
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Westboro Baptist Church To Picket Funerals Of Arizona Shooting Victims

I do not call this a Baptist Church, not one that I have ever attended.  I am not a great writer nor can i express myself the way I would want to.  We as Christians are to Evangelize, the unbelievers, to show them the way to Jesus Christ, Our Lord who died from a broken heart caused by our sin. Evangelism is aimed to create people we like, not at people we like - people we admire for their love of GOD. Evangelism is done in the hope of creating new people whom it will be a joy to be with because we both love the one we admire most. What Westboro Church does is not evangelism, it is hatred, and Jesus Christ did not teach or evangelize with hate, vile speech, marching around being a distraction. I am appalled by what this so called Christian Church does in the name of evangelism, I call it bullying, I call it disloyalty, not in the image of God and definitely not in His name.  REPENT WESTBORO CHURCH, turn away from the evil, demon that has tricked you. Turn back to the loving, just, rightous God in the BIBLE.  God does not unleash shooters to use as punishment and WBC is not a servant of GOD.  I wish I could say what I really mean, but I have always had trouble expressing myself.  I just try to write from my heart.  And sometimes I will use others words, and put them in my own meaning. 

How dare they use the death of innocent people to try and spread their hate, and tell their followers that God has used this unrepentant mentally ill child, to justify supposedly GODS wrath with this nation because we have stood up against WBC.   Preposterous, absolutely God is righteous and just, and He will deal with us when Jesus Christ comes to deliver His Church. And at that time will we have to answer for actions and how we conducted our lives,, then WBC will have to face Jesus and answer for their actions......


First Posted: 01/ 9/11 09:15 AM Updated: 01/11/11 11:54 AM
Westboro Baptist Church, the Topeka church known for its inflammatory anti-gay protests, plans to picket the funerals of the six people gunned down in Arizona on Saturday.

In a flier posted on its web site, the controversial church writes, "THANK GOD FOR THE SHOOTER -- 6 DEAD!" The message continues:

God appointed this rod for your sins! God sent the shooter! This hateful nation unleashed violent veterans on the servants of God at WBC--hoping to silence our kind warning to obey God and flee the wrath to come.

The flier claims that the shooting of both a House member and a federal judge -- the latter of whom was killed -- is god's punishment for judicial and Congressional action against the WBC. "God sent the shooter to shoot you! And He's sitting in Heaven laughing at you!" the announcement reads.

In graphic language, it continues:

Your federal judge is dead and your (fag-promoting, baby-killing, proud-sinner) Congresswoman fights for her life. God is avenging Himself on this rebellious house! WBC prays for your destruction--more shooters, more dead carcasses piling up, young, old, leader and commoner--all. Your doom is upon you!

In December, Westboro Baptist Church picketed the funeral of Elizabeth Edwards. The group is known to display signs that say "God Hates Fags" and "Thank God For Dead Soldiers."

Scroll down to see the full poster, or click here for a PDF.

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