
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sessions: Debt Limit Progress Requires President To Give Up Gimmicks

by Jeff Sessions on Tuesday, July 12, 2011 at 5:06pm

“Enough empty promises… We need a seismic restoration of responsibility—and it will not happen unless, for the first time since taking office, President Obama puts a credible budget plan on paper.”

            WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee, issued the following statement today after learning that the White House’s publicly claimed spending cuts from closed-door meetings rely heavily on gimmicks and accounting tricks:

“News that the cuts offered by the White House are not real, but instead rely on gimmicks and tricks, is upsetting but not surprising; this has been the scheme all along. The president offered a budget in February that would double our nation’s debt while declaring that it would ‘not add more to the debt.’ He delivered a speech in April saying that he had a new deficit reduction plan to reduce our debt by $4 trillion while, in reality, his plan would grow the debt $2.2 trillion beyond the CBO baseline over the next ten years. Democrats in Washington have shut down the entire budget process and failed to put an honest plan on paper.

Enough empty promises. We’re projected to spend $46 trillion over the next ten years—a 57% increase between 2011 and 2021. But all the president and Senate Democrats have been willing to do is offer the appearance of savings while fighting to preserve a spending path that will bankrupt the greatest nation on Earth. It is time to bring this process into the light of day. I have introduced a measure, along with my Republican colleagues, requiring that the legislative text of a debt bill be made public at least 7 days before any vote is held.

We need a seismic restoration of responsibility—and it will not happen unless, for the first time since taking office, President Obama puts a credible budget plan on paper.”

1 comment:

  1. The Republican party needs to wake up and smell what they are dishing out. This countries politics has always been based on compromise and the better good of ALL citizens, not just the privileged few. Compromise is the way things get done, in business, and in the family which they claim to be all about. I hate to see what their family lives are like if they "rule" their homes the way they do their politics.
