Posted by: Chairman Michael Steele
After Speaker Pelosi strong-armed her health care takeover through the House on Sunday night, I began reaching out to folks all across the country to let them know that the RNC is focused on one thing: firing Nancy Pelosi. Check out some of my guest posts on other blogs, and be sure to read the comments left by fellow Americans concerned about their country under this Speaker’s leadership. Just imagine the outrage when President Obama signs this bill into law at 11:15 AM today.
As I said in my guest blog on (article is below comments on this article)
[Speaker Pelosi] believes that she is no longer accountable to congressional rules, and national laws. Those are just guidelines that can be tossed away on a whim if determined they will prevent her from accomplishing her goals…
For the sweetheart deals and arm-twisting tactics; for this unconscionable dereliction of her duty; for this gleeful defiance of the Constitution; and for the utter contempt with which she has repeatedly treated the American people, Speaker Pelosi MUST be fired.
New Hampshire:
New Jersey: Conservative Majority, New Jersey
Texas: Dr. Melissa Clouthier
Virginia: Bearing Drift Blog
Comments I found interesting and far apart
Posted by Jim on 2010-03-24T12:59:34.883
Mr Steele: So why not a simple piece of legislation, introduced by the Republicans in both houses entitled Let Americans Choose 2010. The bill would sunset the recently passed legislation on 12/31/10 unless a super-majority of voters approve the legislation. If health insurance and health care are declared rights not found in the constitution, then a voters should also have a "right" to vote on this legislation and a super-majority (not a simple majority) should approve it. Those opposed to such a bill would be targeted for the fall elections for failing to allow Americans a vote. If the bill passes and the President refuses to sign or vetoes it, he becomes a target.
Posted by SeverinHall on 2010-03-23T23:50:13.2
The American People need a plan...and a reason to vote for the Republican Party...just being against Pelosi is not a strategy for success. I just read a Fox News poll that says 16% of voters think that the Repubs can fix the economy. We should be spelling out a plan for Nov by explaining in detail our strategy for creating jobs, lowering taxes, lowering the defecit, decreasing and limiting the size of government (such as voting against pork projects), not just railing about the inept Democratic leadership. People are grasping at any sign of hope...The Repubs should be the ones to give it to them. We need a new contract with America. Something tangible and enforceable. To you "USADEFENDER" Mr. Boehner said it so poignantly in regard to this Bill which you obviously champion.."Shame on us. Shame on this body. Shame on each and every one of you who substitutes YOUR will and YOUR desires above those of your fellow Countrymen..." In a sense there is an "I got mine" mentality. I work hard for everything I have and don't want to see half of what I worked hard for go to some free loader collecting that which is wholly undeserved. To the anonymous poster above, you can respect and support the office without supporting the Man. GET A GRIP...AND A CLUE!!!
Posted by Polani Tribesman on 2010-03-23T17:27:46.857
Chairman Steele, why are you focused on Pelosi? If you think that all the American People want is revenge, or even just to be rid of the person who spearheaded this, you're wrong. The American People want good government. You are turning me off! I would like to read about what the Republicans plan to do instead. If we can bring about 'tort reform' that effectively eliminates suits for people who only got a bad break in life and their doctor was not guilty of genuine malpractice, the cost of medical insurance will be reduced. If we can cap the medical malpractice awards at a reasonable level so that 'tort lawyers' cannot get rich by playing on the emotions of the members of the jury, the cost of medical insurance will be reduced. If doctors are not held responsible for the 'success' of their treatment (for which only God is responsible), only for providng proper treatment, then they won't have to do exhaustive diagnostic testing just to minumize their exposure to tort suits and the cost of medical insurance will be reduced. If we can provide for competition in medical insurance by regulation that allows people to buy insurance from any provider in our country the cost of medical insurance will be reduced. If we can regulate the medical insurance industry such that the price of each plan is fixed so that large corporations and individuals pay the same price per person, the cost of medical insurance for individuals will be reduced. This will also be fair and justifiable because we are regulating access to life-saving treatment. One shouldn't have to be a member of some hugh group to get a good price on saving their life. The American People want to hear how you are going to roll back the socialist takeover of healthcare and provide better healthcare less expensively. There are solutions to all of the problems with healthcare, that do not require the abandonment of true democracy for socialism. The American People want to hear the details. How are you going to do it? When somebody, and I mean anybody, Republican or Democrat, stands up and says, "This is going to be wonderful, just wait and see!", it turns most of us off. That is INSINCERE! If it's going to be wonderful, explain it to us, make your case, and you'll get greater support than you ever thought possable. The RNC ahs been asking me for donations for a long time now. If you want donations, run some real, common sence people who are wise rather than cunning. Run some people who believe that the framers of our constitution had it right, and for the right reasons. Stop trying to take us down the tubes slower. Try to get us back up.
Posted by GB Frank on 2010-03-23T16:29:26.733
I thought we lived in a democracy where the will of the majority is the law of the land. How can something that is voted on my an elected majority be unconstitutional? What people are we talking about here, when we talk about the will of the people? Last I checked, no matter how much money you have, you still only get one vote. Now I hear my former party will seek to defy the law, drumming up some bizarre logic that discounts the existence and will of the majority.
ObamaCare: Time to Fire Speaker Pelosi
by Michael S. SteeleThis weekend, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ensured that the 111th Congress will live in infamy. Instead of listening to the people she used every procedural trick at her disposal to pass her health care legislation. She must be stopped.
Over the last year, the American people have witnessed a Speaker who will stop at nothing to achieve her vision of a Leftist government. She believes that she is no longer accountable to congressional rules, and national laws. Those are just guidelines that can be tossed away on a whim if determined they will prevent her from accomplishing her goals. On Sunday, she cast them aside with reckless abandon and forced through her government takeover of health care.
Nancy Pelosi has no regard for public opinion. Even in a hostile electoral environment, she asked members of her caucus to fall on their swords so that she might add another achievement to her increasingly shameful legacy. Her actions are deceptive, dishonest, and simply unconstitutional, but she shows no remorse. To her, the ends justify the means.
Nancy Pelosi has no regard for public opinion. Even in a hostile electoral environment, she asked members of her caucus to fall on their swords so that she might add another achievement to her increasingly shameful legacy. Her actions are deceptive, dishonest, and simply unconstitutional, but she shows no remorse. To her, the ends justify the means.
Let there be no doubt: Nancy Pelosi’s sole priority in this entire health care drama has been authorizing a government seizure of the American health care industry and nationalizing a full one-sixth of our economy. She ignored the cold hard facts of the federal budget. Plainly put, you cannot add $1 trillion dollars to the budget and then claim that it’s revenue neutral, cut $500 billion from Medicare, and won’t affect recipients. The math simply doesn’t work. But Nancy Pelosi doesn’t seem to have any problem with fudging the numbers when it’s to her advantage.
Worse yet, Speaker Pelosi has claimed that she would preside over the most ethical and transparent Congress in history. She has repeatedly denied Americans their Constitutional right to know what Washington is doing in their name, because she knows that if they find out, they will hold her caucus accountable.
Worse yet, Speaker Pelosi has claimed that she would preside over the most ethical and transparent Congress in history. She has repeatedly denied Americans their Constitutional right to know what Washington is doing in their name, because she knows that if they find out, they will hold her caucus accountable.
For the sweetheart deals and arm-twisting tactics; for this unconscionable dereliction of her duty; for this gleeful defiance of the Constitution; and for the utter contempt with which she has repeatedly treated the American people, Speaker Pelosi MUST be fired.
The time has come for Americans to speak out. If you believe that American government should be open, honest, and transparent; if you believe that individual Americans, not the federal government, are best equipped to make their own medical decisions; if you believe that the Constitution of the United States – not this radical leftist agenda – is still the ultimate authority in our land, I am asking for your help to fire Nancy Pelosi. I am asking you to pledge your support to punish her and every Democrat who joined her in this abomination and help Republicans regain the majority in the House.
The voice of the people was ignored on health care, but with your help we will make sure they hear it loud and clear when we remove Speaker Pelosi from her throne this November.
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