
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Does Mitt Romney's Bullying Past Matter?

May 14, 2012 | Posted at 12:05 PM
Everywhere you turn these days, people are talking about the issue of bullying, trying to raise awareness of its effects and actively working hard to eradicate it. So, in this climate, does a Presidential candidate's bullying incident from 50 years ago speak to his character today? The co-hosts discussed this in light of a new report of a disturbing hazing incident in Mitt Romney's past. Watch the discussion below, and tell us whether this news changes the way you see Romney.


nanatokate Says:

May 15th, 2012, 8:08 am Mitt Romney "not remembering" is ridiculous. It probably wouldn't have mattered after 50 years except he tried to put it out of his mind and the minds of others. Bullying is Bullying and he should have at least owned up to it and made a sincere apology.

erb764 Says:

May 15th, 2012, 8:55 am No more than Dictator Obama's drug use which none of you talk about.Why don't you quit trying to act like something other than bleeding heart elite liberals?

Voiceview Says:

May 15th, 2012, 12:28 pm Bulling begins at the home level. It means getting to the bottom of the issues logically and objectively. Of course all families are different and they spent an overwhelming amount of time in the eye of their community. And sure Romney came from a great family but how clear was the family on what they did verse's what they showed the community? I have to wonder how many times issues were overlooked or do to oversite of the importance of citizenship within the home. I believe the stable rules of citizenship should be highly regarded along with morals so that as an adult one can be able to clearly guide with out a shade of grey and the "I don't remember" becomes accountable in the moment.

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