
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Republicans Know and Don’t Care –

 Tax Cuts we Can’t Cover a Direct Assault on Family Values

(Part 2 of 3 – )
To folks who watch politics closely, no part of the spectrum is without culpability for the fiscal situation we are in. The remaining moderates from years of ideological purification bent too far and let both parties overspend and under tax our way to where we are, and its not like moderates are invulnerable to the all too easy urge to give more and ask for less… its been a long time since we had a major politician say anything near JFK’s adage that we shouldn’t just selfishly look to what the government can do for us.
Riddle me this republicans… how can one claim that one supports family values, while acting aggressively to set up a future where your children will, not might, face taxes at levels this country has never seen, a military a fraction of its current size and grandma and grandpa have to choose between paying their rent and buying food because their social security checks are so small?
Every time the republican party cuts taxes that it does not cover with cuts in spending, they are doing just that… raising taxes on our kids, cutting our future social security checks and threatening our security.
Ballooning debt already takes up over a hundred billion dollars a year, and if nothing drastically changes, we will see just the debt payments and social welfare programs take up the entire budget at current taxation levels, cutting out every single other spending program and the military entirely, by mid century.
Weakening our defense, ruining our kids’ economic opportunities and putting grandma and grandpa into the poor house… how is that family values again?
The economics are incontrovertible… Einstein once said that compound interest was the most powerful force in the universe. Right now that is the very force we are choosing to pit against ourselves. This is insanity.

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