Various Religious Right leaders appear in a video entitled "Resisting the Green Dragon" about the dangers of the environmental movement.
Various Religious Right leaders appear in a video entitled "Resisting the Green Dragon" about the dangers of the environmental movement.
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- This is a Saturday Night Live sketch, right?Bgirl2000 2 weeks ago 12
- Wow. People will reach any amount of self-delusion in order to keep living selfish, destructive lifestyles.alejo699 2 weeks ago 5
- wow, so many unsubstantiated claims. Idiotsgofindyourownawesome 3 hours ago
- Christian filth. KeepEuropeWhite 4 hours ago
- Are you fucking kidding me... I have seen some fucked up religions shit but this is just sad....Jameswptv 11 hours ago
- I'm having a difficult time telling if this is even real....could the people in this video really be that dumb?Lesterfinnigan 15 hours ago
- Geez, even the Bible tells people to take care of the earth. The only threat the Green Dragon poses it to the control these fundamentalist christians have over the gullible.mrbarbieux 1 day ago
- The Republicans have gone too far this time!! These freaks better hope they never meet me in a dark alley. I just hope anyone who watches this has enough common sense to know these people have no clue what they're talking about.KingChimp100 2 days ago
- 85 people are dumb beyond words.KingChimp100 2 days ago
- the "Religious" Right calling environmentalism as believing in myths and having false assertions. oh man the disconnect.sapier 2 days ago
- It's better that we destroy God's creation! Environmentalism isn't our friend, but of enemy. WTF These rightwing lunatics are completely nuts!!! God didn't entrust the planet for us to abuse and destroy it for our own kicks and enjoyment.Rob14or15 2 days ago
- Concerned Women for America, Focus on the Family, WallBuilders. Just Wiki these groups for yourself, it's a who's who of the far Christian right. Unfortunately Fascism is carrying a flag and a bible these days.TheSuperLiberal 2 days ago