I will post the rest when they are posted
1. H.AMDT.11 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 370 printed in the Congressional Record to reduce funding by $18,750,000 for unneeded boards and commissions.
Sponsor: Rep Flake, Jeff [AZ-6] (introduced 2/15/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/15/2011 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Flake amendment (A001) Failed by recorded vote: 207 - 223 (Roll no. 41).
2. H.AMDT.12 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 87 printed in the Congressional Record to eliminate all funding for the Innovative Research Fund.
Sponsor: Rep Pompeo, Mike [KS-4] (introduced 2/15/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/15/2011 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Pompeo amendment (A002) Failed by recorded vote: 72 - 358 (Roll no. 42).
3. H.AMDT.13 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 63 printed in the Congressional Record to reduce the amount for Aircraft Procurement, Navy by $21,985,000, the Aircraft Procurement, Air Force by $393,098,000 and increase Defense by $415,083,000.
Sponsor: Rep Gutierrez, Luis V. [IL-4] (introduced 2/15/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/15/2011 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Gutierrez amendment (A003) Failed by recorded vote: 105 - 326 (Roll no. 43).
4. H.AMDT.14 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 86 printed in the Congressional Record to reduce funds in Title IV the Research, Development, Test and Evaluation and increase Defense by $115,520,000.
Sponsor: Rep Pompeo, Mike [KS-4] (introduced 2/15/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/15/2011 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Pompeo amendment (A004) Failed by recorded vote: 109 - 320 (Roll no. 44).
5. H.AMDT.15 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 162 printed in the Congressional Record to reduce Title IV the Research, Development, Test and Evaluation by 10%.
Sponsor: Rep Quigley, Mike [IL-5] (introduced 2/15/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/15/2011 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Quigley amendment (A005) Failed by voice vote.
6. H.AMDT.16 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 2 printed in the Congresssional Record to reduce Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation, Navy by $ 225,000,000, reduce Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation, Air Force by $225,000,000 and increase Defense by $450,000,000.
Sponsor: Rep Rooney, Thomas J. [FL-16] (introduced 2/15/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Rooney amendment (A006) Agreed to by recorded vote: 233 - 198, 1 Present (Roll no. 46).
7. H.AMDT.17 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 95 printed in the Congressional Record to eliminate the Afghanistan Infrastructure fund.
Sponsor: Rep Jones, Walter B., Jr. [NC-3] (introduced 2/15/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Jones amendment (A007) Failed by recorded vote: 135 - 294 (Roll no. 47).
8. H.AMDT.18 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 237 printed in the Congressional Record to reduce the Iraq Security Forces Fund by $1,500,000,000.
Sponsor: Rep Holt, Rush D. [NJ-12] (introduced 2/15/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Holt amendment (A008) Failed by recorded vote: 133 - 299 (Roll no. 48).
9. H.AMDT.19 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 45 printed in the Congressional Record to add at the end of division A a new section.
Sponsor: Rep Baldwin, Tammy [WI-2] (introduced 2/15/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/15/2011 Mr. Frelinghuysen raised a point of order against the Baldwin amendment (A009). Mr. Frelinghuysen stated that the amendment seeks to amend portions of the bill not yet read for consideration. The Chair sustained the point of order.
10. H.AMDT.20 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 97 printed in the Congressional Record to increase funding (by transfer) for the Agricultural Programs, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Integrated Activities by $5 million.
Sponsor: Rep DeFazio, Peter A. [OR-4] (introduced 2/15/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the DeFazio amendment (A010) Failed by recorded vote: 136 - 296 (Roll no. 49).
11. H.AMDT.21 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 93 printed in the Congresssional Record to reduce funds for the Agricultural Programs, Food Safety and Inspection Service by $200,000,000.
Sponsor: Rep Connolly, Gerald E. "Gerry" [VA-11] (introduced 2/15/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/15/2011 Mr. Kingston raised a point of order against the Connolly (VA) amendment (A011). Mr. Kingston stated that the amendment seeks to transfer funds between the subcommittees. The Chair sustained the point of order.
12. H.AMDT.22 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 153 printed in the Congressional Record to reduce the the Census by $80 million and increasing EDA by $80 million.
Sponsor: Rep Michaud, Michael H. [ME-2] (introduced 2/15/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Michaud amendment (A012) Agreed to by recorded vote: 305 - 127 (Roll no. 50).
13. H.AMDT.23 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 368 printed in the Congressional Record to reduce funds to the Department of Justice, General Administration, National Drug Intelligence Center by $34,023,000.
Sponsor: Rep Flake, Jeff [AZ-6] (introduced 2/15/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Flake amendment (A013) Agreed to by recorded vote: 262 - 169 (Roll no. 51).
14. H.AMDT.24 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 260 printed in the Congressional Record to reduce funds in the Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Construction of Research Facilities by $10,000,000.
Sponsor: Rep Latta, Robert E. [OH-5] (introduced 2/15/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Latta amendment (A014) Failed by recorded vote: 184 - 247 (Roll no. 52).
15. H.AMDT.25 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 12 printed in the Congressional Record to redirect $20 million in funding for the Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance.
Sponsor: Rep Holt, Rush D. [NJ-12] (introduced 2/15/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/15/2011 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Holt amendment (A015) Agreed to by voice vote.
16. H.AMDT.26 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 240 printed in the Congressional Record to strike the section that reduces the fund for the Department of Justice, Community Oriented Policing Service by $290,500,000.
Sponsor: Rep Jackson Lee, Sheila [TX-18] (introduced 2/15/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/15/2011 Mr. Wolf raised a point of order against the Jackson Lee (TX) amendment (A016). Mr. Wolf stated that the amendment seeks to increase net Budget authority. The Chair sustained the point of order.
17. H.AMDT.27 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 125 printed in the Congressional Record to increase the Department of Justice, Community Oriented Policing Services by $298,000,000 and reducing the NASA by $298,000,000.
Sponsor: Rep Weiner, Anthony D. [NY-9] (introduced 2/15/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Weiner amendment (A017) as modified Agreed to by recorded vote: 228 - 203 (Roll no. 53).
18. H.AMDT.28 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 78 printed in the Congressional Record to decrease/increase the amount available for NASA Space Operations by $517 million.
Sponsor: Rep Olson, Pete [TX-22] (introduced 2/15/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/15/2011 By unanimous consent, the Olson amendment was withdrawn.
19. H.AMDT.29 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 173 printed in the Congressional Record to increase funding for the Legal Services Corporation by $70 million.
Sponsor: Rep Cohen, Steve [TN-9] (introduced 2/15/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/15/2011 Mr. Wolf raised a point of order against the Cohen amendment (A019). Mr. Wolf stated that the provisions of the amendment seek to propose a net increase in budget authority in the bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.
20. H.AMDT.30 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 110 printed in the Congressional Record to reduce the amount for the Legal Services Corporation by $324 million.
Sponsor: Rep Duncan, Jeff [SC-3] (introduced 2/15/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Duncan (SC) amendment (A020) Failed by recorded vote: 171 - 259 (Roll no. 54).
21. H.AMDT.31 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 192 printed in the Congressional Record to reduce funding for the ARPA-E account by $50 million and apply the amount to the deficit reduction account.
Sponsor: Rep Biggert, Judy [IL-13] (introduced 2/15/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Biggert amendment (A021) Failed by recorded vote: 170 - 262 (Roll no. 55).
22. H.AMDT.32 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 395 printed in the Congressional Record to increase the funding for the ARPA-E account by $20 million offset by a reduction in the Fossil Energy account of $20 million.
Sponsor: Rep Inslee, Jay [WA-1] (introduced 2/16/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Inslee amendment (A022) Failed by recorded vote: 159 - 273 (Roll no. 56).
23. H.AMDT.33 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 297 printed in the Congressional Record to reduce funds used for the Klamath Dam Removal and Sedimentation Study being conducted by the Bureau of Reclamation and the Fish and Wildlife Service by $1.897 million and apply the amount to the deficit reduction account.
Sponsor: Rep McClintock, Tom [CA-4] (introduced 2/16/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the McClintock amendment (A023) Agreed to by voice vote.
24. H.AMDT.34 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 315 printed in the Congressional Record to eliminate the funding for Solar R&D within EERE ($247 million) and to apply the amount to the deficit reduction account.
Sponsor: Rep McClintock, Tom [CA-4] (introduced 2/16/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the McClintock amendment (A024) Failed by voice vote.
25. H.AMDT.35 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 4 printed in the Congressional Record to strike the prohibition on Weatherization and State Energy Program Funding.
Sponsor: Rep Tonko, Paul [NY-21] (introduced 2/16/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Tonko amendment (A025) Failed by recorded vote: 208 - 223 (Roll no. 57).
26. H.AMDT.36 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 259 printed in the Congressional Record to reduce Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy by $70 million.
Sponsor: Rep Latta, Robert E. [OH-5] (introduced 2/16/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Latta amendment (A026) Failed by recorded vote: 137 - 293 (Roll no. 58).
27. H.AMDT.37 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 98 printed in the Congressional Record to eliminate the funding for the Selective Service System ($24.032 million) and to apply the savings to the deficit.
Sponsor: Rep DeFazio, Peter A. [OR-4] (introduced 2/16/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the DeFazio amendment (A027) Failed by recorded vote: 130 - 301 (Roll no. 59).
28. H.AMDT.38 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 223 printed in the Congressional Record to increase funding for Firefighter Assistance Grants by $510 million offset by a reduction in funding for the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology R&D by the same amount.
Sponsor: Rep Pascrell, Bill, Jr. [NJ-8] (introduced 2/16/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Pascrell amendment (A028) Agreed to by recorded vote: 318 - 113 (Roll no. 60).
29. H.AMDT.39 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 30 printed in the Congressional Record to reduce funding for the "Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Management of Lands and Resources" by $2 million and apply the amount to the deficit reduction account.
Sponsor: Rep Burton, Dan [IN-5] (introduced 2/16/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Burton (IN) amendment (A029) Agreed to by voice vote.
30. H.AMDT.40 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 556 printed in the Congressional Record to reduce funding for the "Department of the Interior, Construction and Land Acquisition" by $239,045,000 and apply the amount to the deficit reduction account.
Sponsor: Rep Pearce, Stevan [NM-2] (introduced 2/16/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 Mr. Simpson raised a point of order against the Pearce amendment (A030). Mr. Simpson stated that the provisions of the amendment seek to propose a new limitation on transfer of funds. The Chair sustained the point of order.
31. H.AMDT.41 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 193 printed in the Congressional Record to reduce by $2,750,000 the Bureau of Land Management, Land Acquisition and reducing the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Land Acquisition by $15,055,000.
Sponsor: Rep Lummis, Cynthia M. [WY] (introduced 2/16/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Lummis amendment (A031) Failed by recorded vote: 213 - 216 (Roll no. 61).
32. H.AMDT.42 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 295 printed in the Congressional Record to reduce by $7,537,000 the United States Fish and Wildlife Service , Resource Management.
Sponsor: Rep McClintock, Tom [CA-4] (introduced 2/16/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the McClintock amendment (A032) Failed by voice vote.
33. H.AMDT.43 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 338 printed in the Congressional Record to increase the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, North American Wetlands Conservation Fund by $50,000,000 and reduces the Environmental Protection Agency, State and Tribal Assistance Grants by $50,000,000.
Sponsor: Rep Moran, James P. [VA-8] (introduced 2/16/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Moran amendment (A033) Failed by recorded vote: 73 - 352, 2 Present (Roll no. 62).
34. H.AMDT.44 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 194 printed in the Congressional Record to change the date for the final rule published by the Secretary of the Interior with respect to status endangered status of wolves.
Sponsor: Rep Lummis, Cynthia M. [WY] (introduced 2/16/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 Mr. Moran raised a point of order against the Lummis amendment (A034). Mr. Moran stated that the amendment seeks to change exisitng law. The Chair sustained the point of order.
35. H.AMDT.45 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 376 printed in the Congressional Record to reduce by $64,100,000 the Environmental Protection Agency, Science and Technology account.
Sponsor: Rep Flake, Jeff [AZ-6] (introduced 2/16/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Flake amendment (A035) Failed by recorded vote: 199 - 230 (Roll no. 63).
36. H.AMDT.46 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 407 printed in the Congressional Record to insert a new section pertaining to non-mercury hazardous air pollunants.
Sponsor: Rep Hall, Ralph M. [TX-4] (introduced 2/16/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 Mr. Simpson raised a point of order against the Hall amendment (A036). Mr. Simpson stated that the amendment seeks to change existing law and constitutes legislation in an appropriation bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.
37. H.AMDT.47 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 84 printed in the Congressional Record to reduce the Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Programs and Management account by $8,458,000.
Sponsor: Rep Pompeo, Mike [KS-4] (introduced 2/16/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Pompeo amendment (A037) Agreed to by recorded vote: 239 - 185 (Roll no. 64).
38. H.AMDT.48 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 379 printed in the Congressional Record to reduce by $10,000,000 the Environmental Protection Agency, State and Tribal Assistance Grants account.
Sponsor: Rep Reed, Tom [NY-29] (introduced 2/16/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Reed amendment (A038) Agreed to by recorded vote: 228 - 203 (Roll no. 65).
39. H.AMDT.49 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 415 printed in the Congressional Record to reduce the Environmental Protection Agency account by $200,000,00 and increase the Environmental Protection Agency, State and Tribal Assistance Grant by $2,816,446,000.
Sponsor: Rep Edwards, Donna F. [MD-4] (introduced 2/16/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 Mr. Simpson raised a point of order against the Edwards amendment (A039). Mr. Simpson stated that the amendment seeks to amend portionof the bill not yet read for consideration. The Chair sustained the point of order.
40. H.AMDT.50 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 521 printed in the Congressional Record to add language stating that the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency shall not be prohibited from implementing or enforcing section 211(o) of the Clean Air Act.
Sponsor: Rep Braley, Bruce L. [IA-1] (introduced 2/16/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 Mr. Simpson raised a point of order against the Braley (IA) amendment (A040). Mr. Simpson stated that the amendment seeks to change existing law and constitutes legislation in an appropriations bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.
41. H.AMDT.51 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 85 in the Congressional Record to reduce funding for the Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, State and Private Forestry and increases the spending reduction account.
Sponsor: Rep Pompeo, Mike [KS-4] (introduced 2/16/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Pompeo amendment (A041) Failed by recorded vote: 171 - 256 (Roll no. 67).
42. H.AMDT.52 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 196 in the Congressional Record to reduce funding forthe National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities, National Endowment for the Arts, Grants and Administration and increases the spending reduction account.
Sponsor: Rep Walberg, Tim [MI-7] (introduced 2/16/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Walberg amendment (A042) Agreed to by recorded vote: 217 - 209 (Roll no. 68).
43. H.AMDT.53 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered numbered 249 printed in the congressional record to reduce the National Capital Arts and Cultural Affairs funding by $4,500,000.
Sponsor: Rep Canseco, Francisco "Quico" [TX-23] (introduced 2/16/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Canseco amendment (A043) Agreed to by recorded vote: 248 - 177 (Roll no. 69).
44. H.AMDT.54 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 381 printed in the Congressional Record to reduce Presidio Trust, Presido Trust Fund by $15,000,000.
Sponsor: Rep Reed, Tom [NY-29] (introduced 2/16/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Reed amendment (A044) Agreed to by recorded vote: 239 - 186 (Roll no. 70).
45. H.AMDT.55 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 565 printed in the Congressional Record to reduce funding for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services.
Sponsor: Rep Bass, Charles F. [NH-2] (introduced 2/16/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Bass (NH) amendment (A045) Failed by recorded vote: 104 - 322, 2 Present (Roll no. 71).
46. H.AMDT.56 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 160 printed in the Congressional Record to increase the Low Income Home Energy Assistance funding by $390,328,000.
Sponsor: Rep Markey, Edward J. [MA-7] (introduced 2/16/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 Mr. Rehberg raised a point of order against the Markey amendment (A046). stating that the amendment seeks to change existing law and constitutes legislation in an appropriations bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.
47. H.AMDT.57 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 111 printed in the Congressional Record to increase funding for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program by $42,676,000.
Sponsor: Rep Barletta, Lou [PA-11] (introduced 2/16/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 By unanimous consent, the Barletta amendment was withdrawn.
48. H.AMDT.58 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 457 printed in the Congressional Record to reduce funding for the Children and Families Services Program, and the Community Service Block Grant, each, by $100,000,000.
Sponsor: Rep Flake, Jeff [AZ-6] (introduced 2/16/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Flake amendment (A048) Failed by recorded vote: 115 - 316 (Roll no. 72).
49. H.AMDT.59 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 276 printed in the Congressional Record to increase IDEA state grants to FY 2010 levels and reduce school improvement grants and teacher quality grants by necessary amounts to fully offset outlays.
Sponsor: Rep McMorris Rodgers, Cathy [WA-5] (introduced 2/16/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the McMorris Rodgers amendment (A049) Agreed to by recorded vote: 249 - 179 (Roll no. 73).
50. H.AMDT.60 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 532 printed in the Congressional Record to restore the education funding authority for Alaskan and Hawaiian Native Americans.
Sponsor: Rep Young, Don [AK] (introduced 2/16/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Young (AK) amendment (A050) Agreed to by recorded vote: 313 - 117 (Roll no. 74).
51. H.AMDT.61 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 490 printed in the Congressional Record to increase the funding level in the bill for Pell Grants without benefit of offsets.
Sponsor: Rep Chu, Judy [CA-32] (introduced 2/16/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 Mr. Rehberg raised a point of order against the Chu amendment (A051). Mr. Rehberg stated that the amendment proposes a net increase in budget authority in the bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.
52. H.AMDT.62 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 239 printed in the Congressional Record to increase the funding levels for Pell grants without benefit of offsets.
Sponsor: Rep Jackson Lee, Sheila [TX-18] (introduced 2/16/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 Mr. Rehberg raised a point of order against the Jackson Lee (TX) amendment (A052). Mr. Rehberg stated that the amendment proposes a net increase in budget authority in the bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.
53. H.AMDT.63 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 436 printed in the Congressional Record to provide funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
Sponsor: Rep Blumenauer, Earl [OR-3] (introduced 2/16/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/16/2011 Mr. Rehberg raised a point of order against the Blumenauer amendment (A053). Mr. Rehberg stated that the amendment proposes a limitation in an appropriation bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.
54. H.AMDT.64 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 410 printed in the Congressional Record to eliminate funding for the National Labor Relations Board.
Sponsor: Rep Price, Tom [GA-6] (introduced 2/17/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Price (GA) amendment (A054) Failed by recorded vote: 176 - 250 (Roll no. 75).
55. H.AMDT.65 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 15 printed in the Congressional Record to strike section 1844 which provides a limitation on Administrative Expenses for the Social Security Administration.
Sponsor: Rep Tonko, Paul [NY-21] (introduced 2/17/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 Mr. Rehberg raised a point of order against the Tonko amendment (A055). Mr. Rehberg stated that the amendment proposes a net increase in budget authority in the bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.
56. H.AMDT.66 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 16 printed in the Congressional Record to strike section 1846 which provides a limitation on Administrative Expenses for the Social Security Administration.
Sponsor: Rep Tonko, Paul [NY-21] (introduced 2/17/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 Mr. Rehberg raised a point of order against the Tonko amendment (A056). Mr. Rehberg stated that the amendment proposes an increase in net budget authority in the bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.
57. H.AMDT.67 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 221 printed in the Congressional Record to add a new section regarding rules related to additional weeks of first-tier emergency unemployment compensation.
Sponsor: Rep Lee, Barbara [CA-9] (introduced 2/17/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 Mr. Rehberg raised a point of order against the Lee (CA) amendment (A057). Mr. Rehberg stated that the amendment proposes to change existing law. The Chair sustained the point of order.
58. H.AMDT.68 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 108 printed in the Congressional Record to reduce the account for greening of the Capitol by $1.5 million and to increase the reduction in legislative expenses by a similar amount.
Sponsor: Rep Whitfield, Ed [KY-1] (introduced 2/17/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Whitfield amendment (A058) Agreed to by voice vote.
59. H.AMDT.69 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 100 printed in the Congressional Record to reduce USIP by $42,676,000, and increases Spending Reduction Account.
Sponsor: Rep Weiner, Anthony D. [NY-9] (introduced 2/17/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Weiner amendment (A059) Agreed to by recorded vote: 268 - 163 (Roll no. 76).
60. H.AMDT.70 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 248 printed in the Congressional Record to eliminate the East-West Center, and increases Spending Reduction Account.
Sponsor: Rep Canseco, Francisco "Quico" [TX-23] (introduced 2/17/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Canseco amendment (A060) Agreed to by recorded vote: 274 - 155 (Roll no. 77).
61. H.AMDT.71 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 291 printed in the Congressional Record eliminate debt restructuring, and increases Spending Reduction Account.
Sponsor: Rep McClintock, Tom [CA-4] (introduced 2/17/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the McClintock amendment (A061) Agreed to by voice vote.
62. H.AMDT.72 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 29 printed in the Congressional Record to reduce several multilateral accounts.
Sponsor: Rep Heller, Dean [NV-2] (introduced 2/17/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Heller amendment (A062) Failed by recorded vote: 190 - 241 (Roll no. 78).
63. H.AMDT.73 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 481 printed in the Congressional Record to add language to Egypt on fulfilling the Egypt-Israel Treaty.
Sponsor: Rep Franks, Trent [AZ-2] (introduced 2/17/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 By unanimous consent, the Franks (AZ) amendment was withdrawn.
64. H.AMDT.74 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 511 printed in the Congressional Record to add back all transportation funding.
Sponsor: Rep Nadler, Jerrold [NY-8] (introduced 2/17/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 Mr. Latham raised a point of order against the Nadler amendment (A064). Mr. Latham stated that the amendment proposes a net gain in budget authority in the bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.
65. H.AMDT.75 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 43 printed in the Congressional Record to reduce the funding for AMTRAK Capitol by $446.9 million.
Sponsor: Rep Sessions, Pete [TX-32] (introduced 2/17/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Sessions amendment (A065) Failed by recorded vote: 176 - 250 (Roll no. 79).
66. H.AMDT.76 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 68 printed in the Congressional Record to create an exception for TIFIA projects within ARRA reductions.
Sponsor: Rep Polis, Jared [CO-2] (introduced 2/17/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Polis amendment (A066) Failed by voice vote.
67. H.AMDT.77 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 189 printed in the Congressional Record to prohibit the use of funds available by division A of this Act may not be used to research, develop, test, evaluate, or procure any the following: 1) Expeditionary Fighting Vechile; 2) V-22 Osprey aircraft.
Sponsor: Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. [CA-6] (introduced 2/17/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Woolsey amendment (A067) Failed by recorded vote: 91 - 339 (Roll no. 80).
68. H.AMDT.78 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 208 printed in the Congressional Record to prohibit the use of funds used to carry out chapter 95 or chapter 96 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
Sponsor: Rep Cole, Tom [OK-4] (introduced 2/17/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Cole amendment (A068) Agreed to by recorded vote: 247 - 175 (Roll no. 81).
69. H.AMDT.79 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 514 printed in the Congressional Record to prohibit the use of funds to be used to enforce the requirements in - 1. section 34(a)(1)(A) of the Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act of 1974.
Sponsor: Rep Price, David E. [NC-4] (introduced 2/17/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Price (NC) amendment (A069) Agreed to by recorded vote: 267 - 159, 1 Present (Roll no. 82).
70. H.AMDT.80 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 404 printed in the Congressional Record to prohibit the use of funds used to implement the Report and Order of the Federal Communications Commission relating to the matter of preserving the open Internet and broadband industry practices (FCC 10-201, adopted by the Commission on December 21, 2010.
Sponsor: Rep Walden, Greg [OR-2] (introduced 2/17/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Walden amendment (A070) Agreed to by recorded vote: 244 - 181 (Roll no. 83).
71. H.AMDT.81 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 334 printed in the Congressional Record to prohibit the use of funds to be used to provide grants under the Urban Area Security Initiative under section 2003 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 604).
Sponsor: Rep Lowey, Nita M. [NY-18] (introduced 2/17/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Lowey amendment (A071) Agreed to by voice vote.
72. H.AMDT.82 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 413 printed in the Congressional Record to prohibit the use of funds in the Department of Defens overseas contingency operations budget for military operations in Afghanistan unless the President seeks to negotiate and enter into a bilateral status of forces agreement with the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
Sponsor: Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. [CA-6] (introduced 2/17/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 Mr. Frelinghuysen raised a point of order against the Woolsey amendment (A072). Mr. Frelinghuysen stated that the amendment seeks to change existing law and constitutes legislation in an appropriations bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.
73. H.AMDT.83 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 516 printed in the Congressional Record to prohibit funds to be used for the opening of the locks at the Thomas J. O'Brien Lock and Dam or the Chicago River Controlling Works.
Sponsor: Rep Camp, Dave [MI-4] (introduced 2/17/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Camp amendment (A073) Failed by recorded vote: 137 - 292, 1 Present (Roll no. 84).
74. H.AMDT.84 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 576 printed in the Congressional Record to prohibit funds to enter into any contract with a corporation or other business entity that does not disclose its political contributions.
Sponsor: Rep Eshoo, Anna G. [CA-14] (introduced 2/17/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 Mr. Frelinghuysen raised a point of order against the Eshoo amendment (A074). Mr. Frelinghuysen stated that the amendment seeks to change existing law and constitutes legislation in an appropriations bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.
75. H.AMDT.85 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 195 printed in the Congressional Record to prohibit funds to be used for the payment of fees and other expenses under section 504 of title 5, United States Code, or section 2412(d) of title 28, United States Code.
Sponsor: Rep Lummis, Cynthia M. [WY] (introduced 2/17/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Lummis amendment (A075) Agreed to by recorded vote: 232 - 197 (Roll no. 85).
76. H.AMDT.86 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 222 printed in the Congressional Record to prohibit the use of funds for any account of the Department of Defense (except Military personnel, reserve personnel, National Guard personnel, and the Defense Health Program account) in excess of the amount made available for such account for fiscal year 2010, unless the financial statements of the Department for fiscal year 2010 are validated as ready for audit within 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act.
Sponsor: Rep Lee, Barbara [CA-9] (introduced 2/17/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 Mr. Frelinghuysen raised a point of order against the Lee (CA) amendment (A076). Mr. Frelinghuysen stated that the amendment seeks to change existing law and constitutes legislation in an appropriation bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.
77. H.AMDT.87 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 211 printed in the Congressional Record to reduce the amount made available to the "Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Justice Assistance" for carrying out title I of the PROTECT Our Children Act of 2008 by $30,000,000.
Sponsor: Rep Wasserman Schultz, Debbie [FL-20] (introduced 2/17/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Wasserman Schultz amendment (A077) Agreed to by voice vote.
78. H.AMDT.88 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 165 printed in the Congressional Record to prohibit the use of funds to be used to implement, administer, or enforce the rule entitled "National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants From the Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry and Standards of Performance for Portland Cement Plants" published by the Environmental Protection Agency on September 9, 2010.
Sponsor: Rep Carter, John R. [TX-31] (introduced 2/17/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Carter amendment (A078) Agreed to by recorded vote: 250 - 177 (Roll no. 86).
79. H.AMDT.89 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 204 printed in the Congressional Record to prohibit the use of funds to be used to pay the salaries and expenses for specified federal agency positions and their offices.
Sponsor: Rep Scalise, Steve [LA-1] (introduced 2/17/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 House amendment agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Scalise amendment (A079) Agreed to by recorded vote: 249 - 179, 1 Present (Roll no. 87).
80. H.AMDT.90 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 458 printed in the Congressional Record to reduce the amount made available to the "Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue" and the "General Services Administration" and increase the amount made available to the "Independent Agencies, Securities and Exchange Commission, Salaries and Expenses" by $131,000,000.
Sponsor: Rep Frank, Barney [MA-4] (introduced 2/17/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Frank (MA) amendment (A080) Failed by recorded vote: 160 - 270 (Roll no. 88).
81. H.AMDT.91 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 506 printed in the Congressional Record to revise by reducing the amount made available for "Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, Enforcement", and increasing the amounts provided in section 1517(a) for transfer from the Federal Reserve to the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection for activities authorized to carried out by such Bureau under title X of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Consumer Protection Act.
Sponsor: Rep Holt, Rush D. [NJ-12] (introduced 2/17/2011) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 2/17/2011 House amendment not agreed to. Status: On agreeing to the Holt amendment (A081) Failed by recorded vote: 163 - 265 (Roll no. 89).
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