
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Orrin Hatch: Healthcare mandates are 'clearly unconstitutional'

By Gautham Nagesh - 11/20/10 12:22 PM ET

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) argued on Friday that under the Constitution the government cannot force consumers to buy health insurance and said he has joined a legal challenge of the individual mandate in Florida.
"This is not an activity, this is forcing people to buy something they may or may not want to buy and forcing them to buy a certain level of something that they may not want to buy also," Hatch told Fox News anchor Greta Van Susteren. "If the government can do that to us -- in other words, if Congress can do that to us, then there's nothing that the government can't do to us."
Hatch said there are currently 20 states contesting the individual mandate and he expects another ten states to join the effort before the end of the year as a result of the election. He also questioned the legality of the "job-killing" employer mandate and said he has filed legislation that would repeal both mandates.
"If we could pass those two bills, that means the Democrats are going to have to sit down with us and work out health care in a way that doesn't bankrupt the country, which is what their bill's going to do," Hatch said.
"And I don't know really anybody, including many Democrats, who won't admit that it's a disastrous bill. It's going to cost us way more than it's going to -- than it will benefit us. And in the end -- and in the end, it could bankrupt the country. It could certainly hurt this country very, very badly."

Hatch said all the Democrats have done during four years in power is push for a "God-awful government-controlled health care system" that they already know isn't going to work in hopes of eventually convincing the public of the necessity of a single-payer healthcare system.
"In other words, socialized medicine, and have the almight federal government run it all for us!" Hatch said.
"Now if we do that, my gosh, we deserve what we get. And I've got to say, we're not going to do that," he added.
Hatch closed by chiding the Democrats for not solving the nation's problems despite having a firm control on the upper chamber.
"You had 59 Democrats. I mean, my gosh, what more do you need?"

What interesting timing to see the words of Senator Hatch, as I'm carefully making my way through multiple reads of the health care law to confirm how truly bad it is and provide both the summary and the reasons why costs will be higher and taxes will be higher. Yes, Senator Hatch, we must get rid of PPACA / HCERA.

We must replace it with Improved Medicare for All via single-payer health care. It's not a matter of convincing the public. It's a matter of informing the public. Anyone who knows the facts wants a health-care-for-all system.

Many Americans will be reading these testimonials. If you read them now, you'll have a positive feeling about a health-care-for-all system is all about … compliments of Americans living and working all over the world.

And ours will be the best.

And now that so many answers are in the process of being documented to people's questions and concerns, we will shortly be one step closer to having Improved Medicare for All.

We must do what is right for our JOBS and our HEALTH.

We will have a health-care-for-all system. We will have this procedure: "Show your card and get care." It will NOT be government-run health care, but it will be much simpler.

I walked into your office in June 2007 and delivered a letter to your staff. Sometime in the coming months I or another representative of the single-payer movement will be making another visit to your office to drop off a follow-up letter to that one. Read it carefully, because we want our jobs back, and we want much better health.

And … since this is the most conservative, the most fically responsible way, to get health-care-for-all, your constituents will expect not only your support, but also your promotion of Improved Medicare for All.

Bob Haiducek,
Bob the Health and Health Care Advocate
BY Bob Haiducek on 11/20/2010 at 14:27

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