Mahuleia's Blog
It’s that: No matter what the people say or do, the GOP fully intends to have its way with America. It’s a battle for the Minds of Americans through BS (Belief Systems).
Ever since the Nixon years, the Right Wing has had its strategy: stay with the plan, keep it a well-hidden secret, then pounce when the time is right and take completely over. First America, then the rest of the world. Look around and pay attention, it’s already happening! Open your eyes and turn off Fox News. Turn off Rush Limbaugh and the incessant blaring of the hateful Conservatalk Radio. Pay attention and attempt to learn how to figure out the greatest puzzle facing us today: “Why is the GOP so boldly & blatantly crazy?”
Please bear with me for a few moments and allow me to explain my theory, even if it turns out to be just as wrong and crazy as the nutty Right.
A clue: how the local police forces in states run by Republicans or Conservatives behave towards Liberals, or what they presume to be Liberals: Spying, keeping records, ignoring protests, squelching protests by outright attacks on innocents just because they are liberals; all of this. The GOP-run local governments believe they can get away with this from now on, because every year there is political positioning because our big elections are two (for Congress) and four for the presidency. They know the Democrats are easily cowed and pushed into going against their better judgement if the smell of financial compensation is strong enough, and if their careers are threatened. With Fox News, Conservatalk Radio, and cunning ways of getting people who have forgotten or never learned to think for themselves to swallow their BS (Belief Systems) hook, line , and sinker, the GOP/Right Wing Corporate Hate Machine, funded by Big Oil, the Koch Brothers and dictated to by ALEC can do pretty much as it pleases with America with little or no meaningful or powerful opposition. You see, if there was real opposition by the Democrats at the national level, the GOP would see to it that they were run out of town fast with their tails tucked between their legs. How? Simply by broadcasting over their almighty ConservaMediaMonopolyComplex that all Democrats are “stinking pinko-commie liberals”, to be shunned, scorned, dis-believed, and hated because “they’re all for big government and they will waste your money on entitlement programs” (for the derelict poor and elderly: useless people who don’t contribute to filling the pockets of those who dominate over them and rule them: GOPCORP.) The Federal government can do nothing about this if there is a Democrat in the White House and a DemocraTIC Congress, because the politics will kill any chance of getting elected.
GOPCORP, with the aid of the ConservaMediamonopolyComplex, will tell people what to think by lying to them repeatedly until the mindless masses believe the lie:
Here it is: “Democrats, students, elderly, all minorities, gays and women are all pinkocommieliberals who want Big Government to intrude in on your life and take away your freedom!” and the mindless, fearful masses believe that crap! (…and they are the ones passionate enough to ALWAYS vote!) Truth is: it’s the GOPCORP that wants to do what they accuse their opposition of. It should be obvious by now! GOPCORP will bloat government spending by starting WW3 and various smaller wars. They will force women to bear kids until it shortens their lives, worse than in The Handmaids Tale. They will force kids to be stupid and superstitious, believing that the world is only 6000 years old. They will force everyone to believe that Jesus was a warrior for Big Money and that the real one was just a myth.
Eventually they will even change the Bible: by taking all of Jesus’ teachings out or drastically changing them. They will secretly murder top scientists and throw us all back into the Dark Ages. They will pollute and drill and mine and frack the Earth until it can no longer sustain ANY life upon it other than cockroaches. The Democrats wouldn’t be able to do anything about it because they would be threatened by lethal force or political consequences ending their careers and their income. Ask anyone who lived under a totalitarian regime what it was like to live that way. People that threaten their supremacy “disappear”. THAT is how the GOPCORP will force us to live. And they will do it state by state by state, local precinct by local precinct. It will spread just like a cancer. It already has! This, folks, is how they plan on winning, in my humble opinion! Look at the independence of the cops of cities that are cracking down way too hard on the Occupy movement, (but NOT the TEA Party movement!) That puzzle piece is a big, obvious one! These militant cops must be paid by independent corporate organizations to be violent, and I’ll bet they’re well paid too! Look at the laws the individual states are passing against Democratic voters, against women, against minorities.
Look at Wisconsin, Arizona, Michigan, Virginia! And last but not least Florida, where neo-KKK vigilantes with criminal records can get away with murder because of a controversial “stand your ground” law, passed by a GOPCORP governor- Jeb Bush!
People: we gotta wake up and look at the whole picture, because we are in it too, and we’ve contributed to this situation!
Yes, WE. Ever wonder why the Republican candidates are so overtly crazy? It’s partly because the CROWD cheers them on! In a Republican debate, the CROWD cheers for executions, boos gay servicemen, cheers death for the uninsured sick. Candidates suck this fervor up and feed on it, and it swells their egos. People: This is US! WE are egging them on! We are feeding the Beast! When a GOPCORP candidate says he’s only voicing the will of the people, he is correct in that he is voicing the will of his audience, who is made up of vacant eyed Fox News/ConservaMediaMonopolyComplex zombies who have been swallowing BS (Belief Systems) fed them 24/7/365 like it’s candy! It’s called “brainwashing” and it works wonders for GOPCORP. In Maoist China, it was called propaganda, and look at history and how the Chairman and The Party had everyone by the balls…and still does.
It’s the GOPCORP who acts like the classic Totalitarian Red Communists, not the Democrats or the Liberals! And by the way, that is not Marxist communism that Stalin or Chairman Mao practiced, it was corrupted communism. True Marxist communism is more similar to democracy and has never existed, nor has it ever been practiced anywhere in our time as far as I know, not even in Cuba. If you doubt this, go get his book and look it up for yourself! Maybe it was practiced in prehistoric times, and maybe they practice it on other worlds. I don’t know! Free market capitalism has been taken over by something horrendous we don’t even have a label for yet. It’s now run on greed, cheating, pride, jealousy, and powered by hatred for the masses. Sounds like its run on the seven deadly sins to me, which in my twisted mind translates to something akin to what the Antichrist would promote!
And so, in spite of a DemocraTIC president with good intentions for the American people in mind, he can do practically nothing for us. Spying on people? Blame GOPCORP and conditioning, not PBO himself. I think they have him cornered with no choice in some matters, like NDAA. (It was the GOPCORP that put that horrible freedom-robbing stuff in it, and mixed it in with the good stuff in the bill that was intended to assist veterans. No matter what good he wants to do, it will get undone and he knows it. He MUST follow the secret dictates of GOPCORP, or ELSE!!! He will be ruined politically forever, or worse. They have him over a barrel. They have crossed their “t”s and dotted all their “i”s, and they have their ducks all lined up in a row according to the dictates and guidelines set forth by the Fourth Reich. Just my opinion, mind you, and if I am hitting the nail on the head I’m sorry. I hope to God I’m wrong in my assumption! I’ve probably gone crazy too.
At this point, the reader may be throwing their hands up in the air (or wringing them), saying: “So NOW what? What can we do?” To which I suggest, take a page from their book of Right Wing strategy, since it has worked so well, and change it up in a manner unfigurable, starting with getting the Truth out. (Remember, it will set us free!) This is why GOPCORP wants to steal the Internet and operate it under its own rules, silencing Truth. This is what they do in Totalitarian regimes with intentions to dominate the masses of the world. They keep truth silenced, and they’re historically pretty good at it! Ask a Tibetan who has lived under the Chinese regime. Ask the Dalai Lama.
But Truth DOES eventually leak out. There are leaks out all over the place. This is why the Bush Inc. Legacy wants to ruin Bradley Manning. And now the hearts of people are breaking over the tragic, senseless murder (lynch job) of an innocent teenage boy with a hoodie and skittles, and we are still furious about the unfair treatment women are getting under the disgusting whip-domination by the patriarchal GOPCORP, with the loathesome Rush Limbaugh at the helm with the blow-horn. Oppressive local laws are popping up all over the place in states run by GOPCORP but also in states run by Gentle, subservient, terrified Democratic bunny rabbits. It’s akin to a classic dinosaur movie: the smaller, more numerous gentle vegetarians get eaten by the big, powerful terrible carnivorous GOP Tyrannosaurus Rex.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
Money in politics has certainly played a major role in getting the political process to where it is today, which is why the wealthy always get their way and the poor/middle-classes don’t.
People who vote D are often gentle, loving, good, compassionate, average people who have known the struggles and suffering of life as real human beings who care about life and about each other. The GOPCORP Tyrannosaurs do not, evidently. In my opinion, they have lost their humanity by selling their souls to Greed and Hatred. And they’re proud of themselves!
But a shift is beginning to occur as more and more Truth gets out. Liberal ideas are becoming more and more popular, even among people who still claim to proudly wear the time-honored label “conservative” which has been taken to mean: “the GOOD guys” over the years. But people with eyes to see and open minds can clearly acknowledge that blessed and holy conservatism has been corrupted of late, and has turned ugly, dark, and evil. And I believe it is keeping the President in a catch-22 corner. They know they’ve got him where they want him.
If he so much as raises a finger to help someone in need, they will destroy his name through their incessant propaganda, lies that they know the majority will probably continue to buy into because of conditioning throughout the years. Fox News version of “reality” still is the norm against which all other thought is compared. It’s the uninformed that will always vote conservative, God-fearing GOPCORP , because they’re respectable, God’s “Chosen”, and they deserve to vote and carry firearms, unlike those stinking commiepinkoLiberals of all the colors of the rainbow! It is expected that this conditioned, mostly testosterone-bearing, snow-colored, subservient demographic is the one that GOPCORP can count on no matter what to keep them in power, because conservatism is “good and honorable and the ultimate authority on everything”. Indeed! Nobody else deserves to have a vote, and if they gain complete control as they wish to, they will see to it immediately that only wealthy white males who lean to the far, FAR Right get to vote. Everyone else will be banned from voting by some corrupt laws they will surely pass on the state level. (That way they get to cheat, claiming proudly that they are for “small government”! )
Far-Right conservatives now think they can even tell God what to do and who to save, who to curse and who to bless! And they also know that some of what the atheists believe is also true (in spite of all their Right wing pious baloney): that if there IS a God, He probably really won’t get involved in the puny affairs of Earth. After all, has He yet lately? So the Religious fanatics are the real atheists, or they would not behave the way they do!
And this is where People come into play. Truth is: if there is a God, S/He will more likely act through The People and Nature (in spite of GOPCORP’s HAARP monkey business!) A movement is afoot globally that threatens the hold that the privileged few who have been dominating humanity since Day One have had over the masses. They are feeling their hold slipping, and are madly grabbing at the cliff they are clinging to, so that they may keep their tyranny going strong. But Truth is getting in the way, which is why they always seek to suppress it. As a result of their fear of people armed with Truth, they are digging their talons in deeply into the flesh of living Society, passing oppressive law after oppressive law, each at the state levels, not the national. Tyrants in other oppressive nations like Syria are also doubling down, causing massive, horrendous suffering and gnashing of teeth. If we are smart we should assume that this Heartless, Soul-less Entity run by People-who-follow-the-dictates-of-the-Beast also most very likely has some secret plan none of us know about yet, since this entity which I will call NWOConservatism, is very clever and devious, and its idol-worshipping devout followers have no sense of conscience and feel no guilt ever. If they torture innocents horribly, they lose no sleep over it at all. They never have and never will, let’s just face it. There is no redemption for those who have tumbled all the way off the cliff. They want to drive us all over it with them and we have a duty to stop that from happening.
There is only one way to do that: we need to take a hard Left turn and scream out, take to the streets, take legal action where at all possible, organize at the grass roots levels, and be relentless and fierce, like tigers, not bunnies! We need dedication, persistence, patience, and determination, and we need to be willing to forfeit our lives if that’s what it takes. We need to get money out of the political process before November, reinstate fair media and dismantle the ConservaMediaMonopolyComplex that has brainwashed us into believing its BS. We need people who have been foreclosed on to stay in their homes bravely. We need the Occupy movement to grow and other progressive movements to blossom and grow and bear fruit and stand courageously with them. We need to lay down out fear and be willing to roar so loud it drowns out the incessant drone of the ConservaMediamonopolyComplex Hate Machine.
We need to practice Love for life that is already born, and stop allowing Conservatism to be the end-all authority to which we all go to get correct and honorable answers. Conservatism as it has devolved into now has become obviously evil and corrupt, and no longer worthy of our respect. They should be shunned, left out, and laughed at. We should no longer buy their products, nor vote for their candidates for power. Why would we vote for the real Bad guys? Satan? Or Mara? Or Iblis? Or The Trickster?
Smart up, America, or we shall find ourselves going the way of ancient Rome quickly! There are guides for good out there. Seek them, find them, and follow them. If Love is in your heart for your fellow living beings (of all varieties, including animals) follow your heart and CARE.
If there Is a Universal Creator, (even if it turns out to be only “dark matter” or “dark energy” according to science), that has intelligence, It is watching. Translation for Christians: God is watching, and is taking notes. In the battle for ideological good and evil, it will be up to us to behave in a manner that harms none and sets things in balance.
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