
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Taking a much needed Respite

I will be away from this blog for about 45 days.  I am in the middle of rehab for my knee and quite frankly i am tired of the bipartisan bickering that is going on.  There are approximately 90 something days to the mid term election. And the idea of the Republicans winning the house or even the senate scares me to death.  Not that I hold grudges but the idea of getting a congress that was around in the good old Bush Republican Congress days, my skin crawls.  Democrats do you realize what the Republicans want to do to our country, take away the 17th Amendment, our birth right as United States citizens. Do we want our children grandchildren and beyond denied any of the rights common to all citizens under a modern constitutional government: what will be next for the Republicans?  They want to repeal Health Care, financial reform, right everything for the rich, the middle class would cease to exist because we would all be paupers, and  jobless rate would be twice what it is, according to the right we can't do anything without be able to pay for it.  Lets see education, transportation, police and fire departments, hospitals, would not exist. We could not pay for them.  Hospitals could not take care of the ill because not enough people to work, no leeway to treat those who are not insured, what about health care even for the privilege would be astronomical no body but the rich could afford it.  
Immigration, oh brother.  Republicans would march all illegals right out of the country including all those who were born here because it was illegal activity that brought them here.  They would build large fences along all our borders including Canada.  Now does that also take away free trade, or trading with others countries.  Does that mean no more passports, no more international flights or people who come here and spend money.  I am only guessing at most of what I have written.  But we as a society did not flourish under the Bush Republican Congress, not so much blaming Bush.  We got into two wars which at this time we are trying to get out of.  They were both never paid for, that really gets me, the republicans say spend only what you can pay for , well let them  figure how to pay for it now.  Oh, we can't we can only go from now on with pay as you go.  Meanwhile our debt is beyond what any of us want, just think what is would be like without both wars hanging around our necks.  What we could do.   And remember because a lot of you have forgotten, when Bush became President we had money extra in our coffers.  We had a surplus of cash, what happened 
to that cash...

You can follow me on my others blogs, Bible Blog my personal journey through the bible and My Journal to rediscover "me" and losing weight. I am just starting them so come along and see where they lead me.............

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