Date  | Accomplishment | Category  | Beneficiary  | Rank  | |
01/21/09 | Use of torture by CIA and military to interrogate prisoners prohibited. | Torture | |  |  |
01/29/09 | Employers prompted to review, develop and update their criteria on employee compensation to ensure they are applied consistently and uniformly. | Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act | Women & Women's Rights |  |  |
01/29/09 | Statute of limitations on filing equal-pay lawsuits eased by setting period to start from the date of the most recent paycheck. | Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act | Women & Women's Rights |  |  |
01/29/09 | Pay discrimination based on gender, race, color, national origin, age and disability prohibited. | Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act | Women & Women's Rights |  |  |
02/04/09 | 4 million more children insured under SCHIP in addition to the 6.6 million already covered | Children's Health Insurance Progra... | Children |  |  |
02/17/09 | 2010 real GDP increased by about 3.4% due to stimulus spending | 2009 Stimulus Bill | Businesses & Improving the Economy |  |  |
02/17/09 | Tax credit of $400 per worker ($800 per couple) for middle income workers for 2009 & 2010 totaling $116 billion | 2009 Stimulus Bill | Middle Class & Workers |  |  |
02/17/09 | $82.2 billion in aid for low income workers, unemployed and retirees (including job training) | 2009 Stimulus Bill | Poor & Unemployed |  |  |
02/17/09 | $70 billion in tax relief for middle class workers by patching the Alternative Minimum Tax for one year | 2009 Stimulus Bill | Middle Class |  |  |
02/17/09 | $155 billion in health care assistance for the poor & unemployed primarily for Medicaid, health information technology and insurance premium subsidies | 2009 Stimulus Bill | Poor & Unemployed |  |  |
02/17/09 | $100 billion in education aid to prevent lay-offs, modernize schools, award Pell grants and help low income children & special education programs | 2009 Stimulus Bill | Middle Class & Poor |  |  |
02/17/09 | $48.1 billion in investments for highway, bridge, high-speed rail & other transportation projects | 2009 Stimulus Bill | Improving Infrastructure |  |  |
04/01/09 | Deeper recession or depression averted in 2009 and beyond with the help of stimulus bill provisions | 2009 Stimulus Bill | Improving Economic Stability |  |  |
04/01/09 | Approximately 2.7 million jobs added to US payrolls and unemployment rate kept 1½ percentage points lower due to Stimulus spending | 2009 Stimulus Bill | Workers & Businesses |  |  |
04/11/09 | Maersk Alabama Capt. Richard Phillips rescued during operation in which U.S. Navy Seal snipers kill three Somali Pirates holding him for ransom aboard lifeboat | Somali Civil War | Combating Terrorism |  |  |
04/13/09 | Restrictions eased on Cuba travel, money transfers, and cellular telephone/satellite service. | International Relations | |  |  |
04/21/09 | 250,000 volunteers by 2017 for community service programs in low income neighborhoods | Serve America Act | Volunteering & Community Organizers |  |  |
04/21/09 | Community volunteer program expanded to address the education, health care, energy and veterans needs of low income communities | Serve America Act | Volunteering & Community Organizers |  |  |
04/21/09 | Disadvantaged youth job opportunites enhanced by community service to gain skills/experience and earn education grants and stipends | Serve America Act | Volunteering & Community Organizers |  |  |
05/20/09 | Homeowners' foreclosures avoided by improved terms for loan modification and restructuring of their debt | Helping Families Save Their Homes | Home Owners |  |  |
05/20/09 | Lenders incentivized to reduce foreclosures by loss mitigation guarantees, compensation and lender protection from lawsuits by investors holding the loans | Helping Families Save Their Homes | Home Owners |  |  |
05/20/09 | $2.2 billion appropriated to help communities address the homeless crisis. | Helping Families Save Their Homes | Homeless |  |  |
05/20/09 | Financial Crisis Inquiry commission created to examine and report on the domestic and global causes of the 2008 - 2009 financial and economic crisis | Fraud Enforcement Act | Consumers |  |  |
05/20/09 | Mortgage lending businesses added to list of financial institutions subject to Federal criminal law in fraudulent lending practices | Fraud Enforcement Act | Home Owners |  |  |
05/20/09 | Crime of major fraud against the United States amended to include Federal grants made to stimulate economic recovery for fiscal years 2009 and 2010 | Fraud Enforcement Act | Consumers |  |  |
05/20/09 | Securities fraud definition amended to include fraud related to commodities futures and derivatives fraud | Fraud Enforcement Act | Consumers |  |  |
05/20/09 | $140 million in special funding for the Federal Bureau of Investigation to investigate fraud in financial institutions | Fraud Enforcement Act | Consumers |  |  |
05/20/09 | $100 million in special funding for the offices of the United States Attorneys to investigate and prosecute fraud in financial institutions | Fraud Enforcement Act | Consumers |  |  |
05/20/09 | $80 million in special funding to the criminal, civil and tax divisions of the Dept of Justice to investigate and prosecute fraud in financial institutions | Fraud Enforcement Act | Consumers |  |  |
05/20/09 | $60 million in special funding for the Postal Inspection Service to investigate financial institutions for fraud | Fraud Enforcement Act | Consumers |  |  |
05/20/09 | $60 million in special funding for Inspector General's Office at the U S Dept of Housing and Urban Development to investigate financial institutions for fraud | Fraud Enforcement Act | Consumers |  |  |
05/20/09 | $40 million in special funding for the Secret Service to investigate financial institutions for fraud | Fraud Enforcement Act | Consumers |  |  |
05/20/09 | $42 million in special funding for the Securities and Exchange Commission to investigate securites fraud in financial institutions | Fraud Enforcement Act | Consumers |  |  |
05/22/09 | Dept of Defense systems analysis, engineering and developmental testing processes overhauled to reduce high rates of failure on defense acquisitions | Weapons Systems Acquisition Reform | Improving Govt Efficiency |  |  |
05/22/09 | Defense Dept ordered to evaluate the technological maturity and product knowledge of critical weapons' technologies before letting defense contracts | Weapons Systems Acquisition Reform | Improving Govt Efficiency |  |  |
05/22/09 | Independent cost assesessment director initiated to ensure that cost estimates for major Defense contracts are fair, reliable, and unbiased | Weapons Systems Acquisition Reform | Improving Govt Efficiency |  |  |
05/22/09 | Defense oversight council required to seek input from combat commanders in evaluating proposed weapons system capabilities and needs | Weapons Systems Acquisition Reform | Improving Govt Efficiency |  |  |
05/22/09 | Defense contractors prohibited from participating in both the systems engineering and the development /construction phases of the weapon systems | Weapons Systems Acquisition Reform | Improving Govt Efficiency |  |  |
05/22/09 | Oversight and audit required of those major defense programs experiencing cost overruns to determine if the programs are essential and cost-effective | Weapons Systems Acquisition Reform | Improving Govt Efficiency |  |  |
05/22/09 | Funding provided to hire and retain highly skilled specialists to assess the cost, schedule and applicability of proposed Defense Dept weapons systems | Weapons Systems Acquisition Reform | Improving Govt Efficiency |  |  |
05/22/09 | Annual awards program established to recognize individuals and teams making significant contributions to improving efficiency of defense aquisition programs | Weapons Systems Acquisition Reform | Improving Govt Efficiency |  |  |
05/22/09 | Credit cardholders protected against arbitrary interest rate increases, hidden and excessive fees, and due date gimmicks | Credit Card Act | Consumers |  |  |
05/25/09 | Sonya Sotomayor nominated and approved as Supreme Court justice | | Women & Hispanics |  |  |
06/29/09 | First-ever reception at the White House honoring Lesbian, Gay, Transgendered, Bisexual Pride Month hosted by the President and First lady | Discrimination | LGBT |  |  |
08/05/09 | U.S. drone attack killed Tehrik e-Taliban Pakistan leader Baitullah Mahsud in Pakistan | Pakistani Taliban | Combating Terrorism |  |  |
08/29/09 | Co-founder of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan Tohir Yo‘ldosh killed by U.S. drone attacks | Terrorism | Combating Terrorism |  |  |
09/04/09 | White House voluntary disclosure of visitor logs | | Improving Govt Transparency |  |  |
09/14/09 | Operation Celestial Balance: Navy Seals Kill Somalian Al-Qaeda leader Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan in raid | Al-Qaeda | |  |  |
09/14/09 | Somalian Al-Qaeda leader Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan killed by U.S. raid | Al-Qaeda | Defeating Al Qaeda |  |  |
10/28/09 | Federal hate crime law expanded to include crimes motivated by gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and disability. | Matthew Shepard Act | LGBT |  |  |
10/28/09 | Existing hate crime laws strengthened with funding to investigate and prosecute those crimes | Matthew Shepard Act | LGBT |  |  |
10/30/09 | People with HIV/AIDS no longer prohibited from entering the United States | Discrimination | Immigrants & LGBT |  |  |
12/08/09 | Al-Qaeda Operational Commander Saleh al-Somali killed in U.S. drone attack | Al-Qaeda | Defeating Al Qaeda |  |  |
12/17/09 | Al-Qaeda Operational Commander Abdallah Sa’id killed in U.S. drone attack | Al-Qaeda | Defeating Al Qaeda |  |  |
2009 | Liquidation of General Motors and Chrysler avoided through government mandated restructuring plans and conditional investment and loan programs | Business & Economy | Businesses & Workers |  |  |
2009 | 115,000 jobs created at General Motors and Chrysler since government financing and restructuring implemented | Jobs | Workers & Creating Jobs |  |  |
2009 | 1.45 million American jobs saved overall by government financing and restructuring of GM and Chrysler to avoid liquidation | Jobs | Workers & Saving Jobs |  |  |
2009 | $96 billion in personal income losses avoided by government financing and restructuring of GM and Chrysler to avoid liquidation | Labor | Workers & Improving the Economy |  |  |
2009 | $28.6 billion net public benefit in income taxes and social security taxes paid because liquidation of GM and Chrysler avoided | Taxes | Businesses & Improving the Economy |  |  |
01/01/10 | Discrimination based on gender identity banned in federal workplaces | Discrimination | LGBT |  |  |
2010 FEB | Militant commander Muhammad Haqqani killed by U.S. drone attacks | Terrorism | Combating Terrorism |  |  |
02/24/10 | Al-Qaeda and Taliban-linked Fedayeen-i-Islam leader Qari Zafar killed in US airstrike | Al-Qaeda | Defeating Al Qaeda |  |  |
2010 MAR | Al-Qaeda operative Hussein al-Yemeni killed by U.S. drone attack in Pakistan | Al-Qaeda | Defeating Al Qaeda |  |  |
03/18/10 | Social Security payroll tax credits in 2010 for employers that hired people who have been unemployed for 60+ days | Hire Act | Unemployed & Businesses |  |  |
03/18/10 | Tax credits to employers who keep new hires for 52 weeks to encourage retention of new hires | Hire Act | Unemployed & Businesses |  |  |
03/18/10 | $17.5 billion in tax cuts, business credits and subsidies for state and local construction bonds to stimulate business investment and hiring | Hire Act | Unemployed & Businesses |  |  |
03/18/10 | $20 billion to the highway trust fund for spending on highway and transit programs. | Hire Act | Unemployed & Improving Infrastructure |  |  |
03/18/10 | Encourages job creation by expanding investments in schools and clean energy projects | Hire Act | Unemployed |  |  |
03/18/10 | Offsets costs through a 30 percent withholding tax on income from certain U.S. financial assets held by foreign banks who have not agreed to disclosures. | Hire Act | Unemployed |  |  |
03/23/10 | People with a pre-existing condition cannot be denied health coverge by an insurance company starting in 2014 | 2010 Health Care Reform Act | Consumers & Improving Health & Wellness |  |  |
03/23/10 | $143 billion in deficit reduction estimated between 2010-2019 from health care reform law provisions | 2010 Health Care Reform Act | Reducing Debt\Deficits |  |  |
03/23/10 | People denied coverage for a pre-existing condition given access to a temporary high risk health insurance plan | 2010 Health Care Reform Act | Consumers & Improving Health & Wellness |  |  |
03/23/10 | Children under 19 can no longer be denied coverage or benefits for a pre-existing condition | 2010 Health Care Reform Act | Consumers & Children |  |  |
03/23/10 | Young adults can stay on parent's insurance plan up until age 26 | 2010 Health Care Reform Act | Young Adults & Consumers |  |  |
03/23/10 | $250 rebate for those in the Medicare Prescription drug "donut hole" during 2010 | 2010 Health Care Reform Act | Senior Citizens & Improving Health & Wellness |  |  |
03/23/10 | 50% discount on prescription drug costs for seniors in the Medicare "donut hole" starting in 2011 | 2010 Health Care Reform Act | Senior Citizens & Improving Health & Wellness |  |  |
03/23/10 | Health care insurance plans prohibited from putting a lifetime limit on the benefits you receive | 2010 Health Care Reform Act | Consumers |  |  |
03/23/10 | Annual dollar limits on health benefits restricted and phased out by 2014 | 2010 Health Care Reform Act | Consumers & Improving Health & Wellness |  |  |
03/23/10 | Insurers selling to groups of 50 or more employees must spend 85% of premiums on medical care and quality improvement | 2010 Health Care Reform Act | Consumers & Improving Health & Wellness |  |  |
03/23/10 | Consumers guaranteed the right to choose the primary care doctor or pediatrician from their health plan’s provider network | 2010 Health Care Reform Act | Consumers & Improving Health & Wellness |  |  |
03/30/10 | $68 billion to expand Pell grants & make it easier for students to repay outstanding loans after graduation through savings in the federal student loan program | Student Aid Act | College Students & Improving Education |  |  |
03/30/10 | $2 billion investment to laid off workers for education and career training programs in community colleges over four years starting in 2010 | Student Aid Act | Unemployed & Improving Education |  |  |
04/18/10 | Joint American and Iraqi operation killed Al-Qaeda leaders Abu Ayyub al-Masri and Abu Omar al-Baghdadi | Al-Qaeda | Defeating Al Qaeda |  |  |
05/05/10 | Family caregivers of veterans granted eligibility to VA counseling and mental health services | Caregivers & Veterans Health Servi... | Veterans & Women |  |  |
05/05/10 | Health care services improved and expanded for women veterans at Veterans care facilities | Caregivers & Veterans Health Servi... | Veterans & Women |  |  |
05/05/10 | Counseling and care enhanced for military women victims of sexual trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) | Caregivers & Veterans Health Servi... | Veterans & Women |  |  |
05/05/10 | Care options expanded for veterans living in rural areas that lack the necessary VA medical facilities | Caregivers & Veterans Health Servi... | Veterans & Improving Health & Wellness |  |  |
05/05/10 | Housing and care options expanded for homeless veterans living in care shelters | Caregivers & Veterans Health Servi... | Veterans |  |  |
05/21/10 | Al-Qaeda’s number three commander Sheik Saeed al-Masri killed in U.S. drone attack | Al-Qaeda | Defeating Al Qaeda |  |  |
06/02/10 | Federal benefits extended to same sex partners of workers through memorandum by Obama administration | Gay Rights | LGBT & Federal Employees |  |  |
06/29/10 | U.S. drone attack killed 7 known terrorists, most notable Al-Qaeda operative from Egypt Hawza al Jawfi | Al-Qaeda | Defeating Al Qaeda |  |  |
07/22/10 | Financial Stability Oversight Council established to identify and monitor excessive risks to the U.S. financial system | Wall Street Reform Act | Improving Economic Stability |  |  |
07/22/10 | Future economic downturns minimized with new rules and transparency regarding bank trading in credit default swaps and derivatives including the "Volker Rule" | Wall Street Reform Act | Improving Economic Stability |  |  |
07/22/10 | Risk in the financial system reduced with new SEC Office of Credit Ratings (OCR) to monitor credit rating agencies for conflict of interests & inaccuracies | Wall Street Reform Act | Improving Economic Stability |  |  |
07/22/10 | FDIC bank deposit insurance increased from $100,000 to $250,000 | Wall Street Reform Act | Consumers & Improving Economic Stability |  |  |
07/22/10 | Transparency of Federal Reserve improved with additional government oversight and new audits to be performed by the GAO | Wall Street Reform Act | Improving Govt Transparency |  |  |
07/22/10 | Consumer Financial Protection Bureau established to promote fairness and transparency for mortgages, credit cards, and other consumer financial products | Wall Street Reform Act | Consumers |  |  |
07/22/10 | Borrowers protected from bad loans with rules and penalties requiring that lenders verify that they are able to repay the loans that they issue | Wall Street Reform Act | Home Owners & Consumers |  |  |
07/22/10 | Long-term economic stability improved through new FDIC powers to liquidate failing financial firms such as insurance companies and non-bank financial companies | Wall Street Reform Act | Improving Economic Stability |  |  |
08/03/10 | Large disparity in jail sentences reduced for crack cocaine related offenses that disproportionately affected African Americans | Fair Sentencing Act | African Americans |  |  |
09/27/10 | $12 billion in assistance for small businesses through eight separate tax cuts | Small Business Jobs Act | Small Businesses |  |  |
09/27/10 | $30 billion lending program created for community banks with incentives to increase small business lending | Small Business Jobs Act | Small Businesses & Improving the Economy |  |  |
10/14/10 | $10 million in job training, counseling, placement services, and child care services for homeless women veterans and homeless veterans with children | Veterans' Benefit Act | Veterans & Women |  |  |
10/14/10 | Disabled veterans provided improved independent assisted living services, automobile adaptive equipment and allowances for automobile purchase | Veterans' Benefit Act | Veterans |  |  |
10/14/10 | Service members receiving relocation orders protected from early termination fees for certain contracts and residential leases | Veterans' Benefit Act | Military Personnel |  |  |
10/14/10 | On-the-job training opportunities expanded for veterans by reimbursing energy sector employers for training costs. | Veterans' Benefit Act | Veterans & Creating Jobs |  |  |
10/14/10 | Insurance policy amounts and terms enhanced for severely disabled veterans | Veterans' Benefit Act | Veterans & Improving Health & Wellness |  |  |
10/14/10 | Veteran work-study programs expanded to include congressional offices, state agencies and institutions of higher learning | Veterans' Benefit Act | Veterans & Creating Jobs |  |  |
12/08/10 | $1.5 billion awarded to some 75,000 black farmers who were victims of discrimination in applying for farm loans from 1983 to 1997 | Claims Resolution Act | African Americans & Farmers |  |  |
12/08/10 | $3.4 billion settlement for Native Americans against the US government arising from incorrect accounting for royalties on mineral leases | Claims Resolution Act | Native Americans & Improving Govt Efficiency |  |  |
12/13/10 | Number of eligible children enrolled in school meal programs increased by approximately 115,000 students | Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act | Children & Improving Health & Wellness |  |  |
12/13/10 | Schools and communities provided resources to utilize local farms and gardens to provide fresh produce for school food programs. | Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act | Children & Improving Health & Wellness |  |  |
12/17/10 | $186 billion in tax relief for all tax payers by extending the Bush income tax cuts for 2010 & 2011 | 2010 Tax & Jobs Compromise | Workers & Consumers |  |  |
12/17/10 | $136 billion in tax relief for 21 million middle class households through patch to the Alternative Minimum Tax for 2010 & 2011 | 2010 Tax & Jobs Compromise | Middle Class & Workers |  |  |
12/17/10 | $111 billion in tax relief for workers by a reducing social security payroll tax from 6.2% to 4.2% for 2011. | 2010 Tax & Jobs Compromise | Workers & Improving the Economy |  |  |
12/17/10 | Unemployment benefits extended for 13 months at a cost of $56 billion | 2010 Tax & Jobs Compromise | Unemployed & Improving the Economy |  |  |
12/17/10 | $40 billion in tax credits for college students and lower income families with children | 2010 Tax & Jobs Compromise | Poor & Students |  |  |
12/22/10 | Gays and lesbians allowed to serve openly in the military | Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act | LGBT & Military Personnel |  |  |
12/22/10 | $193 million saved over five years by eliminating recruiting and retraining costs of replacing soldiers discharged due to DADT | Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act | Military Personnel & Reducing Debt\Deficits |  |  |
12/22/10 | US sponsored measure to include “sexual orientation” in the definition of human rights adopted by the UN General Assembly, 122- 0. | Discrimination | LGBT |  |  |
01/04/11 | Safety of imported food improved with new FSVP & VQIP programs that helps ensure it is safe, unadulterated and not misbranded | Food Safety Modernization Act | Consumers & Improving Govt Efficiency |  |  |
01/04/11 | Safety of U.S. grown food improved with requirements for large factory farms to register all food handlers and maintain records relating to food safety | Food Safety Modernization Act | Consumers |  |  |
01/04/11 | Small family farms selling locally exempted from federal regulations such as traceability and record keeping | Food Safety Modernization Act | Farmers & Improving Govt Efficiency |  |  |
02/05/11 | Number of US and Russian nuclear warheads deployed reduced by two-thirds by 2017 | New START Treaty | Combating Nuclear Proliferation |  |  |
02/05/11 | Number of US and Russian strategic nuclear missile launchers reduced in half by 2017 | New START Treaty | Combating Nuclear Proliferation |  |  |
02/23/11 | Defense of Marriage Act declared unconstitutional and no longer defended in federal courts by the Obama Administration | Defense of Marriage Act | LGBT |  |  |
05/02/11 | US Forces Kill Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan | Al-Qaeda | Defeating Al Qaeda |  |  |
2011 JUN | 6 senior Al-Qaeda figures killed in U.S. Air Strike | Al-Qaeda | Defeating Al Qaeda |  |  |
06/03/11 | Al-Qaeda Commander Ilyas Kashmiri Killed in U.S. Predator Strike | Al-Qaeda | Defeating Al Qaeda |  |  |
06/07/11 | East Africa's Al-Qaeda senior leader Harun Fazul killed at security checkpoint in Somalia | Al-Qaeda | Defeating Al Qaeda |  |  |
08/22/11 | Al-Qaeda No. 2 Atiyah Abd al-Rahman Killed in Pakistan by CIA predator drone strike | Al-Qaeda | Defeating Al Qaeda |  |  |
09/06/11 | U.S./Pakistani joint arrest of suspected Chief Al-Qaeda Younis al-Mauritani in Quetta | Al-Qaeda | Defeating Al Qaeda |  |  |
09/11/11 | Al-Qaeda's operations chief for Pakistan Abu Hafs al Shahri reported killed in U.S. Predator strike | Al-Qaeda | Defeating Al Qaeda |  |  |
09/16/11 | Entrepreneurs and businesses benefited by reduced average wait time for patent approvals from 3 years to 1 year. | America Invents Act | Entrepreneurs |  |  |
09/16/11 | Patent litigation costs reduced through tightened patent standards, quality and processes to expedite challenges. | America Invents Act | Entrepreneurs |  |  |
09/30/11 | Senior Al Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki killed in Yemen by a CIA-led U.S. drone strike | Al-Qaeda | Defeating Al Qaeda |  |  |
09/30/11 | $700 million annual funding for child protection, child abuse prevention, family support and adoption promotion through 2016 | Child and Family Services Improvem... | Foster Children & Orphans |  |  |
12/06/11 | US government international campaign initiated to build respect for the human rights of LGBT persons worldwide | Discrimination | LGBT |  |  |
12/17/11 | War in Iraq ended with last American troops crossing border into Kuwait | 2003 Iraq War | U.S. Citizens |  |  |
2012 JAN | Senior Al-Qaeda figure Aslam Awan killed in U.S. drone strike | Al-Qaeda | Defeating Al Qaeda |  |  |
01/30/12 | U.S. drone attack in Yemen killed 12-15 militants, including at least four Al-Qaeda leaders | Al-Qaeda | Defeating Al Qaeda |  |  |
02/09/12 | Pakistan Al-Qaeda leader Badar Mansoor killed by U.S. drone attacks | Al-Qaeda | Defeating Al Qaeda |  |  |
02/22/12 | Employee social security payroll tax reduction from 6.2% to 4.2 % extended through 2012 | Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Cr... | Workers & Improving the Economy |  |  |
02/22/12 | Self-employed social security payroll tax reduction from 12.4% to 10.4 % extended through 2012 | Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Cr... | Entrepreneurs & Improving the Economy |  |  |
02/22/12 | Federal unemployment benefits programs extended an additional 13 to 20 weeks | Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Cr... | Unemployed & Improving the Economy |  |  |
02/22/12 | Cuts in Medicare physician payment rates averted with extension of existing rates through 2012 | Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Cr... | Doctors & Retirees |  |  |
04/04/12 | Members of Congress and certain government employees prohibited from using non-public information for personal profit, including insider trading. | STOCK Act | U.S. Citizens & Reducing Govt Fraud\Corruption |  |  |
05/09/12 | Barack Obama becomes the first President to publicly support the legalization of same sex marriage | Defense of Marriage Act | LGBT |  |  |
05/19/12 | Agreement negotiated and completed to allow blind Chinese dissident, Chen Guangcheng, to study in USA | International Relations | Compassion & Freedom of Speech |  |  |