanks Mr President, for supporting the dignity of my family and so many others!
      8. brianstelter
        On Fox, Shep Smith shows ABC's clip of Obama, then says: "The president of the United States: now in the 21st century."
      9. scottfujita99
        As the adopted son of a mixed race couple, I want to thank President Obama for finally stepping up & doing the right thing.
      10. GovernorOMalley
        Ultimately we all want the same thing for our kids: to live in a loving, stable committed home protected equally under the law. #MD4ME

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