ABC News' Look at Top GOP Presidential Hopefuls and Their Chances of Winning Nomination
Less than a year before the Iowa caucuses, a diverse and ambitious group of
Republicans has begun jockeying for the party's presidential nomination and a chance to go head-to-head with
President Obama in 2012.

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ABC News looks at top GOP presidential hopefuls that include Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin and their chances of winning the nomination.
The list is dominated by GOP governors and former governors, including familiar faces such as
Mitt Romney and
Mike Huckabee. There are also newcomers to the presidential race, such as
Tim Pawlenty and
Newt Gingrich.
Some, like Romney and Pawlenty, are all-but-declared candidates, while others, like Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour and Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, are still in a wait-and-see phase. Many political observers expect the outgoing U.S. Ambassador to China, Jon Huntsman, to jump into the race when he leaves his diplomatic post at the end of April.
And there are genuine wild cards, like former Alaska governor and 2008 vice presidential nominee
Sarah Palin, who has also intimated she could get in the game. Real estate mogul Donald Trump has been signaling that 2012 might be the year he takes a plunge into presidential politics.
The race is off to a slower start than in 2008. So far, only one Republican thought to have a shot at challenging President Obama -- Pawlenty, the former governor of Minnesota -- has formally started the campaign process by forming an exploratory committee. And by the early spring of 2007, candidates were already well on their way to building up huge campaign war chests. The pace of fundraising among potential GOP contenders has not nearly been as intense.
Meanwhile, President Obama officially kicked off his 2012 re-election campaign in early April with a Web video that sent a realistic message about the challenges he will face as an incumbent candidate -- a departure from the heady themes of "hope" and "change" that formed the cornerstone of his White House bid.
Here's a look at 24 Republicans whom
ABC News has identified as likely and not-so-likely contenders in 2012:
2012 GOP Front Runners
Mitt Romney
Former Governor of Massachusetts
"I haven't made a decision yet as to what we're going to do. That decision will be made sometime down the road, but I can tell you that I'm very drawn to the fact that this country needs someone who has private sector experience, because this economy is troubled." Romney on "GMA," Feb. 1, 2011.
Age: 63
Birthplace: Detroit
Family: Ann Romney (wife); Children: Tagg, Matt, Josh, Ben, and Craig
Religion: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon)
Current job: Keynote speeches, GOP fundraising
Previous national campaign experience: Presidential candidate, 2008
Most Recent Book Written: "No Apology: The Case for American Greatness" (2010)
PAC: Free and Strong America PAC, Inc.
Total 2010 Receipts (from Dec. report): $5,568,466.75
Cash on Hand (from Dec. report): $796,207.59
Total 2010 fundraising for the federal and five state PACs: $6,300,723.52
WATCH Romney Discusses Run for President in 2012
PROS: Name ID, experienced campaign team, proven fundraising ability, success as a businessman.
CONS: The Massachusetts health care law enacted during his tenure as governor, especially the contentious issue of individual mandates, his religion (Mormon) is still seen by many as an impediment to his ability to appeal to socially-conservative Evangelical Christian primary voters.
Mike Huckabee
Former Governor of Arkansas
"I'm thinking very carefully. I'm very seriously considering making a run for it." Huckabee on "GMA," adding he'll make a decision this summer, Feb. 21, 2011.
Age: 55
Birthplace: Hope, Arkansas
Family: Janet Huckabee (wife); Children: John, Mark, David, and Sarah
Religion: Southern Baptist
Current job: Host of "Huckabee" on Fox News Channel
Previous experience: Presidential candidate, 2008
Most Recent Book Written: "A Simple Christmas" (2009)
PAC: HuckPac
Total 2010 Receipts (from Dec. report): $979,009.40
Cash on Hand (from Dec. report): $137,660.40
WATCH Huckabee Discusses Run for President in 2012
PROS: Well known. Still popular with conservative base. Knows what to expect/prepare for in the campaign.
CONS: Record as pro-government governor doesn't sit well with GOP base, especially his decision to parole a criminal who went on to murder police officers in Washington state last year.
Sarah Palin
Former Governor of Alaska
" I'm looking at the lay of the land now, and ... trying to figure that out, if it's a good thing for the country, for the discourse, for my family." Palin to ABC's Barbara Walters, November 2010.
Age: 46
Birthplace: Sandpoint, Idaho
Family: Todd Palin (husband); Children: Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper, and Trig
Religion: Non-denominational Christian
Current job: Reality TV show host; Fox News contributor
Previous experience: Vice presidential candidate, 2008
Most Recent Book Written: "America By Heart" (2010)
PAC: SarahPac
Total 2010 Receipts (from Dec. report): $3,553,094.79
Cash on Hand (from Dec. report): $1,328,951.26
WATCH Palin Discusses Run for President in 2012
PROS: Name ID. Access to grassroots fundraising. Strong following among social conservatives and Tea Party types. Ability to dominate "free" media means she doesn't have to spend as much money on paid advertising.
CONS: Lack of organizational campaign structure or strategy. Even among those who view her favorably there's an electability concern. Mixed record in Alaska, especially the fact that she quit midway through her term as governor.
2012 Chief Republican Challengers
Tim Pawlenty
Governor of Minnesota
"Join the team and, together, we'll restore America." Pawlenty forms presidential exploratory committee, March 12, 2011.
Age: 50
Birthplace: St. Paul, Minnesota
Family: Mary Pawlenty (wife); Children: Anna and Mara
Religion: Baptist
Current job: Governor
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: "Courage to Stand: An American Story" (2011)
PAC: Freedom First PAC
Total 2010 Receipts (from Dec. report): $2,096,639
Cash on Hand (from Dec. report): $154,989.60
Total 2010 fundraising for the federal and state PACs: $2,600,000
WATCH Pawlenty Discusses Run for President in 2012
PROS: Record of fiscal conservatism as governor. Midwest roots give him leg up in Iowa caucus. "Electability argument". "Sam's Club" brand of "common sense conservatism" allows him to reach beyond traditional GOP base and attract independents in a general election. Serious and credible campaign team in place.
CONS: Fundraising: he's never had to raise big bucks before, and couldn't due to restrictive state campaign finance laws. He may be able to raise what he needs, but no one knows for sure if he can. Can "Minnesota Nice" win over a restive and fired up base?
Newt Gingrich
Former Speaker of the U.S. House
"We will look at this very seriously and we will very methodically lay out the framework of what we'll do next." Gingrich announces "exploratory phase" in Atlanta, March 9, 2011.
Age: 67
Birthplace: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Family: Callista Gingrich (wife); Children: Two daughters with Jackie Battley (first wife)
Religion: Roman Catholic (formerly Baptist; converted in March '09)
Current job: Chairman, American Solutions for Winning the Future; college professor
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: "To Save America: Stopping Obama's Secular-Socialist Machine" (2010)
PAC: American Solutions PAC
Total 2010 Receipts (from Dec. report): $736,708.60
Cash on Hand (from Dec. report): $64,716.60
WATCH Gingrich Discusses Run for President in 2012
PROS: Name ID. Goodwill among party base. Seen as "ideas guy," big thinker and intellectual heavyweight. Skilled grassroots organizer.
CONS: Messy personal life, including multiple divorces. Fundraising: he's been able to raise for his 527 groups but those don't have the restrictive limits that presidential candidate has to live under.
Mitch Daniels
Governor of Indiana
"The simple fact is, I don't plan to do it, I don't expect to do it, I really don't want to do it." Daniels at Christian Science Monitor breakfast in Washington, February 2010.
Age: 61
Birthplace: Monongahela, Pennsylvania
Family: Cheri Lynn Herman Daniels (wife); Children: Meagan, Melissa, Meredith, and Maggie
Religion: Presbyterian
Current job: Governor
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: N/A
WATCH Daniels Discusses Run for President in 2012
PROS: No-nonsense Midwestern governor with track record of success. "Nerdy chic" appeal. A numbers guy who can appeal to the GOP's fiscal conservatives and deficit hawks.
CONS: Social conservatives aren't happy with his de-emphasis on social issues. Is he "nerdy chic" or "charismatically challenged?"
Haley Barbour
Governor of Mississippi
"I'm not going to make a decision to run until I both decide that I should do it and I'm prepared to go pretty well go most if not full time from that point forward." Barbour to ABC's Amy Walter, November 2010.
Age: 63
Birthplace: Yazoo City, Mississippi
Family: Marsha Barbour (wife); Children: Sterling and Reeves
Religion: Presbyterian
Current job: Governor
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: "The Agenda for America" (1996)
PAC: Haley's PAC
Total 2010 Receipts (from Dec. report): $917,437.50
Cash on Hand (from Dec. report):$391,609.70
WATCH Barbour Discusses Run for President in 2012
PROS: Great fundraiser with deep ties into traditional sources of fundraising. Record of success as governor, especially in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. One of the best campaign strategists and messaging gurus in the party.
CONS: Former lobbyist and GOP power broker. Intraparty opponents will have a field day with opposition research. Can a guy who looks and sounds like a wheeler-dealer sell in Iowa and New Hampshire? Can he convince Republican voters he can sell himself nationwide?
2012 GOP Wild Cards
Donald Trump
Real Estate Mogul, Reality TV Show Star
"Part of the beauty of me is that I'm very rich. So if I need $600 million, I can put $600 million myself. That's a huge advantage over the other candidates. " Trump to ABC News, March 2011.
Age: 64
Birthplace: Queens, New York
Family: Meliana (wife; twice divorced); Children: Donald, Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany, Barron
Religion: Presbyterian
Current job: Chairman and CEO of the Trump Organization
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: "Think Like a Champion: An Informal Education In Business and Life" (2009)
WATCH Trump Discusses Run for President in 2012
PROS: Super Rich. Almost universal name recognition with name on buildings all over the world and on TV. He's the ultimate "outsider."
CONS: Lot of controversial business deals, lawsuits, and personal relationships that he'll have to defend. And, what happens when Trump actually has to answer questions about his views on issues? Campaigning on TV is the easy part. Eating a pork chop on a stick while sweating in the August heat at the Iowa State Fair, or slogging through snow drifts to kiss babies and shake hands in New Hampshire, is an entirely different ball game.
Michele Bachmann
Congresswoman from Minnesota
"I'm trying to set the table, if you will. Because these voters are vital in the early states. They're going to make a very important decision about our nominee. So my focus really is to keep the voters focused on the issues," Bachmann on "GMA" of her visits to early primary states Feb. 17, 2011.
Age: 54
Birthplace: Waterloo, Iowa
Family: Marcus (husband); Children: Lucas, Harrison, Elisa, Caroline, Sophia
Religion: Lutheran
Current job: Congresswoman
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: N/A
PAC: Many Individual Conservatives Helping Elect Leaders Everywhere (MICHELE) PAC
Total 2010 Receipts (from Dec. report): $659,595.50
Cash on Hand (from Dec. report): $192,804.90
WATCH Bachmann Wants to 'Set the Table' for 2012 Campaign
PROS: Strong support from Tea Party activists. Minnesota base gives her great access and credibility in Iowa. Proven ability to raise money.
CONS: A polarizing figure. Can she broaden her appeal beyond a narrow slice of the Republican electorate?
Jon Huntsman
U.S. Ambassador to China
"I'm loyal to my country. I'm loyal to my president." Huntsman
to reporters at White House state dinner when asked about a 2012 run, January 2011.
Age: 50
Birthplace: Palo Alto, Calif.
Family: Mary Kaye Cooper (wife); Children: Mary Anne, Abigail, Elizabeth, Jon, William, Gracie Mei, and Asha Bharati
Religion: Mormon
Current job: Ambassador
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: N/A
WATCH Obama Jokes About Running Against Huntsman in 2012
Ron Paul
Congressman from Texas
"I don't expect to be president. I don't expect to be. That doesn't mean I won't run for president, but I am really energized when I think we make inroads ... to broaden the outreach on the philosophy I have been talking about for 40 years." Paul to CNN, July 2010.
Age: 75
Birthplace: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Family: Carol Paul (wife); Children: Ronald Paul, Jr., Lori Paul Pyeatt, Senator-elect Randal Paul, Robert Paul, and Joy Paul-LeBlanc
Religion: Baptist
Current job: U.S. Congressman
Previous experience: Ran for president in 1988 as a Libertarian and in 2008 as a Republican
Most Recent Book Written: "Liberty Defined: The 50 Urgent Issues That Affect Our Freedom" (due out 4/19/11)
PAC: Liberty PAC
Total 2010 Receipts (from Dec. report): $183,602.30
Cash on Hand (from Dec. report): $90,104.20
WATCH Candidate Ron Paul Raised Millions in 08 Campaign.
Rick Santorum
Former Senator from Pennsylvania
"There isn't a single candidate running for president who can claim to be a tea party candidate…I qualify." Santorum to Politico, November 2010.
Age: 52
Birthplace: Winchester, Virginia
Family: Karen Garver Santorum (wife); Children: Elizabeth, Richard, Daniel, Sarah, Peter, Patrick, and Isabella
Religion: Roman Catholic
Current job: Attorney
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: "It Takes a Family: Conservatism and the Common Good" (2006)
PAC: America's Foundation
Total 2010 Receipts (from Dec. report): $1,564,303.20
Cash on Hand (from Dec. report): $102,858
WATCH Santorum Discusses Run for President in 2012
Herman Cain
Former CEO of Godfather's Pizza
" I am confident enough to be president... After I go through this phase and the decision is yes, trust me, I'm running to win." Cain on "Top Line," January 2011.
Age: 65
Birthplace: Memphis, Tennessee
Family: Gloria Cain (wife); Children: Melanie and Vincent.
Religion: Baptist
Current job: Newspaper columnist
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: "They Think You're Stupid: Why Democrats Lost Your Vote and What Republicans Must Do to Keep It" (2005)
PAC: The Hermanator
Total 2010 Receipts (from Dec. report): $221,945
Cash on Hand (from Dec. report): $2,246
WATCH Cain Discusses Run for President in 2012
Charles Elson "Buddy" Roemer III
Former Governor of Louisiana
"I'm going to be a factor in 2012." Roemer on "Top Line" , March 2011.
Age: 67
Birthplace: Shreveport, Louisiana
Family: Twice divorced
Religion: Methodist
Current job: Bank President and CEO
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: "The Roemer Revolution" (1987)
WATCH Roemer Discusses Run for President in 2012
John Bolton
Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
"Yes, I am considering it." Bolton to conservative
WABC radio talk show host Aaron Klein, November 2010.
Age: 62
Birthplace: Baltimore, Maryland
Family: Gretchen Bolton (wife); daughter, Jennifer
Religion: Lutheran
Current job: Senior Fellow at American Enterprise Institute
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: "How Barack Obama is Endangering our National Sovereignty" (2010)
WATCH Bolton Has Tough Talk for Iran
George Pataki
Former Governor of New York
"What I'm going to be looking at is, do we have the right people out there who have... experienced leadership, who have been challenged and who can bring people together." Pataki on ABC News' "Top Line," November 2010.
Age: 65
Birthplace: Peekskill, New York
Family: Elizabeth Pataki (wife); Children: Emily, Teddy, Allison, and Owen
Religion: Roman Catholic
Current job: Attorney
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: N/A
PAC: Revere America
Total 2010 Receipts (from Dec. report): $0
Cash on Hand (from Dec. report): $0
WATCH Pataki Discusses Run for President in 2012
'Not Running'
John Thune
Senator from South Dakota
"So at this time, I feel that I am best positioned to fight for America's future here in the trenches of the United States Senate." Thune written statement, February 2011.
Age: 50
Birthplace: Murdo, South Dakota
Family: Kimberly Thune (wife); Children: Brittany and Larissa
Religion: Evangelical Christian
Current job: U.S. Senator
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: N/A
PAC:Heartland Values PAC
Total 2010 Receipts (from Dec. report): $610,195.20
Cash on Hand (from Dec. report): $182,230
WATCH Thune: Obama 'Reached His Limits' of Influence
PROS: Attractive, young and from the Midwest. Matches up well against a young, attractive Obama. Proven track record of beating tough competition and raising federal funds.
CONS: Washington's an unpopular place, especially for those, like Thune, who voted for TARP. Can he find common ground with "anti-establishment" tea party types? Low name recognition.
Mike Pence
Congressman from Indiana
"We will not seek the Republican nomination for president in 2012," Pence said in
a letter to supporters written on behalf of himself and his family, January 2011.
Age: 51
Birthplace: Columbus, Indiana
Family: Karen Pence (wife); Children: Michael, Charlotte, and Audrey
Religion: Evangelical Christian
Current job: U.S. Congressman
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: N/A
PAC: Win Back America PAC
Total 2010 Receipts (from Dec. report): $434,982.50
Cash on Hand (from Dec. report): $52,359.30
WATCH Pence Discusses Run for President in 2012
PROS: Well liked among social conservative crowd. Solid communicator, especially on TV. Part of GOP establishment but has record of standing up to his party on spending issues.
CONS: Not well known outside of D.C. and social conservative circles. Can he raise the money? House members have historically struggled as presidential candidates -- can he be exception to rule?
Jim DeMint
Senator from South Carolina
"No, no I'm not." DeMint
to CNN, when asked whether he will seek the GOP nomination, January 2011.
Age: 59
Birthplace: Greenville, South Carolina
Family: Debbie (wife); four married children
Religion: Presbyterian
Current job: U.S. Senator
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: "Saving Freedom: We Can Stop America's Slide into Socialism" (2009)
PAC: Senate Conservatives Fund
WATCH DeMint on GOP, Tea Party Victories in 2010 Elections
PROS: Significant appeal among Tea Party members and social conservative wing of the GOP. Home state wields significant influence in GOP primary.
CONS: Limited appeal beyond the conservative base. Washington, D.C., resume makes it hard to sell himself as a true "outsider."
Chris Christie
Governor of New Jersey
"What do I have to do short of suicide to convince people I'm not running?" Christie at AEI," February 2011.
Age: 48
Birthplace: Newark, New Jersey
Family: Mary Pat (wife); Children: Patrick, Bridget, Sarah, Andrew
Religion: Roman Catholic
Current job: Governor
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: N/A
WATCH Christie on Obama's Tucson Speech, Heated Rhetoric in Politics
PROS: Tough-talking executive who has taken on labor unions and cut government spending. Has outside-the-beltway credentials and is well liked by the Tea Party crowd. Significant name recognition that most small-state governors don't get.
CONS: By 2012, Christie will have been in office three years and has promised to serve a full term.
Rick Perry
Governor of Texas
"I am not running for the presidency of the United States." Perry on NBC "Today" show, November 2010.
Age: 60
Birthplace: Paint Creek, Texas
Family: Anita Thigpen Perry (wife); Children: Griffin and Sydney
Religion: Methodist
Current job: Governor; chairman, Republican Governors Association
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: "Fed Up!: Our Fight to Save America From Washington" (2010)
READ Texas Gov: Texans May Secede From Union
Jeb Bush
Former Governor of Florida
"I'm not running any time that I'm aware of. 2012 for sure." Bush to New York Times, October 2010.
"You never say never about anything." Bush to CNN, November 2010.
Age: 57
Birthplace: Midland, Texas
Family: Columba Bush (wife); Children: George, Noelle, and John
Religion: Roman Catholic
Current job: Attorney
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: N/A
READ Jeb Bush Quietly Raises His Profile
Bobby Jindal
Governor of Louisiana
"I'm not being coy at all. I'm not running for president in 2012. Period. No if's, and's or but's, no caveats." Jindal to the Associated Press, November 2010.
Age: 39
Birthplace: Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Family: Supriya Jindal (wife); Children: Selia Elizabeth, Shaan Robert, and Slade Ryan
Religion: Roman Catholic
Current job: Governor
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: "Leadership and Crisis" (2010)
WATCH Jindal Runs Against Obama Economic Recovery Plan
Michael Bloomberg
Mayor of New York City
"I will rule out a run for president. I have the best job I could possibly have." Bloomberg on NBC's Meet the Press, August 2010.
Age: 68
Birthplace: Boston, Massachusetts
Family: divorced; Children: Emma and Georgina
Religion: Jewish
Current job: Mayor
Previous experience: Has never run for president
Most Recent Book Written: "Bloomberg by Bloomberg" (2001)
WATCH Bloomberg: Immigration Policy 'National Suicide'
ABC News' Amy Bingham, Maya Srikrishnan, Jared Pliner, Jennifer Schlesinger and Josh Goldstein contributed to this guidebook.