
Friday, March 30, 2012

Joe Scarborough Lambastes Conservative Websites For Posthumous Vilification Of Trayvon Martin


On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, host Joe Scarborough delivered a devastating critique of conservative sites that have engaged in a coordinated effort to tarnish the reputation of Trayvon Martin in death.
“Why is it that some on the right are actually taking this up as a cause,” asked an incredulous Scarborough. “As National Review said almost immediately after it happened, ‘this has nothing to do with gun rights, this has nothing to do with the second amendment, this has nothing to do with stand your ground laws, this has nothing to do with the NRA. This has everything to do with a guy who is trying to play security cop, who is unhinged, who chased down and shot a 17-year-old kid armed with Skittles and iced tea.’”
Scarborough warned those yet-unmentioned conservative sites to heed the voices of more enlightened Republican opinion journals, like National Review, to “not take this up as a cause.” Scarborough refrained from naming Tucker Carlson’s The Daily Caller, but he was clearly referencing their publication of Tryavon Martin’s Twitter feed.
Scarborough took particular issue with the efforts to posthumously paint Martin as a thug who deserved to be killed by virtue of his social media interactions. He lamented that “some racist websites, but also sadly some fairly mainstream websites are actually going into Trayvon Martin’s social media pages, be it Twitter or MySpace, and their trying to find ominous looking picture while skipping over pictures of him holding up a birthday cake smiling, him fishing with his dad, him standing outside proudly of his home dressed in a tux ready to go to prom.”
“This is beneath contempt,” said Scarborough. “These people on the far right are being fools to try to make this a political issue.”
“Some out there are marginalizing themselves, making fools of themselves. I guess it’s because the President actually said something to comfort the parents, and I guess they just can’t handle that,” said Scarborough. “I guess in their warped, twisted, distorted, political worldview, that makes this dead 17-year-old boy –who was kept in the morgue for three days before they even notified his parents—I guess that makes it okay?”
Watch the video below via MSNBC:

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