
Friday, July 22, 2011

Buddy Roemer enters 2012 race

Charles Krupa/AP
Former Gov. Buddy Roemer at an event in Bedford, N.H. on Wednesday.
"You don't want to miss this campaign. It will be something else." With those promising words, Buddy Roemer made his White House bid official earlier today, making his announcement at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire.
Now the eleventh GOP candidate to enter the race, Buddy Roemer, the former four-term congressman and one-time Louisiana governor identified major problems in other candidates' campaigns. While Roemer's announcement infused unspoken campaign platforms such as eliminating "unfair foreign trade practices" and "shipping job overseas," he touched on some key themes that all candidates have addressed — job creation, balancing the budget, and controlling government spending.
But what sets Roemer apart from the other 2012 contenders is his pledge not to accept money from PAC’s and no donation more than $100. "I ask the 98 percent of Americans who never give to a presidential candidate to stand with me."
With this self-imposed fundraising limit and his lack of national name recognition, Roemer appears unlikely as a front-runner for the nomination. He did receive kind words from a former Presidential hopeful, John McCain, who tweeted 
"Best of luck to @BuddyRoemer on his campaign — an old friend and a great American!"

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