
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Ryan: Let's talk about next year's budget

By Jamie Klatell - 04/09/11 06:27 AM ET
Less than six hours after Congress and the White House announced a shutdown-avoiding budget deal, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) began talking about the next budget battle, which will be fought over the plan for fiscal 2012.
The budget deal covering the remainder of fiscal 2011 "is good news for job creators in America – but much more has to be done to put our nation on a true path to prosperity," said Ryan, the chairman of the Budget Committee. "Earlier this week, the House Budget Committee advanced a new budget for the United States government that will move the debate in Washington from billions in spending cuts to trillions."
Ryan's budget plan, which has virtually no chance of being approved in the Senate, reduces 10 years of deficits by $1.649 trillion compared to the status quo, and balances the budget shortly before 2040.
Ryan minced no words about his concerns for the fiscal future.
“This nation is going deeper and deeper into debt – and the spending choices we make today will determine the kind of lives our children enjoy tomorrow," Ryan said. “The facts are these: Washington has not been telling you the truth about the magnitude of the problems we are facing."

Comments (37


This isn't new. This is the Republican dream card to play. They have historically tried to get rid of MEdicaid/Medicaire programs, or any government spending for our vulnerable in society. Ryan will have to turn his slashing over to the supply side and up the taxes on his good friends to realize some profits from our government. Surely the Repubs arent' suggesting that America turn into the serfs - I think history did that already. BY shannon bertuch on 04/09/2011 at 07:18
Paul Ryan is sadly one of the few leaders we have in washington, his efforts will not be realized until 2013 after the majority has changed in the senate and the current occupant of our white house has changed. BY Mike Musser on 04/09/2011 at 07:40
SHANNON, the DNC's dream voter…you get your information from ten second soundbites and then post on boards like these as if you know what you're talking about…The truth is that Ryan has proposed a "means test" for Medicare…You do know what means testing is, don't you? But by all means let's keep living off of the futures of our grandkids and refuse to act as adults…BY StPete on 04/09/2011 at 08:08
Paul Ryan is brilliant and his budget plan is genius. The people of this country must wake up! Stop listening to the media and learn the facts! Democrats are about power. The more the American people depend on the government, the more power the democrats possess. This budget doens't cut Medicare/Medicaid for those who need it now, but it does allow for the younger generation to start planning for their own health care in the future. This "ME" mentality must stop…start giving your part and stop depending whatever the government can give you. We should all be willing to make difficult sacrifices it if means rescuing this great nation for our children/grandchildren.BY Ann Wilson on 04/09/2011 at 08:20
Dear Mr. Ryan,
One problem I see is that setting the age to 55 you will be cutting out those of us born on the tail-end of the baby boom of WWII and thereby creating another generation of "Notch Kids" by leaving a gaping hole in your proposed bill by excluding those of us born between 1957 to 1961; Please do not repeat history again and let us learn from our mistakes. I strongly urge you to change the age requirement to 50 there by allowing those of us who have paid 38 plus years towards our Social Security Medicare Benefits. Please do not exclude us by repeating history again.

(The term “Notch” refers to the disparity in Social Security benefits paid to people born from 1917 through 1926 and those paid to people born before and after them with similar work and earnings records.)
BY SSReaney on 04/09/2011 at 08:41
Ryan is a little puffball just like the others. Stick to your guns and they'll always back down, Mr. President! Remember that in the future. Even Marsha Blackburn was crying begging them to give in in their caucus. So much for the bluster of McConnell, Boehner , Ryan (really runs the house caucus) and Canter. Congratulations on another victory!BY SFC Carrier on 04/09/2011 at 09:00
Rep. Ryan is introducing an interesting twist to Medicare in is bill. He is allowing those 55 or under to opt out of medicare. Rep. Jordan, is introducing an even more interesting twist to Medicare. He is allowing everyone in Medicare to opt out.

The original intent of the Medicare Law was VOLUNTARY. A HHS bureaucrat decided to make it law and put it in the books without Congress or the Senate voting on it. Now seniors are forced into a failing system, in order to collect their social security dollars; and then the politicians complain about medicare costing too much. As a result senior citizens are forced into this failing system with the potential of rationed care and limited access to doctors.


Check out the medicare lawsuit. Call Rep. Ryan and suggest that he allow ALL SENIORS to opt out. This will save more money. Pass Legislation allowing seniors to opt out from medicare if they so choose to.

Help free your parents and grandparents from the claws of HHS and the Rationing Czars.
BY NannyJ on 04/09/2011 at 09:47
Wow, you mean the repubs want to pass a budget before the fiscal year is half over? Cool.BY huerfano on 04/09/2011 at 09:56
Americans must either wake up to the fact that the Federal Gov't must 'slash' all spending or be faced with the absolute truth of total economic chaos. If Americans think that the race riots, looting, burning on American cities were bad in the 1960's…America will be looking at greater disasters to everyone across America should America not get behind the massive reduction of spending by the Federal gov't. Wake up America…YOU DEFINITELY WILL NOT LIKE WHAT IS COMING!!!!! Stop whining about every little CUT…!!! 
BY kingdoms on 04/09/2011 at 10:10
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