It is September 23, 2010
I have tried to stay out of politics, because I have gotten too involved, to the point that I am yelling at the TV and my daughter tells me to stop that I am raising my blood pressure and not doing myself any favors.
I have heard enough. I am a Democrat and at this point I am scared to death, that if the republicans take over the Congress, that we will loose our health care bill, medicare and social security. And I am one of those that would be affected by this. I listen to the Tea Party candidates and they are talking about abolishing abortion, I do not agree with the idea that all females no matter what their age if they are pregnant, whether it is a mistake, a rape, incest must be required to carry this child, to add that child to the enormous number of children there is in this world that are abused, forgotten, shunned, orphaned and left behind. That would be a colossal mistake, and the so called Tea Party patriots want to take away a woman's right. My right whether I am pro or con to have control over my body, that is my right and my privilege not the Governments.
The Republicans say they are not changing, they want to go back to the "good ole days" cut the budget, take away the rights of people to work, take away welfare that alot of Americans depend on right now because of the economics of the country. Do away with health care and put forth what they want for the American people. Do away with social security, and medicare they are socialist programs. They want to put that in the hands of the wall street and the bankers, holy cow just make them richer and keep us from owning our own homes, starting our own business', being under their thumbs for anything financial. MAKE THE RICH RICHER, make the poor poorer, make the middle class disappear.
The banks as it is do not lend that would be Un-American, they just want their cauphers filled up and keep it in their family. Keep the Bush Tax Cuts for the top 2%, and add 750 billion dollars to our deficit. They want to do away with the Department of Education, where does that put the education of our children. Because the states are penniless to help with education. I lived in Volusia County in Florida and at the beginning of the 2009 school year they had closed a number of schools letting off hundreds of teachers because they did not have the budget to keep these schools open.
Immigration is another big problem, what did you honestly think when Congress filibustered the Military Budget bill, because it contained two amendments that the Republicans did not want to hear, one being the question of Don't Ask Don't Tell, which is a joke, these men and woman want to serve love serving their country and they have to lie which right off the bat causes harm to their pledge to serve. The other amendment has to do with immigrant children of age to serve our country in the military, giving them the right to seek citizenship after serving six years. And the whole Republican Caucus decided to not vote on the amendment because it dealt with immigration, which the republicans do not want to tackle now. They want to wait until they are in office and then kick all illegals out.
Talking about immigration, I find it somewhat worry some that Republicans seems so stressed out about what to do with all the "illegals" we have in this country, we are a country founded on immigrants who were just as "illegal" as the ones we are now discussing. In the early 1900's immigrants are what diversified, and united us. They have made us stronger, more universal in our thinking, in our government, in the meaning of families and sticking together. Yes there were problems but we over came them and grew stronger as a nation, yes we need to nationalize our immigration rules, so that those "illegals" can become citizens, help our nation, reinvest in our ecomony(it will be theirs as citizens), reinvest in America, make us stronger, not weaker, make us more united not fighting amongst ourselves which we are doing right this minute.
There was a committee meeting with witnesses for the farm workers of this country and
illegals that work our farms because Americans would never be caught do this back breaking menial work. Well if Americans will not do it and immigrants are willing, but the conditions that they are provided with are deplorable, we would not make our own citizens work in those conditions, would we?
Witnesses spoke about the American agricultural sector's reliance on foreign, and often undocumented, workers to pick fruit and vegetables on America's farms. Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert appeared in character to testify. Mr. Colbert was part of a United Farm Workers campaign calling on unemployed Americans to take jobs in the agriculture sector. As part of the program he spent a day laboring at a vegetable farm in New York in August 2010.
There is so much more that the Republicans want to put forth in action if they get a hold of Congress. I cannot comment on all of them, I have on the ones that mean something to me. Take a good look at the so called Contract with America I have it on one of my blogs it is 48 pages of going back to the time when Republicans were in charge and where that took us. THE SAME OLD SAME OLD.
House Republican leaders unveiled their policy agenda for the midterm elections, titled "A Pledge to America." The pledge covered a variety of subjects including government reform, repeal of health care reforms, tougher immigration laws, government spending restrictions, and tax policy. The event was held at a suburban hardware store in Sterling, Virginia.
Is that where we really want our country to go. I am worried, and scared because I am a senior citizen, and all of my rights as a citizen of this country could be gone come January 2011.; I have worked most of my life and earned those privileges, without social security, medicare and yes disability How would I live, on the streets, eating out of garbage cans, sleeping in alley ways. That is not how I planned to live the latter part of my life. And I know that that is not what all my fellow seniors had planned either.
Democrats and Republicans together can make a change together, because WE ARE THE PEOPLE. But to put the Tea Party and conservative right Republicans in office, gay rights, women rights, religious rights, education rights, seniors, immigrants, our very core of the Constitution will be changed or gone. The middle class will disappear, and wall street will dominate main street. I get the chills just thinking about it.
And that's all I have to say
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