
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Dear Representative Boehner,

peggy satterfield
ZIP code: 17501

November 01, 2011
Dear Representative Boehner,             

I gave you a grade of D.  I am not entirely satisfied with your stance on jobs, why because when you and your republican  friends ran in 2010, your war cry at that time was jobs, Jobs , JOBS.  Where are the Jobs, Mr President! You talked about deficit reduction, cut spending.  Once you got into office and the speakership, you changed course.  Deficit reduction, cut Cut CUT, no matter who it hurt.  Balanced budget amendment, destroy all programs, including medicare, social security and medicaqid.  And your republican governors, and their attack on education, medicaid, union stripping. voter rights, immigration, and healthcare.   You want to return to the states those programs that they should be handling, except, little man, they can not take care of their mess they have now.  They steal from this program to pay for that one.  Housing, welfar, unemployment,  preschool, education vouchers, taxes, unions, child labor laws.I could go on.  President Obama sumitted a jobs bill, but your republicans sank it.  But you haven't put anything like it out there for us to see.  Your top priority is making Obama a one term president, and you are killing what the citizens think about the Congress and their NO! the hell we won't, do nothing help no one congress with a 9% favorable poll number. 
And now there is the 99% gathering in the big towns and little towns of our country, fighting back.  trying to tell you what we the people your constituents expect out of our Representatives, and you are not listening, you do not want to hear us, well we are getting bigger, and we are here to stay until you decide we are worth being heard.  YOU DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE MIDDLE CLASS, AND WHAT WE DEAL WITH EVERYDAY. We are the nobodies, the ones you republicans think you can forget. It has been predicted that in ten years the way that Republicans are running(ruining) the economy, that there will be no middle class, only the poor and destitute, who will be living in tent cities, scrounging for food, and dying at an abnormal rate, because of no healthcare, no government programs that help take care of us.  Our old and feeble, our disabled, our sick will die off, That is what you and your Republican croonies want.  Keep the rich fatter, the corporations happier, becuase that is how you survive, and prosper.  You make me sick, mark my words, your day is coming.  And it will be a sweet revolt, and you will not know what has hit you. WE THE PEOPLE OF THESE UNITED STATES< WILL TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY FROM THE TERRORIST (Republicans/tea party) We will live to fight another day.

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