
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It's time Washington looks out for us!

Defend your Dollars. org

Fill out and send the email, NOW!!!!!!

I believe that you are part of the wall street card game, and that you do not care for anything other than the all mighty dollar sign, and personally I would love to see every bank on wall street fail, because you have become this humongous monopoly, and everybody says your too "BIG" to Fail. Hogwash!!! You have too many of the little people right where you want them between your thumb (your corporate CEO's) and your pointer finger (stockholders) who are only interested in profits. Customers are your backbone, not lobbyist, not congressperson. Yet, you pay through the nose the lobbyists to pay the congress to pass or fail bills according to your whims, without regard to us main street USA. How rude, I keep hoping that wall street and the stock market falls ro the GROUND and dies a very brutle, lingering death.....

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