
Monday, November 22, 2010

Chat with Richard Wolffe

Msnbc's Richard Wolffe answers your questions

Political analyst and author of the forthcoming book 'Revival: The Struggle for Survival Inside the Obama White House' talks about politics and what they mean for the White House, Washington and the rest of the world

Monday November 22, 2010

Chat Moderator: 
Hi everyone! Richard Wolffe will be joining us shortly to chat. Please have your questions ready! Thank you!
Monday November 22, 2010 1:25 Chat Moderator
[Comment From Richard WolffeRichard Wolffe: ] 
Hi everyone. I'm ready to take any and all questions about my new book REVIVAL, the White House, 2012, Palin and pat-downs. It's up to you....
Monday November 22, 2010 1:36 Richard Wolffe
[Comment From JaneJane: ] 
Does anyone in the Obama White House have any kind of vision for stimulating jobs growth in the U.S?
Monday November 22, 2010 1:36 Jane
Richard Wolffe: 
Funny you should ask. I'm still amazed at how little people think the White House has done on jobs and the economy. After the Recovery Act, Wall Street reform, and now a successful GM rescue, there's quite a lot out there. But one of the stories I explore in Revival is how dysfunctional the economic team has been inside the White House and how poorly they have communicated their own efforts. Could do they more? You betcha. But they could also explain more about what they've done.
Monday November 22, 2010 1:39 Richard Wolffe
[Comment From BrianBrian: ] 
Now that the midterm elections are over what do you think the President needs to do in order to convince the public he deserves a second term?
Monday November 22, 2010 1:39 Brian
Richard Wolffe: 
He needs to return to the politics and identity he had as a candidate in 2008 because it's clear that voters - especially independents - want more change, not less. That means he needs to pursue reform, transparency - yes, jobs too - but also a seriousness and moderation that were hallmarks of his presidential campaign. Something tells me there's going to be plenty of opportunities to rise above the fray in the next two years. Rather than stay deep in the fray, as he has been for the last two years.
Monday November 22, 2010 1:42 Richard Wolffe
[Comment From SahondraSahondra: ] 
Why is Obama so hell-bent on seeking approval from GOP? There HAS to be something going on behind the scenes that we're not aware of. Why can't they move forward with progressive policies, seeing as the "conservative" ones have failed us miserably. Is Obama trying to lose elections for Dems for 40 years? What's his obsession with reagan?
Monday November 22, 2010 1:42 Sahondra
Richard Wolffe: 
Well Reagan was pretty successful as a president and as someone who transformed the political landscape. I'm guessing not in ways you appreciate. The president's focus has been on winning GOP votes; now it has to be about winning independent voters. That's a very different target. One thing to remember: he campaigned as the man who could unite red and blue America. You don't do that by focusing solely on the blue agenda.
Monday November 22, 2010 1:44 Richard Wolffe
[Comment From Shannon J.Shannon J.: ] 
Does Sarah Palin have a real shot at becoming a 2012 presidential candidate?
Monday November 22, 2010 1:45 Shannon J.
Richard Wolffe: 
Yes! As a candidate, and even as a nominee. But as I said on Meet the Press yesterday, she only has a 35% approval rating among independents. That's a disastrous place to begin a campaign, and suggests she can't make it in a general election match-up.
Monday November 22, 2010 1:46 Richard Wolffe
[Comment From Sonja_ASonja_A: ] 
Why didn't the TSA consider the radiation risk with the full body scans? And how much pre-job background screen and training to these 'pat down' agents receive? Why are we just supposed to trust people who probably don't make much more than minimum wage?! This outrages me.
Monday November 22, 2010 1:47 Sonja_A
Richard Wolffe: 
I'm not a radiation expert, but I don't think that's the real objection to these scans. Some people seem to think they're a comic book look at your flesh and underwear. The images don't seem that way to me. Is it intrusive? Yes. But so were the warrantless wiretaps and data mining under President Bush. Does it scoop up innocent people? Yes. Just like the no-fly lists started under Bush. We have made so many compromises to our privacy for security reasons. I don't think the wages of the TSA folks are the issue.
Monday November 22, 2010 1:50 Richard Wolffe
[Comment From junejune: ] 
Do you think the White House's handling of terror, security has been received by the public well (i.e. TSA and the recent cargo bomb scare)?
Monday November 22, 2010 1:51 june
Richard Wolffe: 
Not the TSA story, for sure. But as I write in Revival, the president's numbers went up after the Christmas Day bombing attempt. So it's not a uniform pattern.
Monday November 22, 2010 1:52 Richard Wolffe
[Comment From D. MorganD. Morgan: ] 
Do you think the president is for all intents and purposes a moderate? He gets painted as a liberal but i dont see it. by the way I think that is good. I think he is pragmatic which inevitably drives ideolouges crazy.
Monday November 22, 2010 1:53 D. Morgan
Richard Wolffe: 
I think the center is a very hard place to be at any time. But especially right now. One of the ways Obama closed out health care was to return to a campaign ad from 2008, which went something like this: There are people on the left who want a Canada-style, government-run system. And there are people on the right who want to leave you on your own to the insurers. Obama is in the middle. It worked back in 2008, and it worked earlier this year. It also happens to be true.
Monday November 22, 2010 1:55 Richard Wolffe
[Comment From JaneJane: ] 
If Palin wants to run in 2012 and she has such a low independent approval, will she have the support of the GOP? Who would be other candidates? Who should Obama be most worried about?
Monday November 22, 2010 1:56 Jane
Richard Wolffe: 
Independents don't generally take part in GOP or Democratic primaries, depending on the state rules. So independent numbers are not the key to winning the nomination. Who are the other candidates? Just about anyone with any aspiration to becoming president. It's wide open. But the candidates for the White House to worry about are those with economic/business credentials. I'd keep an eye on Mitch Daniels, Mitt Romney and even Haley Barbour.
Monday November 22, 2010 1:58 Richard Wolffe
[Comment From MarkMark: ] 
Obama was a Rock Star abroad when he was elected. How is his reputation abroad now? If diminished, how much?
Monday November 22, 2010 1:59 Mark
Richard Wolffe: 
His numbers and popularity are still high: just look at the reaction to him on his recent trip to India. But among the political and media elites, they are fully aware of his diminished standing back home. I tell the story in Revival about how the Russians believed they could get a better deal on the START nuclear treaty because Obama had just lost the Massachusetts Senate seat. That was a miscalculation on Moscow's part. But it shows how domestic and foreign policy have become intertwined.
Monday November 22, 2010 2:01 Richard Wolffe
[Comment From ErikErik: ] 
The Democrats seemed to heavily focus on the Health Care bill that has been met with much controversy. While we all have our own opinions on this matter - I think we the public find it ironic that they passed a health care plan that the government is excluded from - why is this?
Monday November 22, 2010 2:01 Erik
Richard Wolffe: 
One of those ugly deals that have made it so much harder for the president to revive his campaign identity as the candidate of change and reform. I'm assuming you mean some the individual mandate and some committee staffers, right? Government employees have already got access to health care across the board.
Monday November 22, 2010 2:05 Richard Wolffe
[Comment From AnneGAnneG: ] 
Why did the Obama administration abandon its loyal gay constituency soon after the election? Was this a planned abandonment, and can Obama hope to win back the gay vote in 2012?
Monday November 22, 2010 2:05 AnneG
Richard Wolffe: 
I'm not sure he did abandon them. But I can certainly understand the frustration. They have not made repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell a high priority, which I think is the result of their wanting to avoid a repeat of President Clinton's experience. Remember this was a candidate - now president - who did not support gay marriage in 2008. He's behind the curve, and his base, on this one.
Monday November 22, 2010 2:08 Richard Wolffe
[Comment From BrianBrian: ] 
How much of a threat is the Tea Party to the Democrats next election in 2012? The most recent election it was thought that the Tea Party would hurt the GOP more by creating a divide - how does the President and for that matter the Democrats learn from all this?
Monday November 22, 2010 2:08 Brian
Richard Wolffe: 
I still think the Tea Party is more of a threat to Republicans than Democrats in 2012. That's through primary challenges especially. You just have to look at the number of state-wide races in the Senate where the Tea Party candidate threw away a clear opportunity for the GOP: Nevada, Delaware, Colorado. Even in Alaska, the Tea Party candidate failed. Not a good omen for Republicans in 2012. Democrats can exploit this by painting the entire GOP in the radical right-wing colors of the Tea Party. That, at least, is what worked in Nevada for Harry Reid.
Monday November 22, 2010 2:12 Richard Wolffe
[Comment From JamelJamel: ] 
Do you think a lot of decisions Obama is making are coming from his advisers, or is he basically an independent person? Everyone says they want to see more "FIRE" from him. Are his advisers warning him against this, as to not appear as an "angry black man", which would scare off voters?
Monday November 22, 2010 2:12 Jamel
Richard Wolffe: 
I don't think the advisers would ever tell him how to deal with race in America. He's far more of an expert at this than they are. In general, he makes the decisions, but he does seek consensus in his team.
Monday November 22, 2010 2:14 Richard Wolffe
[Comment From SamSam: ] 
Why aren't the pilots subject to the new TSA security checks as well?
Monday November 22, 2010 2:14 Sam
Richard Wolffe: 
Because if they wanted to down a plane, they wouldn't need to strap explosives to their privates.
Monday November 22, 2010 2:15 Richard Wolffe
[Comment From Sherran LucasSherran Lucas: ] 
Has the White House considered letting all the tax cuts end. Then in January giving all citizens like 1,000. like Bush did. I'm sure we could all use it after Christmas. And Americans will remember that, they don't seem to remember anything Obama does.
Monday November 22, 2010 2:15 Sherran Lucas
Richard Wolffe: 
There are lots of options they have considered, but very few they can actually enact. They wanted to send out checks from the Recovery Act, but the economists said it would take too long. Besides, a check now would still leave rates going up for middle class families, and that's something the president says he wants to avoid at all costs.
Monday November 22, 2010 2:17 Richard Wolffe
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
Does the new incoming Gop/Tea Party members really concentrated on revamping all that the Democrats have done since Obama took office. Are they really looking to do away with education social security, medicare and medicaid and the sacred cow(food stamps)
Monday November 22, 2010 2:18 Guest
Richard Wolffe: 
Republicans say they want to repeal health care, and stop and extension of unemployment benefits. Some Tea Party folks want to abolish the Department of Education, and privatize Social Security. So it depends who you're talking about. I can't see either agenda addressing the main concern of voters, especially independents: helping job creation and reviving the economy.
Monday November 22, 2010 2:20 Richard Wolffe
[Comment From Paul BrownPaul Brown: ] 
Why isn't the WH and the press asking how many bombs have been stopped by The TSA and their silly screenings. I fly over 200k miles each year and have never wittnessed anything more dangerous than a pocket khife taken from a passenger?
Monday November 22, 2010 2:22 Paul Brown
Richard Wolffe: 
Good question. I guess this administration and the last one think there's a deterrent effect. Besides, who wants to run the risk? Except frequent flyers such as yourself.
Monday November 22, 2010 2:23 Richard Wolffe
[Comment From maggie smithmaggie smith: ] 
Reagan was successful - but he didn't have total obstructionists to deal with either - why doesn't Obama see that the R's refuse to budge
Monday November 22, 2010 2:24 maggie smith
Richard Wolffe: 
That's a great point which I pick up in Revival. Rahm Emanuel says there's no Bob Dole nowadays. This isn't your father's Republican party. And he pointed out to me that even Reagan couldn't win the GOP nomination now, because he raised taxes and supported easier divorce in California. Still, you have to try with a new Congress. It's important to show a willingness and openness to talk.
Monday November 22, 2010 2:26 Richard Wolffe
[Comment From Peggy Peggy: ] 
What can the Democrats do to put up a fight when the GOP tries to dismantle some of the social programs such as social security, medicare, education energy and climate-gate
Monday November 22, 2010 2:28 Peggy
Richard Wolffe: 
They can point out that's not where the mainstream is in America. This is no time to cut back on our kids' education, or on the safety net for people who aren't wealthy or well-connected. Besides, that stuff will never pass the Senate or the president's desk.
Monday November 22, 2010 2:30 Richard Wolffe
Chat Moderator: 
Hello again! Richard has to leave now but thank you for taking the time to chat with him!
Monday November 22, 2010 2:32 Chat Moderator
Richard Wolffe: 
Thanks for all your questions! Be sure to check out Revival: The Struggle for Survival Inside the Obama White House at your local book store or online:
Monday November 22, 2010 2:34 Richard Wolffe

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