
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Pawlenty jabs at unions to paint self as reformer

By Michael O'Brien - 12/13/10 10:45 AM ET
Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty jabbed at unions on Monday as part of an effort to paint himself as a reform-minded Republican as he moves toward a possible run for president. 

Pawlenty penned an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal (below) promoting his actions as governor to try and force public labor unions in particular to agree to reforms. 

"The majority of union members today no longer work in construction, manufacturing or 'strong back' jobs," Pawlenty wrote. "They work for government, which, thanks to President Obama, has become the only booming 'industry' left in our economy."

Pawlenty's a former union member who drifted away from Democratic politics to become a Republican governor of a traditionally blue state. He's now eyeing a run for the presidency in 2012, and has sought to cast himself as a reform-minded leader on labor issues. 

When former Washington, D.C., Mayor Adrian Fenty, for instance, lost his Democratic primary reelection battle earlier this year, Pawlenty issued a statement lamenting how Fenty's loss meant a blow for school reform and D.C. Public Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee, who'd clashed often with unions.

"If we're going to stop the government unions' silent coup, conservative reformers around the country must fight this challenge head on," Pawlenty wrote. "The choice between big government and everyday Americans isn't a hard one."

Comments (7)

Anyone who's against unions is against the working men and women in America. It's because of unions that we have minimum wage law, a standard 40 hour work week, time and a half for overtime, vacation time, sick time, profit sharing, pensions, and employer supplied medical plans, and fair and equal treatment under the law. All of us benefit from the things brought about by unions whether we belong to one or not! The only people that demonize unions are shills of big business that would like nothing better than to get rid of the minimum wage laws and all work rules so they don't have to pay their employees fair wages and can go back to working them 24/7! Do you want American workers to be treated like they get treated in third world countries Pawlenty? You are such a nice guy.BY SUCH A NICE GUY on 12/13/2010 at 12:11
Unions were indeed needed to improve the plight of the American worker in the 30's-50's. But now, they are corrupt with $$ and power and a blight for the Am worker. Don't worry about American workers being treated like third world workers. The unions are guaranteeing that the jobs will go to third world countries. And as the current economic disaster demonstrates, those jobs will never be back.BY 77 GAMBLER on 12/13/2010 at 12:38
Just ask mrs. Rhee about the privatizaion of Dunbar high school in dc. The former principal has been reinstated after "The friends of Bedford" who Rhee hired, have now been fired after gang rapes in the hallway, low test results, and general anarchy prevailed. A small charter school failure for Rhee! Rhee has just formed a PAC' "students first", where she can receive and donate money to politicians, and make big bucks on speaking engagements! Just google the Washington Examiner and Rhee!BY TOM7001 on 12/13/2010 at 12:54
SUCH A NICE GUY is full of $^$@. These are talking points from a follower of the progressive liberal agenda. Either that or he has no common sense.

77GAMBLER is right on target.
BY JEFF on 12/13/2010 at 13:19
Get rid of all the unions, money should trickle up to the ceo's and corporate profits…Dam those workers for wanting fair wages, Let them eat cake..BY TOM7001 on 12/13/2010 at 14:05
Ask Pawlently what he did with education/stimulus money in Minnesota. Yah you betcha.. such a nice guy.BY DFLER on 12/13/2010 at 20:40
Unions in government serve no valid purpose other than to function as an arm of the demothugs. The working persons unions have devolved from their noble purpose serving now as funnels of dues monies to political parties. The average worker gains nothing from membership. Most unions (with the exception of the thugs in government) have overseen the collapse of American industry. Pawlenty will be villified for his stance by the slimeballs in shiny suits who pray he doesn't spur hearings into the crimminal activities which strip pensions. I just hope the average government union goon stops and thanks their steward today because the free ride will soon be over. Yes, I am a former Union member.BY BUBBALAMA on 12/14/2010 at 09:48

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