
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Obama: Budget compromise is good for the future

By Jamie Klatell - 04/09/11 06:02 AM ET
President Obama used his Saturday morning address to hammer home his message about the last-minute budget deal struck late Friday night.
"Leaders of both parties came together to avert a government shutdown, cut spending, and invest in our future," Obama said in a taped message.
The agreement, which came after days of partisan sparring and rhetorical drama, would fund the government through the end of September and cut $78.5 billion compared to Obama's proposed but never enacted fiscal 2011 budget.
Because it will take several days to translate the agreement into a legislative draft, both chambers passed a stopgap to keep the government funded until the middle of next week. The short-term measure would cut $2 billion from the budget, the first of the $78.5 billion in total cuts.
"This is an agreement to invest in our country’s future while making the largest annual spending cut in our history," Obama said, echoing remarks he made in announcing the agreement. "Like any compromise, this required everyone to give ground on issues that were important to them. I certainly did.  Some of the cuts we agreed to will be painful – programs people rely on will be cut back; needed infrastructure projects will be delayed."
Democrats knocked off most of the controversial policy riders that House Republicans had included in H.R. 1, the package of spending cuts that passed in February, including one on funding Planned Parenthood, which provides abortion services.
"We also prevented this important debate from being overtaken by politics and unrelated disagreements on social issues," the president said in his morning address.
Republicans, however, won the inclusion of a rider to expand the District of Columbia’s school voucher program and to authorize a Government Accountability Office study of a financial oversight board established by the Wall Street reform bill.

Comments (47)

Stick to your guns and they'll always back down, Mr. President! Remember that in the future. Even Marsha Blackburn was crying begging them to give in in their caucus. So much for rof the bluster of McConnell, Boehner and Canter. Congratulations on another victory!BY SFC Carrier on 04/09/2011 at 06:47
What a hypocrite this guy is. He goes out there patting himself on the back, giving himself credit for these measly cuts that are less than 1% of this 2011 budget that was never voted on.

If you're so hyped up about the "largest spending cuts in history" implying it is what you want, then perhaps you can explain why the budget YOU presented has a $1,650,000,000,00 0.00 deficit for 2012 and the last three budgets you proposed all had $1,000,000,000,00 0.00 deficits.

Let's see how badly you react to the proposed budgets that should cut TRILLIONS in spending. If there was this much drama over what amount to pennies, there is no hope of any substantial movement towards deficit reductions.
BY Hypocrite-in-Chief on 04/09/2011 at 07:23
One accomplishment of this administration is the desensitizing of the term "TRILLION" as it relates to dollars.

To put it in perspective, $1,000,000.00 million is a lot of money, right? Well, $1,000,000,000,00 0.00 (TRILLION) is a MILLION- MILLION.

Ludicrous is an understatement. What is next? a quadrillion ($1,000,000,000,00 0,000.00)—a thousand trillion or a million-billion?

And Obozo pats himself on the back over a little over $30 billion is cuts. Puleeze. He must really think we are stupid.
BY no longer confused on 04/09/2011 at 07:30
The debt ceiling is more important then any budget. Once that is denied Obama will have to start making cuts and immediately. He won't have the money and can't borrow any more. Let's see what he does then. PP would be the first to go. BY Baloney Guy on 04/09/2011 at 07:41
WOW, No longer Confused, just think, if we took the equivalent of the $14 trillion debt, we could give 14 million families a million dollars each, or 28 million families $500,000.00 each or 56 million families $250,000.00 each or 112 million families $125,000.00 each. That would boost the economy.

What I want to know is where did all this money go? How many billions were embezzled by unscrupulous bureaucrats? Issa, look into the finances of all upper management in our federal bureaucracies and I bet you find a web of massive corruption, fraud and outright theft of American taxpayer dollars..
BY fl cracker on 04/09/2011 at 07:48
BALONEY GUY that crashing sound you hear is the Republicans caving on increasing the debt limit.BY disgusted with dc on 04/09/2011 at 07:53
It's important to know just where these budget cuts are coming from - not just how much will be cut. A more aggressively progressive tax reform is in order with a further burden placed on the highest income earners.

The Republicans blow my mind. They ran the country into the ground for 8 years and now they're dying to try to do it again. Why can't they give an 8 year moment of silence for trying to kill their country?

Republicans are cutting social service spending but increasing military spending for bull like Iraq. F-that and F-them.
BY Camacho on 04/09/2011 at 07:54
Obo has an "Us against them" mentality, as if this country isn't facing absolute calamity if drastic cuts such as those proposed in Rep. Ryan's 2012 budget aren't inacted…
The MSM has totally forgotten that this budget was the duty of the Democratically controlled 111th Congress…Now I know how Geobbels did it…they should all be lined up and …
From article:
Obama said, echoing remarks he made in announcing the agreement. "Like any compromise, this required everyone to give ground on issues that were important to them. I certainly did.
BY StPete on 04/09/2011 at 08:00
Time for Congress to do what credit card companies do when their card holders keep their credit cards maxed out—reduce the spending limit. If the Republicans agree to increasing the debt limit, they will see a three fold increase in the spending by this administration—probably through executive orders.

Warning to the GOP—do NOT increase the debt limit or you'll be looking for new jobs in 2012.
BY SC Belle on 04/09/2011 at 08:16
Only Obama could make $38 billion in cuts from his $1.7 trillion deficit seem like a monumental triumph. What a sad day for America.BY BC on 04/09/2011 at 08:28

Barack Obama is the most full of crap President in the history of the world.
 BY drjohn on 04/09/2011 at 08:32
Camacho—granted, the Republicans did overspend for 6 of the 8 years Bush was in office. However, and you libs seem to like to ignore this fact, the last two years of the Bush administration, with a Democrat controlled House and Senate, saw a large increase in the budget spending—and the House starts the budget process. Below are the approximate budget deficits from when the Democrats took over the House and Senate.

2007 budget deficit —345 billion
2008 budget deficit - 407 billion
2009 budget deficit - 1.2 trillion
2010 budget deficit - 1.1 trillion
2011 budget deficit - 1.27 trillion
2012 budget deficit - 1.65 trillion

The Democrats are just as culpable, if not more so than the Republicans, who, since the 2007 budget was passed, were pretty much powerless to stop the Dems. And Bush made a huge mistake by signing the bills. Note the dramatic jump once the Democrats had super majorities in both houses (2009 budget on)

Both parties need to realize they are both at fault and the spending MUST STOP.
 BY SC Belle on 04/09/2011 at 08:39
This agreement to pass a 2011 budget that cuts 38.5 million from the 2010 budget spending levels or is 78.5 million less than Obama’s 2011 budget submission presents the president with a dilemma. Not only has Obama been branded as a reckless “big spender” but the groundwork has been established for additional administration fiscal policy changes when the deliberations begin on raising the debt limit. This will not be a pro forma vote but will come with additional demands to reduce the size and cost of government. Once again the President will have to go along or risk being confirmed as a proponent of a financial irresponsibilit y. What will he do?BY virginian on 04/09/2011 at 08:41
Yo CAMACHO—how do you feel about Obama expanding the fighting in Afghanistan (more spending there)and taking on the Libyan "kinetic" military operation (WITHOUT formal Congressional approval) that many now believe will be a long term operation? What about THAT spending? It is not only the Republicans you know. Man up and admit it.BY fl cracker on 04/09/2011 at 08:42
In the end the Republicans caved on their riders. HC reform is still funded. Planned parenthood is still funded. NPR is still funded. the EPA is still funded. All of their idealogical posturing was pointless. The President has prevailed and seems to most Americans to be the "only adult in the room" once again. Go Obama!.  
BY Maggy on 04/09/2011 at 08:53
virginian— you wrote "Once again the President will have to go along or risk being confirmed as a proponent of a financial irresponsibilit y. What will he do?"

Do you honestly think he gives a flying crap? There can only be one answer to his actions—they are a deliberate attempt to bankrupt this country and bring her to her knees. The sooner voters in this country realize this, the quicker we can blaze a trail back to fiscal responsibility.

What will he do? He will continue finding ways to spend recklessly through Executive Orders or other underhanded methods, or just spend without approval from anyone. Why not, no one has yet to challenge him on anything. I'm still waiting for him to get formal authorization for the Libyan "kinetic" military operation—a violation of our Constitution—yet everyone is ignoring it. Had that been Bush, we would see impeachment proceedings.
BY FL Cracker on 04/09/2011 at 08:53
Unless we vote this idget and the senate democrats out in 2012 , we're not going to have a future.BY Hide the Decline on 04/09/2011 at 08:54
This is insane RHETORIC! At its coming from more then top DOG! What is this the third sort term budget, the second I wont vote for another. We are no longer a great people, we except the actions of this buch of scoundrels with out a question asked. THIS IS ARE NATION,ARE MONEY, "WE THE PEOPLE" NEED TO STAND UP AND SAY WHAT THE H*!! IS GOING ON, GET IT RIGHT ARE WE WILL UNIITE, AND TOSS YOU BUNCH SCOUNDREL BACK INTO THE PRIVATE SECTOR.WHERE A PERSON EARNS THERE MONEY. AND LET THEM SEE JUST WHAT THEY HAVE DONE TO THE PRIVATE SECTOR.BY Stephen on 04/09/2011 at 09:19
I am going to pay my first compliment to the worst POTUS in history.

The GOP is afraid of you Obama!

You will win the White House again because the GOP is the Government of Pansies.

You don't care about the Constitution and neither do the other Communists in the Senate and Congress.

You guys break laws everyday and get away with it.

With the corrupt, racist AG Eric Holder breaking the law to let you guys continue to break laws - you have nothing to worry about.

Congratulations on the greatest scam in world history!

George Soros is so proud of his boy!
BY Libsrdopes on 04/09/2011 at 09:28
Please! Bush, Obama, for that fact who has not lied to "WE THE PEOPLE", we have a political agenda based on untruth. And it goes all the way back to L.B.J. WE THE PEOPLE" are just so dog gone CONFUSED! HELP US LORD JESUS, THOUGH THE LYING AND TRIBULATION THAT WE HAVE BROUGHT ON OURSELVES THOUGH ARE IGNORANCE.
 BY Stephen on 04/09/2011 at 09:30
"We also prevented this important debate from being overtaken by politics and unrelated disagreements on social issues,"


Obama voted present once again and takes credit for it all. The usual.
BY drjohn on 04/09/2011 at 09:40
"WE THE PEOPLE" will be doing the cutting in DC come 2012!  
BY No to Socialism on 04/09/2011 at 09:43
GOD HELP US … Obama and the Democrats are on a mission to bankrupt our once great nation!BY REALITY CHECK on 04/09/2011 at 09:54
The budget compromise may be good for the couintry's future, but having Obozo the Clown as president definitely is not. BY Obozo the Clown on 04/09/2011 at 10:04
What will be extremely good for the future of our country is the outcome of the 2012 elections when Obama and the progressives leave Washington. They will be rewarded for their complete disregard for the peoples will.BY mgfree on 04/09/2011 at 10:05
How do you call it a compromise when the Republicans asked for $33B, and they ended up getting $38.5B? The Democrats need to get tougher at the outset. Where is their counter to Ryan's whacked out budget? The Democrats need to start out with the fight exhibited by the women in the Senate during their news conference on Planned Parent Hood. Then they will have the Republicans on their heels like the House Republican women were at their news conference yesterday on the same issue. 
BY Chuck on 04/09/2011 at 10:20
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BY adssad on 04/09/2011 at 10:20
obama you are nothing but a scum sucker just like smuck schumer and reid. Your rain will end in Nov 2012. screw u and the TROJAN HORSE YOUR ROAD IN ON. 
BY jbobojake on 04/09/2011 at 10:21
Mainstreet republicans, do you really want to vote with people who call Obama "obozo the clown"

who are these people who call Obama "obozo the clown" you decide!
BY Lloyd C on 04/09/2011 at 10:24
we are lied to again.this was a win for big,demo crat= same.WE THE PEOPLE have lostBY nugy on 04/09/2011 at 10:30
Libsr3dopes is another one of those far right wing communist sympathizers. He hates people who actually fights commies and russia

Libsrdopes fails to mention that he's never asserted 'executive priviledge' not one time. hey libsrdopes. how many in the previous republican administration? hmm???

Yeah, thats what I thought, all bark

Hide the decline is just a really poor troll
BY Lloyd C on 04/09/2011 at 10:33
Lloyd C:

Obozo the clown is a nice compliment compared to what we really want to post.


WE THE PEOPLE have lost because Boehner is a pansy.

Send him an email like I did to step down.

He's afraid of the conman in the White House.
BY Libsrdopes on 04/09/2011 at 10:38
How much is a TRILLION?
Try this for size:

You remember counting 10 seconds while plyaing hide and seek, right? Well, just add a 2 zero's and you get one Thousand seconds = a coffee break.
Adding 3 more zero's turns that into one Million seconds = a 2 week vacation.
Add just 3 more zero's and one Billion seconds might be a little short of the working career of a surgeon.
And just 3 more zero's takes us to One TRILLION. A TRILLION SECONDS is greater than ALL of recorded history taken 5 times over.

So to paraphrase Everett Dirksen: "A trillion here, a trillion there, and pretty soon you're talking about real money!"
BY Friendly Gadfly on 04/09/2011 at 10:45
I feel much better now that all the conservatives on this site are so pissed off. Agree, however, that the deficit should be cut. Let us start by cutting the defense budget in half. Then let us raise the tax rate to Clinton era rates. Then let us negotiate the rest. BY Tom Street on 04/09/2011 at 10:47
The riginal proposal of Obama and the Democrats was "ZERO" cuts. Boehner's was $61 billion. When you add in the roughly $10 billion in cuts that occured with the continuing resolutions, that puts that cuts at $49 billion. So, for all you liberals, who got more of what they wanted? In addition, the deal shaves $78 billion from Obama's budget from last year. Again, add in the $10 billion from the CR's and the total is now $88 billion. Very close to the Tea Parties demands of $100 billion. But liberals, go ahead and claim this is your victory.BY Brian Goettl on 04/09/2011 at 11:11
Obama's Forked Tounged worked -his Victory?BY Too Much on 04/09/2011 at 11:20
Obama is basically saying the fiscal solvency of our nation is not his problem or concern … only "Social Justice" and wealth redistribution ..BY TA on 04/09/2011 at 11:29
Libsrdopes: considering the vile hatred stuff I have seen some ilk on here post about Obama, I really don't believe you're holding much back

I love how you totally ignored my point about obama not asserting executive privilege like the last republican administration did

It shows how biased you are.
BY Lloyd C on 04/09/2011 at 11:34
Obama is putting lipstick on the pig. Did ANYBODY think Republicans would get those stupid riders? they started out at $30 billion in cuts and worked to $38 billion. Obama's negotiating skills will be legendary. Like when they Pilgrims bought Manhattan Island for $24 in beads. Maybe get Obama some beads…BY Spin Control on 04/09/2011 at 11:37
To put the wimp Boehner's deal with the devil in perspective:

Federal Debt Jumped $54.1 Billion in 8 Days Preceding Obama-Boehner Deal to Cut $38.5 Billion For Rest of Year
BY BoehnerIsADope on 04/09/2011 at 11:47
Yes the cuts are small but a few weeks ago the dems said 30 billion incuts are to extreme now they say 38 billion is historic and are happy with them. It will take time and it will be a long journey but we have made a step in the right direction.BY swamper on 04/09/2011 at 11:56
HA … HA … HA … I just thwarted again those silly calls for fiscal solvency by those Republicans … now for another VACATION !!! BY BARRY on 04/09/2011 at 12:00
Obambee, smuck schumer and reid got their A** kicked and this is just step 2 the first was Nov 2010. We will kick their geister all over the playing field between now and Nov 2012, we may lose a couple but we will be taking steaks most of the time while they get sausage made by the sewer rat smuck schumer, reid and murray.
Nov 2012 will be obama OUT OUT OUT and all of
patty murrays sewer rats she is trying to peddle. If Reid and Murray hadn't hauled in the Union voters dead or alive they would of been sitting at home. Now we have to show them what NOV 2010 was really about. goodbye Reid Murray and Obama as you get along little dogs.
BY jbobojake on 04/09/2011 at 12:10
Obama why did YOU jack us into debt trillions of dollars in the first place? All this misey in this country is YOUR fault. Why did foreign banks /millionaires get our tax dollars? And how much did YOU steal for your ACCOUNT? Then you get on the screen, reading your teleprompter like you're some kind of emperor? You remind me of the African dictator Mobutu of the Congo,, he forced the television news channels to precede their nightly news with an image of him descending through the clouds from the heavens. The way you do it is through money,media and democrats…Indoctri nate the kids in school to sing songs about you, have artist make pictures like you're some kind of dark skinned Che Guevara. You have chrissy mattews get on his knees nightly for you and Soros writes the checks…Actually you're some one who was coddled all his life, commies paved and paid your way through colleges, YOU used a stolen SSN and YOU are someone who was told his stuff don't stink… Well ,your stuff …STINKS…BY dharc on 04/09/2011 at 12:21
I am not a fan of Trump, but his interview with Meredith Vierra was on the money. When he said Obama had no experience making deals, closing deals, he was right. Obama has trouble with standing for anything. He takes a position and moves to funny spots. This negotiation was the same. When it was all Democrats, Pelosi did the stimulus and health care, Obama took credit. He wasn't part of the process. He got slapped around on this deal. There was no way Republicans were getting those riders, but they got very close to their numbers on the cuts. They got Obama fretting about Planned Parenthood and he took his eye off the ball. Trump, good call on Obama's lack of expoerience and skill.BY Trump is Right on 04/09/2011 at 14:09
For those who may have forgot, Obama issued his Budget earlier with $ 0 cuts. He is a follower and is more comfortable standing on the sidelines. He has failed in every chance to provide leadership: Economy, Gitmo, Healthcare, Libya, Oil Spill. Biden was right when he said this is not a time for "learning on the job". Can't wait for 2012 to appoint a leader that is not scared to lead. WillieBY WIllie B on 04/09/2011 at 16:23
He talk about compromise but when they shoved a 2,000+ page OOOOOOObamaCare on us, there was not a time for compromise where we could read it. What's wrong with this picture?BY jemini52 on 04/09/2011 at 18:30
Jimini52: stop lying to the american people. there were months and months and months o discussions.

Your version of compromise = do whatever insurance companies wanted.

Yeah. sure jemini.. sure.
BY Lloyd C on 04/09/2011 at 18:46

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