
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Health Care Reform Opponents-Death Panels

Ex Governor Palin is a disappointment to me. Someone who has a child with downs syndrome who can look people in the eye and tell fantastic lies about what is in the health care reform bill, death squads, who expects people to vote for her if she runs for President, when she and the other GOP and Democratic impersonators are proved to be wrong, we the people of these United States will take back our country from those congressmen who believe that they are the holy grail, that they can do no wrong, and that their word is gospel. I am very disappointed with the deathers and the birthers. I am very irate with the way our Government is being hoodwinked by some congressmen who spout they are for change and when we the people want and vote for change they lie to us, cheat us, and their morality ashamed us.

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