
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Gingrich targets Republican establishment


WASHINGTON – Newt Gingrich relied on his standard campaign speech Friday afternoon to win over conservatives at CPAC 2012, hitting hard on both the Republican establishment and President Barack Obama.
“This is the year to re-set this country in a decisive, bold way. We need to teach the Republican establishment a lesson,” Gingrich told the crowd inside a Marriott Wardman Park Hotel ballroom.
The former House Speaker took the stage after his wife, Callista, made a rare public speaking appearance and introduced her husband.

“We believe our current path puts the future of our great nation in jeopardy,” Callista said about President Obama’s leadership in her roughly 3-minute remarks. “And we believe bold solutions and fearless leadership are necessary to rebuild the America we love.”
Gingrich, who uncharacteristically looked down at a handwritten outline while at the podium, picked up on this theme while he spoke, criticizing President Obama for his “war on religion.”
“We cannot trust him,” Gingrich said about the President, noting Obama will “wage war on the Catholic Church” if re-elected. “We know who he really is, and we should make sure the country knows who he really is.”
The Speaker was the final presidential candidate to speak at the annual conservative convention. Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney spoke earlier Friday.
But not everything was policy. There were even a couple lighthearted moments during both the Speaker and Callista’s speeches.
"Newt is an enthusiastic and committed golfer. It’s true. He gets in and out of more sand traps than anyone I have ever seen,” Callista joked with the crowd. “Newt golfs the way he does everything, with enthusiasm and determination. He’s willing to learn and he never gives up.”
But when the Speaker started his speech, he almost contradicted his wife.
“What she didn't tell you, by the way, is I'm a very bad golfer,” Gingrich said to laughter in the crowd. “She just wouldn't say it.”
The campaign spokesman told NBC News that Callista will be seen more frequently on the trail and will even start doing campaign events on her own soon.
151comments below
The more CPAC is broadcast the higher President Obama's approval ratings go. Glad he sent the Catholic Church back to their congregations where they belong. Glad he upheld a women's right to birth control since all the responsiblity for family planning is on our shoulders. Glad he will be reelected 2012. Pass the popcorn!
  • 32 votes
#1.3 - Fri Feb 10, 2012 8:07 PM EST

I assume Newt required that his lady friends who were not his wife use contraceptives when they visited him in his office or car? What about the other married GOP hypocrites who like to have a good time while serving the Koch Bros. and Grover Norquist in DC?
And Willard? Explain this please - from Markos M/DailyKos tweet:
RT@ThinkProgress: Romney in 2002: "My views are progressive." Romney in 2012: "I'm severely conservative."
  • 26 votes
#1.4 - Fri Feb 10, 2012 8:16 PM EST

Ana, no one ever holds the males accountable. All these strict rules we grow up with are aimed at women, not men. Men have always done whatever the hell they wanted. Yet it is they who attempt to make all the rules.
The Catholic Church was always a male dominated institution and always will be. Just like the GOP and media. So it was wonderful to see women speak up as they did. They surely did a great job this week showing zero tolerance for the way the Catholic Church continues to attempt to keep us in our place.
The men in the Democratic Party were awesome this week as well. It was comforting to see the support they showed to women. Especially President Obama.
The Democratic Party is awesome. Truly awesome.
  • 24 votes
#1.5 - Fri Feb 10, 2012 8:23 PM EST

CNN carried his speech ... basically he will fire all the Czars leaving but one, him. Other than that, moving the capital of Israel to Jerusalem would somehow make America respected again. Fire the Judges. Left out the moon. Came about as close as one can get to calling the President a traitor ... basically all the stuff the right likes to hear.
  • 25 votes
#1.6 - Fri Feb 10, 2012 8:37 PM EST

As long as the "party of responsibility" only holds women responsible for unwanted pregnancies and not the men who make the women pregnant, this woman is voting for Democrats. I cannot stand the blatant hypocrisy of men who refuse to use contraception but engage in sexual activities. They want to have their cake and eat it too. I tell my daughters, "You bear all of the burden. Be careful what you choose to do." Some men may step up and take responsibility, but it is the woman who must carry and bear the child. People against contraception are against women.
  • 25 votes
#1.7 - Fri Feb 10, 2012 9:56 PM EST

The conservative gadflies really poked a hornet's nest with all of the talk lately about restricting women's access to contraceptives and requiring government's custodial permission for any decisions about her body. Now Newt wants to try and turn the same topic around - but even women faithful to the Catholic church see this as a woman's rights issue.
  • 20 votes
#1.8 - Fri Feb 10, 2012 11:17 PM EST
Why are you claiming the Conservatives started this church thing, wasn't it someone from HHS that made the announcement? isn't she a democrat, or did she change parties?
Obama's administration started this whole catholic church/birth control snafu. Heck even his own loyal representatives running for re-election begged that he back off. Guess what He DID! He lost!
All your spinning it doesn't change the facts.
1. The end result is exactly what we started out with.
2. I guess there are liberal pundits that claim this was only to give some hard pressed democrat congressmen something to distance themselves from the President during this election cycle.
3. The alienation of another constituency.
These are the only things accomplished with this mess, all started by the director of HHS, a Democrat.
  • 3 votes
#1.9 - Fri Feb 10, 2012 11:34 PM EST

Katheryn ,
Yes, the GOP has decided to make their case against woman's right. they think the social conservative card is a winning ticket now.
They really think we will not notice if they wrap it up in religious talk, their hatred of the HCA, and big government rhetoric.
It took about 3 days for Komen foundation to backtrack about their PPH decision.
Women , regardless of party or religious denomination, are paying attention!
  • 20 votes
#1.10 - Fri Feb 10, 2012 11:42 PM EST

Egilman - I do think there are conservative gadflies (and I didn't say the majority - but those out to create soundbites) who are emboldened enough to talk about women as though women are not capable of thinking for themselves.
Rep.Wayne Christian said,"Well,of course, it's war on birth control and abortions and everything. That's what family planning is suppose to be about."
Joe Pitts of Pennsyvania - proposed bill to allow hospitals to refuse to provide an abortion when the procedure is necessary to save women's lives.
GA bill - to redefine victims of rape,stalking, and domestic violence as "accusers" instead of victims of abuse
Wendy Rogers - Women should not have an abortion even to prevent the unfortunate death of the mother.
Thomas White - Baptist Theological Seminary - declared use of birth control pills is murder of a life
Mitt Romney - "I hope to reclassify the most commonly used forms of contraceptives as abortions."
You are right about alienating a constituency -that constituency is the women of America
  • 21 votes
#1.11 - Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:34 AM EST

Oh yeah,Northstar - I didn't even mention the whole Karen Handel fiasco. I do believe they've " awakened a sleeping giant".
  • 16 votes
#1.12 - Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:44 AM EST

War on religion! What war on religion, Newt?
  • 11 votes
#1.13 - Sat Feb 11, 2012 1:06 AM EST
You might be right, I'm sure some ladies will feel that they are politically alienated there have been many that have felt that way for a long time by both the republicans and democrats.
I was thinking more along the lines that Catholics were and are being alienated from the democrat party. (a very large constituency for Obama in '08) And, they weren't before this garbage was brought up by democrats.

  • 3 votes
#1.14 - Sat Feb 11, 2012 1:24 AM EST

There they are!!!: All TV'd Up! Like Dracula, Frankenstein and The WolfMan; MittTaxPittance Rommel, THEGangrene and, last BUT NOT in the least, The WolfManVomitorium! YESSSSSS!!!!! First off is DRAC: aka MittTaxPittanceRommel, Who will START A WAR WITH Iran, A very Profitable War for his RepublicanCrimeCartelCorporateMasters AT THAT!! The Count was "nice enough" to expose his taxes!! Let Me Seeeee Now...Drac paid 13% on $42,000,000 income EEEZZZZ MONEY: $5,450,000 And! WE American Taxpayer Victims PAID The Count's REMAINING $7,800,000!!!! Thanks for SUCKING US Dry Drac!!! AND Aren't We "LittlePeople" Thrilled that The Count is nice enough to Let US have the Honor of Paying His Taxes!! He WILL ALLOW Even, the Poor, Whom HE HAS STATED He "DOES NOT CARE ABOUT" To coughUp his Tax Liability!; 'Long as they got A BloodyJob with deductions Drac can get his FANGS into their BloodMoney as small as it might be!
Then There is Frankenstein, err...THEGangrene who, with his department store mannequin "Other Half", will turn to Destructive Rage at the drop of a wrong word or moment!!! EGADZ, This SelfEntitled Creature of Pleasure will Start A War for his RepublicanCorporateMasters AnyWhere, AnyHow, AnyWay, EVEN On The Moon!, as long as there is profit and Franky gets a stipend from it!!! Let alone: ANYTHING TheGangrene Touches will Putrify and Rot like what is left of OUR AmericanBodyPolitic.. Watch Franky TRY to Come alive with "lightening" speed at the RepublicanNationalCrimeCartelConvention!!!
Now Comes The WolfMan Vomitorium... What Can be said!! Such a Goot'Lookin'Boy! Ooh Facime! What A Face!! how could he do Anything Unsavory!!! BUT When The CORPORATE SYMBOLS rise in his eyes TheVomitorium begins his hungry and Very Hairy Growling for American Taxpayer's Blood!!!!
Yes!! THERE is your victim Wolfy!! Go and Savage It WolfMan with BloodLust Fangs and All! Our American UniversalHealthCare System!! All of OUR Allys have it, EVEN the TowelHeads Have A NationalHealthCareSystem!, This Political Beast Savaged and ALSO Struck down OUR Bill for AnAmericanNationalHealthCareSystem!!! Then, when The Killing Is Over, Out Steps The 'A nica'Boy Vomitorium; Ooohh!! How CleanCut!! Yes And so are His savage sever wounds on OUR AmericanHealthCareBill!!!!Brother And Sister American Putting these guys In Power is Having Dracula Guard our BloodBanks!!! You Saw What the Count Did......
  • 5 votes
#1.15 - Sat Feb 11, 2012 1:49 AM EST

Egilman - yeah, I realized you and I were on were on two different tangents. Okay,here's my take on the proposal you were speaking of... This November will be a tough,close call and all candidates are looking for money and votes. Being a politician, (and they are all politicians,with maybe Ron tacking away from the general armada-I'm unsure what his course is) Obama sees the dramatic reaction of women to the whole Komen episode and his campaign advisors say, let's jump on this train. And there on his desk is the perfect vehicle to demonstrate his solidarity with women on the contraceptive/women's rights issues. If he can get women motivated - he's tapped into a huge group of potential voters (sadly women do not tend to stand up as a group-so we often tend to be overlooked). Whether he did it out of heartfelt beliefs or political gamemanship,it was not a good move politically,as we saw. But he doesn't have to do anything- the social conservatives are stirring up women all on their own by attacking women and birth control(even Evangelical and Catholic women use contraceptives). As women become aware that the access to contraceptives is seriously being contemplated for elimination -they will start to come together as a deciding factor in the November race. So yes - his move may have alienated Catholics,but a large portion of that constituency are women - and the other side have alienated them.
  • 10 votes
#1.17 - Sat Feb 11, 2012 11:13 AM EST
We will find it acceptable for you to bend the language a bit and go for "Quitta from Wasilla"
  • 2 votes
#1.18 - Sat Feb 11, 2012 1:30 PM EST

PTNY -- and Fox didn't even cover his speech at all.
Well why would FOX cover it, since FOX is part of the "establishment?"
Romney wants to be president so bad (he'll say anything), but wanting to be president so bad is not compelling to voters as a reason to vote for him. Same goes for Gingrich. He wants to teach the establishment a lesson, but this is not compelling to voters as a reason to vote for him.
Gingrich wears out code words (like "Czar") almost as fast as Bachmann did. Let's define "bold" or "bold contrast." This means someone SO extreme that even half of Republicans are appalled. The "Personhood" legislation that couldn't even pass in Mississippi is a good example, which would make all forms of contraceptives illegal as well as many other things like fertility procedures.
Ron Paul is just an outright anarchist -- who, BTW is quietly getting his supporters designated as delegates regardless of who is winning caucuses.
Egilman- Obama's administration started this whole catholic church/birth control snafu.
The Affordable Health Care Act in regard to labor laws and the horrible health insurance-via-employer-system we have in the US applies to ALL religions. I have asked why Romney defended Catholics instead of his own religion and institutions like the LDS Hospital, BYU, etc.
No, this was started by Gingrich and Santorum, both Catholic candidates, and Romney joining in so as not to be outdone (and at the same time not talk about his Mormon faith). Gingrich taking the moral high ground on anything is a joke, but we all know he just throws red meat -- How could he pass up an opportunity to attack "Obamacare?" Santorum is VERY sincere about "Personhood" big-brother-government theocracy. Just go back and read about his involvement in the Terri Schiavo fiasco.
There is NO attack on religion. This propaganda has been around forever, whether Bill O'Really on Christmas, or creationism and school prayer in public schools, etc. In fact, why the heck are priests reading legislation from the pulpit? These violations against non-profit status go back to the Equal Rights Amendment, and more recently Prop 8 in which churches like the Mormons were political activists. The IRS needs to crack down on this (the IRS, which wouldn't exist if Ron Paul had his way).
Katheryn Brandy -- Good points (and Pat).
The real attacks are against other religions, races, and of course women. The problems of maternity leave, child support and affordable child care, and equality in coverage (e.g., Viagra) and a uterus as a pre-existing condition have been around a long time. Contraceptives reduce health care costs and abortions. This is the 21st century--Enough!
  • 11 votes
#1.19 - Sat Feb 11, 2012 2:17 PM EST

Correction to post #1.19 above, the "Personhood" legislation -- that life begins at conception, i.e., defined as a fertilized egg -- would make most forms of contraceptives illegal. And call into question miscarriages, the mother's life at risk, obviously rape even in cases of incest (and verified deformity) as no excuse for abortion... Condoms would still be okay, but that would put responsibility on men - Ha!
When will this argument stop, just friggin stop? Roe v Wade with the Hyde Amendment has served us just fine thank you. We don't need to keep going backward and having the same old, idiotic arguments in this country.
JOBS, Boehner/McConnell and Teapublicans in congress -- Where are the jobs?!
  • 10 votes
#1.20 - Sat Feb 11, 2012 2:40 PM EST
We will find it acceptable for you to bend the language a bit and go for "Quitta from Wasilla"
Most excellent idea! I will have to remember that in the future!
Thanks! ☺
  • 4 votes
#1.21 - Sat Feb 11, 2012 3:41 PM EST
newt is his own worst enemy; to far right for the mainstream republican party, to far out for a rational person and to long ago in the political mainstream, only Winston Churchill made a come back of that long out, the political world will not see the likes of his greatness again.
  • 2 votes
#1.22 - Sat Feb 11, 2012 9:13 PM EST
Saxon - Winston takes umbrage with his name being in such close proximity to Newt's!
  • 2 votes
#1.23 - Sat Feb 11, 2012 9:30 PM EST

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