
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cultural America leftward, political America rightward

A bunch of you identified this response to our question about American centrism, from @Carolinaladywithafan:
As a BabyBoomer, it's not so amazing to me to find that political America has jerked right as cultural America has expanded leftward. I was born in the middle of Ike's era and watched all those events unfold and all those material comforts come into our lives; all those wars fought, all those different people -- black ones, brown ones and small, slanty-eyed ones -- take center stage for a while in our national debate and then assimilate into the texture of our lives. But all of it, ALL of it, has threatened the wealthy, white, Protestant male hold on power in this country. As we pass 300 million in total population, their percentage as a demographic shrinks and they get louder and shriller about their rights as gun-owners and border patrollers and the keepers of our national symbols.
Don't let them fool y'all. They have the money -- unlimited wads of it for now -- until we get Citizens Untied reversed. They think they have God on their side, but funny thing about that...everyone thinks they have God's ear. Keep up the pressure. The old white guys who are afraid of the rest of us won't live forever.

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