Friday, April 6, 2012
Would you sign a petition to get a Gov. Snyder recall question on the ballot? (poll)
Published: Thursday, April 05, 2012, 12:59 PM Updated: Thursday, April 05, 2012, 1:16 PM
By Dave Murray |
LANSING – A Dearborn-based advocacy group says it will soon be
hitting the streets with petitions, hoping to get a ballot question to
recall Gov. Rick Snyder before voters in November.
Michigan Rising members this week created buzz among readers with a release saying that Snyder “abused children.”
“Gov. Snyder is bad for Michigan,” said Jan BenDor, the
organization’s election specialist, in a release. “Our citizens cannot
afford to wait another two years to get rid of this corporate monster;
the recall will chop off its head. Snyder and his cronies are destroying
our cherished democratic institutions and democracy itself.
A recall attempt on Gov. Rick Snyder last year fell well short of its goal.BenDor wrote that Snyder “has abused the children of Michigan.
He cut
thousands of children off food aid. He robbed $400 million from the
School Aid Fund, and then slashed school payments. This forced children
into crowded classes. Then he signed more laws that privatize services,
attack teachers and blame unions.”
Organizers said it will take about 800,000 signatures to get the
question on the ballot, and want to gather 1.2 million signatures to
withstand legal challenges. The group wants about 10,000 volunteers and
$500,000 in donations.
An earlier attempt to recall the governor fell well short of gathering the needed signatures.
Gov. Snyder’s staff members said they believe residents are
encouraged by the state’s economic improvements and won’t seek to oust
the governor.
“We’re going to continue focusing on our work and not fringe recall
efforts,” Snyder Communications Director Geralyn Lasher said.
The effort drew a mixed response form MLive readers. Some, like Durwood_Mac, were unhappy with the group’s rhetoric.
“I didn't vote for Snyder, either, but the way liberals have demonized the liberal Snyder, goes beyond the pale of compare. I cannot wait for one of these fools to come around my neighborhood trying to get signatures. Not only will they get 489 earfuls, I will then FOLLOW that paid low-life to each house, countering their foolish arguments.
I am no fan of Republicans, but the Democrats in this state seem like
they want to play their statist games, keep towns like Detroit and
Flint at their status quo and keep blowing money, until every few
decades a commie president has to print money.”
But ableroone is ready to sign.
“If Michigan Rising feels compelled to attempt another recall campaign, more power to it! Those of you that believe it's an exercise in futility are just blowing hot air in my view. This administration and Legislature is guilty of every accusation Michigan Rising brings against them. Whether you agree with their point of view is irrelevant. Thousands agree with them, and that is most likely what Snyder supporters are afraid of. They just might succeed in getting the question on the ballot this time around.
People are waking up to the agenda of the Koch brother-funded organization known as ALEC. The people can plainly see how this administration and Legislature are following ALEC’s playbook, passing legislation that furthers their cause, as opposed to serving those that sent them to Lansing to begin with, that would be We the People.
Another observation I find amusing....To base your support for Snyder simply because you like him better than you did Ms. Granholm is overlooking the charges against his administration. Dispute the facts all you wish, they still remain the facts.”
What do you think? If Michigan Rising approaches you with a petition, will you sign it?
Michigan Rising communications director Bruce Fealk said Monday.“I think people are going to be angrier now, Seniors are starting to pay taxes on their pensions and others policies from bills signed by Snyder and the Republicans are starting to come into effect.”
Fealk said the group hopes to “build on the energy and momentum” in
Wisconsin, where a move to oust Gov. Scott Walker is expected to be on a
Fealk said a clarity hearing is scheduled for April 9 in Washtenaw
County. If approved, Snyder will have 10 days to appeal the decision.
He said the May 5 rally at the Capitol is expected to include talk
show host Tony Trupiano, Washington Correspondent for The Nation
Magazine John Nichols and Wisconsin State Sen. Lena Taylor, who was one
of the 14 senators from the Wisconsin Legislature who left the state to
prevent bills from being voted upon.
The group has been working to recall
state Sen. Phil Pavlov, R-St. Clair Township, chair of the Senate
Education Committee, because of his votes on the state budget and
creating emergency financial managers.
“We are trying to recall Gov. Snyder again because you must chop the
head off the beast and slay the dragon before you start rebuilding the
village,” said Marty Townsend, the organization’s public chair. “If you
try to rebuild the village while the dragon is still around, he will
just burn the village to the ground again.”
Snyder Communications Director Geralyn Lasher said this morning that
the group apparently does not follow the governor’s “relentless positive
action” mantra.
“I think when people look at the numbers, they will see Michigan is
turning around,” she said. “We’ve seen record personal income growth, unemployment at its lowest level since August 2008 and the economy improving. We’re going to continue focusing on our work and not fringe recall efforts.”
Obama signs small-business legislation
By The Associated Press
Barack Obama signed bipartisan jobs legislation Thursday that will
help small businesses and make it easier for startups to raise capital,
saying it could be a "game-changer" for entrepreneurs dreaming of
founding the next Microsoft or Facebook.Carolyn Kaster / APPresident Obama signs the Jumpstart our Business Startups (JOBS) Act in the Rose Garden of the White House.
He said the initiatives in the bill paralleled many of the provisions that he sought last fall in his jobs agenda to encourage small-business growth.President Obama signs the bipartisan-backed JOBS Act into law, which allows small business access to new lines of capital, and opportunities for individuals to start, or invest in new businesses.
"This bill represents exactly the kind of bipartisan action we should be taking in Washington to help our economy," Obama said.
Cantor, speaking to reporters after the ceremony, said the bill was aimed at "the problem that we face in America today which is that our economy is lagging and our small businesses are having too hard of a time getting up off the ground."
Some Democrats, however, raised concerns that the bill softened investment protections enacted after the excesses and Wall Street meltdowns and the changes could lead to fraud and abuse.
Speaking to an audience that included small business owners, Obama indicated he's aware of those concerns and has directed top officials to "keep a close eye" on how it goes into effect
The main part of the bill would phase in Securities and Exchange Commission regulations over a five-year period to let smaller companies go public sooner. Firms that have annual gross revenues of less than $1 billion would enjoy this "emerging growth company" status.
The legislation may be one of the few accomplishments for a Congress stymied by partisan divisions heading into the fall elections.
The bill combines a number of bipartisan bills that exempt newer companies from SEC reporting rules in order to reduce costs and red tape.
Another provision facilitates the practice of "crowd-funding" in which the Internet is used to solicit a large number of smaller investors.
Senate Democrats were unsuccessful in their efforts to add more investor protections but succeeded in attaching one provision that requires websites involved in crowd-funding to register with the SEC. It also demands that companies seeking to raise money this way provide information on its financial status, business plans and shareholder risks.
Sara Hanks, a securities attorney and co-founder of CrowdCheck, a company aimed at helping startups, said the crowd-funding element will help make it easier for small companies to access capital but warned it will be up to investors and entrepreneurs "to protect themselves from deals that are too good to be true."
In addition to the emerging growth company and crowd-funding provisions, the legislation removes SEC regulations preventing small businesses from using advertisements to attract investors and raises from 500 to 2,000 the number of shareholders a company or community bank can have before it must register with the SEC.
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