
Sunday, April 29, 2012

2012 WHCA Dinner News


WASHINGTON - The White House Correspondents’ Association is pleased to announce that Jimmy Kimmel, host of the ABC late-night talk show “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” will headline the WHCA's 98th annual dinner on Saturday, April 28, 2012.

"Jimmy's humor is sophisticated and edgy while appealing to a wide audience," said Caren Bohan, a Reuters journalist and president of the White House Correspondents' Association.  "We are thrilled that Jimmy has accepted our invitation to be the featured comedian at our annual dinner."

The WHCA dinner is traditionally attended by the President and First Lady as well as many other senior government officials and members of the press corps. Proceeds from the dinner go toward scholarships and awards aimed at supporting aspiring journalists and recognizing excellence in the profession.

Jimmy Kimmel
Only WHCA members and their organizations are eligible to purchase tickets for the annual dinner.
Photo/Mike Theiler
jimmy kimmel and Mrs. Obama
Photo/Mike Theiler
Jimmy Kimmel and President Obama
Photo/Mike Theiler
2012 remarks
Photo/Mike Theiler

Watch President Obama's remarks at the 2012 Dinner or view the entire dinner program, including awards and scholarship presentations on the C-SPAN.ORG White House Correspondents' Association Dinner hub.
White House Correspondents' Association Hosts Scholarship Lunch Washington, DC Friday, April 27, 2012. Students receiving scholarships from the White House Correspondents' Association attend a luncheon where they will hear from a panel of White House reporters and from White House Press Secretary Jay Carney. 
Jay Carney, who served in the Vice President's Office before being named Press Secretary, was Time magazine's Washington Bureau Chief from 2005-2008. 
Moderated by Julie Mason of SiriusXM, the panel will discuss access and transparency in their coverage of the President and includes 
Jake Tapper of ABC News, 
Ben Feller of AP, 
Carol Lee of the Wall Street Journal, and 
Jackie Kucinich of USA Today.
Last year, the Correspondents' Association distributed scholarships to 18 students, totaling nearly $100,000, according to its website. The students are undergraduate and graduate students from selected institutions. The White House Correspondents' Association officially announces scholarship recipients at the Annual Dinner, which takes place on Saturday April 28.

Watch on C-SPAN on Friday, 1:00 pm 

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