
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Initial Reax


I think Newt Gingrich did very well tonight. I think he knows it. He’s right. I’ve heard a number of people say that Rick Santorum had a really strong debate too and even that he ‘won’ the debate. Santorum was basically more on his game than I think I’ve ever heard him. He had a really good debate. I think Newt did better. But here’s the key: Gingrich is in a position to capitalize in a big way on a strong debate performance. I don’t think Santorum is. So it all comes down to a very strong performance by Newt — one I think will likely a clinch a win for him on Saturday night, notwithstanding the tell-all interview coming later tonight.
It all started (and in a sense ended) with Newt’s ferocious broadside against John King for raising the “open marriage” story. (Watch the video here.) The whole thing was a put-up job in reality. But for his intended audience, it was a masterstroke. And it was classic Newt. Take the mammoth offensive whether you have a leg to stand on or not and just go with it. It turned the whole thing into an outrage drama against the “mainstream media.” The cynicism of Newt’s tirade was on display post-debate when he complimented King for doing a great job moderating the debate. But again, doesn’t matter. He nailed it. That set the tone for the debate, virtually ensured that no one would touch the issue for the next two hours and instantly drew off all the Newt-tension hovering over the debate.
There was the one portion where Mitt really held the floor and that was on the tax return stuff. But it was not good at all. I found it genuinely curious that his campaign had not prepared him better for questions that were guaranteed to come up. Watch the video.
But the big thing is that Romney just seemed to shrink over the course of the debate. Like he was a bystander. At some points I almost forgot he was there. I’m curious what other people think. But he just seemed deflated and almost not there for most of the debate. It was Newt and Santorum. That would be fine if if was ten days ago when it really seemed that Romney was home free. But he needed a lot more than that tonight.
I have little doubt that he’ll still end up being the nominee. But I think it’s going to take him longer than we thought.

The Meltdown

Video of Mitt’s epic tax return meltdown. Watch.

Relive It

Here’s video of Newt’s opening fusillade which I think probably won him the debate. Worth watching it again.

Quick Reax

A quick read on where we are so far.
I think Newt basically won this debate and maybe the primary with the opening fusilade against John King about the Marianne tell-all interview. Shameless, hubris, chutzpah, whatever. It was pitch perfect for his intended audience. He took control of the debate and drew down all the tension about when the debate would turn to the open marriage stuff.
A short time later his campaign released his tax returns. Another little ambush set there for Newt.
Mitt’s done fine. But he’s felt like a bystander so far to me in this debate. That’s fine when he’s ahead. But he needs to shake things up, upset Newt’s momentum. And he hasn’t. Not even close.
8:31 PM: Here’s why it won’t be nearly as easy as Mitt claims to get rid of “Obamacare”. Really good piece. Give it a read.
8:07 PM: Smart of Santorum to stamp the word “victory” about Iowa. It really gets under Mitt’s skin.

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