The #G8 and #G20 were productive. We discussed important issues for everyone: drug trafficking, the environment, nuclear safety and
Declaration recovery and New Beginnings
I believe we must fight drug trafficking globally, not separately – in Afghanistan, Colombia or anywhere else. Then we will see results.
The environment matters. We will set an example and introduce a special law before the State Duma to protect our oceans from oil spills.
The Toronto summit is over, and so Canadian law enforcement can finally have a break
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Саммит в Торонто закончился, так что канадские службы безопасности могут отдохнутьThe Toronto summit is over, and so Canadian law enforcement can finally have a break
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Встретились с Саркози и Меркель. Обсудили общие подходы к темам G20. Поздравил Ангелу с победой на ЧМ в ЮАР
Met with Sarkozy and Merkel to discuss our overall approach for G20. Congratulated Angela on Germany's football victory
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"Восьмерка" - хороший формат, чтобы обсудить мировые проблемы. Россия - активный участник переговоров.
The G8 is a good format for discussing global problems. Russia is actively involved in the summit
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