Anderson Cooper Receives Package From Suspected Killer Christopher Dorner
As the search continues for ex-cop Christopher Dorner, who is suspected of killing three people, Anderson Cooper has revealed he received a package in the mail from the former Los Angeles police officer.
"In addition to posting his manifesto online, suspect Christopher Dorner also reached out to me directly," Cooper said Thursday on his CNN show, AC360. "He mailed a parcel to my office that arrived on the first of the month."
Jason Merritt/WireImage
Christopher Dorner namechecks several celebrities in manifestoCooper added the package also included a bullet-riddled coin wrapped in duct tape with a handwritten inscription that read, "Thanks, but no thanks, Will Bratton." The coin, a souvenir medallion from former LAPD Chief William Bratton, is often handed out as a keepsake.
The editorial staff of AC360 and CNN management were subsequently made aware of the package and alerted law enforcement.
Cooper also talked about Dorner on his daytime program, Anderson Live, on Friday.
"It's very strange. It's a very strange feeling," he said. "He had mentioned me. This man, Dorner, had written a lengthy manifesto on his Faceboook page naming a number of reporters and he mentioned me. He said I should stop interrupting guests. He had a little advice for me, but he was, in general, complimentary, but he clearly had a message that he wanted to get out to reporters. I am sure he sent [packages] to other people as well. I am just the only one maybe who knows about it."
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