Obama tax compromise passes House. Now goes to his desk.
After all the House liberal anger, final vote isn't close...Obama carries weight
Luke Russet
Michelle Malkin
Fun fact: 139 Democrat ayes, 138 Republican ayes for tax deal extending BOOOOSH rates.
House final tax deal vote announced: 277-148. A few boos in the chamber. Or maybe they were saying: "BOOOOSH!"
Vote still underway, but 218 threshold reached. Tax deal passes House. On to Obama's desk. Bill Clinton can go home.
And here we go. Final House vote on tax deal underway...
Okay time's up on the LEVIN amndt, not Pomeroy amdnt. Going down 183-226 w/26 NV...late votes still being tallied
Hoyer: "There's probably no 1 on the floor who likes this bill." Crapsandwich redux. Vote now underway on Pomeroy amndt.
Barney Frank: BOOOOOOOSH! Warren Buffet! Humpty dumpty! [Wipe spittle]
Weaker Pelosi rant over. Now, Jan Schakowsky squawking: Koch family! Koch family! Walton family! Gallo! Campbells! ARGH!
Heeeeeere's @WeakerPelosi! Wecreatejobscreatejobscreatejobscreatejobs. UI=stimulus. Spendspendspend. Wecreatejobs.
Anthony Weiner: "I want wealthy to be as wealthy as they want. I have no grudge against them." Bull.
Blech. Obama brown-noser Jared Polis of my state of Colorado just earned an invitation to next White House state dinner.
GOP Rep. Patrick Tiberi: "The road to prosperity is not class warfare." AMEN.
Breaking News
House records enough votes to send tax-cut compromise package to president, but voting still going on -
Democrats estate tax amendment to tax-cut bill fails 233-194, setting up vote on Senate-passed bill -
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