
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tweets for the night

Robert Wittman easily beats back tea party challenge in VA-01. AP calls race.

God bless VA. 28% counted in VA-05 already. Hurt 49%, McKelvey 27%

Jim DeMint wins GOP Senate primary. You can exhale now.
30% in. GA-09 Graves 66, Hawkins 34

16% in. SC-Gov. Haley 42, Barrett 25, McMaster 19, Bauer 14. Runoff looks likely

Rep. Tom Graves. He wins GA-09 special runoff.

30% in and Nikki Haley is at 48%....

Vincent Sheheen wins SC-GOV (D) primary. No runoff.

54% in,. Haley at 47.5.

Tim Scott, African American state Rep. in SC, is leading in SC-01 GOP primary. Runoff near certain but keep an eye on him.

Best name on ballot tonight? Early nominee: Mick Zais. (Running in SC for Superintendent of Education)

Nikki Haley is VERY close to 50 percent. 48.8 right now with 70 percent of precincts reporting

Question for Gresham Barrett: If Nikki Haley is just short of 50%...does he stay in the race?

9% in. Blanche 53, Halter 47

"Former Pro Bowl Eagles lineman Jon Runyan has won the primary to face freshman Rep. John Adler (D-N.J.)."

SC Rep. Bob Inglis (R) looks like 3rd House incumbent who will lose. Faces Trey Gowdy in 6/22 runoff but lost tonight by double digits.

19% in. Lincoln 52, Halter 48

SD Lt. Gov. Dennis Daugaard wins the R Gov nomination.

AP has officially declared #scgov GOP primary a runoff between Nikki Haley and Gresham Barrett. All focus will be on Haley but...don't overlook the fact that Barrett went ahead and "owned" his bailout vote with candidate-to-camera ad and stopped his bleeding.ButCan Barrett use the "I made a leadership" defense on the bailout vote in a 1-on-1 with Haley?

42% in. Lincoln 51, Halter 49

47% in. Blanche 51, Halter 49. Keep an eye on Pulaski County

Folks, put away the tin foil hats re: Lincoln and expectations. History of incumbents in runoffs indicated Lincoln was underdog

55% in. Halter 51, Lincoln 49

In Pulaski, (Little Rock), Halter leads 59-41 but with just 26% of precincts reporting. On 5/18, Lincoln won Pulaski 52-40.

63% in. Lincoln 51, Halter 49

Lincoln back up 51-49 with 63% reporting statewide

Now, with 41% reporting in Pulaski, Lincoln leading 60-40; clearly some sort of error in the count as Halter lost raw vote in latest update

66% in. Lincoln 51.3, Halter 48.7

 A Lincoln runoff victory doesn't neatly fit into any C.W. box. Healthy lesson 4 all reporters. History/trends matter expect when they don't

According to Jon Ralston, Sue Lowden only up 3 points with Clark Cty early vote in. Not nearly enough. Sharron Angle is smiling.

73% in. Lincoln 51, Halter 49

"Lance has won in NJ-07, but took a beating 56% vs 31% for tea partier David Larsen"

Anyone else surprised that Branstad-VanderPlaats is only 51-41 w/ 28% reporting statewide? Branstad lucky VanderPlaats never got much 'mo

77% in. Lincoln 51, Halter 48. Only 41% of Pulaski in though. Lincoln has to feel good.

AP just called it for Lincoln; Big upset given history of runoffs and incumbents; Labor going to struggle to explain this loss.

Labor's early spin: primary pressured Lincoln, toughened her on Wall Street; Message to other Dems: don't think we won't do this again

Don't let it go unnoticed both Gresham Barrett in SC GOV GOP primary and Lincoln in AR SEN Dem primary beat back Wall Street bailout attacks

"We have to fight for what we know is right." -- Blanche Lincoln

Talking to folks in both parties, they say wait about 3 weeks or so to let Lincoln bounce settle in and then see where Lincoln v. Boozman is

RGA with a VERY strongly worded statement on Nikki Haley; clearly trying to pressure Barrett into conceding;

Nev. Gov. Jim Gibbons has lost re-nomination. Lost really, really badly.

Good night for Bill Clinton: Blanche and Libby Mitchell (Maine) both win. Clinton backed both.

Meh Whitman wins. Now, how much will she have spent per vote?

32% in. Angle 37, Lowden 30, Tarkanian 22

Carly Fiorina wins. Only outstanding big race now is NV-Senate.

47% in. Angle 37.5, Lowden 29, Tarkanian 22

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