On the morning of Feb. 2, 2010, Laverne Wilkinson was suddenly seized with chest pain while cleaning her apartment.
The single mom made her way by bus to Kings County Hospital, stricken
with the fear she was having a heart attack. Doctors in the busy
emergency department ordered an EKG and chest X-ray — and gave her a
clean bill of health.
First-year resident Dr. James Willis assured Wilkinson that her tests were normal.
“You should take Motrin for pain, and follow up with your doctor,” Willis wrote on her chart.
He was dead wrong.
The chest X-ray, in fact, showed a suspicious, 2-centimeter nodule in
Wilkinson’s right lung. The radiologist had recommended in his written
report that Wilkinson have a followup X-ray in three months, and if
“clinical concern warrants, a CT scan is suggested.”
Debbie Egan-Chin/New York Daily News
Laverne Wilkinson
But Wilkinson was never given this information. Not that winter day in
2010. Not during two years of followup clinic appointments, during which
she complained of a chronic cough. Not from her primary care clinic
doctors at Kings County.
When Wilkinson returned to the ER in spring 2012 — wheezing and short
of breath — a new chest X-ray was taken. It showed the nodule was
cancerous, had more than doubled in size and spread to her left lung.
Now the diagnosis was Stage 4 lung cancer — and it had metastasized to her liver, spine and brain.
As Wilkinson’s lung cancer galloped unchecked for more than two years,
Kings County doctors botched her care, offering her cough medicines,
inhalers and steroids in the blind belief that her ailments were caused
by her longstanding asthma.
“I was shocked. I was told I had six months to a year to live,” the
former home health aide told the Daily News in an emotional interview in
her public housing apartment in Brooklyn.
Breaking down in tears as she spoke about her only child, a severely
retarded and autistic 15-year-old daughter, Wilkinson sobbed, “She is
going to be left without a mother. What is going to happen to my little
As if a diagnosis of terminal metastatic cancer wasn’t horrible enough,
there was one more bombshell to be dropped on Wilkinson — she probably
could have been cured.
Dr. Gary Briefel, the attending physician on call when Wilkinson was in
the hospital in May 2012, broke the stunning news to her about the
findings on the February 2010 chest X-ray, and that she had a chance to
Jeff Bachner/for New York Daily News
Laverne Wilkinson (seated center), at church with (left to right)
Valerie Thompson, Angie Hansen, Linsey Morris, Kim Call and Mara Kofoed.
His shockingly candid chart note of May 18, 2012, written after a bedside visit, said it all:
“I spoke to the patient about the fact that she had a chest X-ray in
Feb 2010 while she was in the ED that showed a nodule that probably
represented an earlier stage of what we now know is Squamous Cell
Cancer,” Briefel wrote.
“I told her that apparently nobody saw the
report, which suggested either repeating the X-ray or getting a CT scan.
I told her that it was not clear whether earlier diagnosis would have
led to a cure, since many lung cancers by the time they are seen on a
CXR (chest X-ray) have already spread, but that it was possible that a
surgical cure could have been achieved.”
Wilkinson recalled the doctor giving her a hug and apologizing.
Reached at home by The News, Briefel said he remembered Wilkinson
vividly, but he was not at liberty to talk without the hospital’s
“Everyone felt terrible about what has happened,” said Briefel, who did
the honorable thing of documenting the error in her chart.
A spokeswoman for the city’s Health and Hospitals Corporation — which
oversees Kings County Hospital — declined comment, citing possible
“It’s mortifying,” said Judith Donnel, Wilkinson’s attorney. “No one
looked at the radiology report for more than two years. And over those
same two years, her primary care doctors at Kings County clinics ordered
all these drugs that were breathing-related but never ordered another
chest X-ray or pulmonary-function test. Her life could have been saved.”
Donnel has filed a Notice of Claim, the first step in a potential
lawsuit against the city. A hearing is scheduled for Jan. 25. The claim
seeks monetary damages for severe injuries, pain and suffering inflicted
upon Wilkinson “as a result of the carelessness, recklessness,
negligence and medical malpractice” at Kings County Hospital.
Emergency Room doctors tell Brooklyn mom her chest x-ray was normal and sent her home.
Indeed, lung cancer experts say patients such as Wilkinson — nonsmokers
with a 2-centimeter “squamous, nonsmall cell cancer” — have a good
chance of being cured with surgery.
“If you find a lung cancer early, before it has invaded lymph nodes,
the cure rate is 75%,” said Dr. Roy Herbst, chief of medical oncology at
the Yale School of Medicine. “Once it spreads, a cure doesn’t exist.”
Wilkinson, now 41, is growing weaker. She told The News her head and
back often hurt, and she is not able to do as much as she did before the
cancer spread. Just last week, she was hospitalized for five days for a
blood clot that developed in her lung.
With very little family in the city, she is sustained by one aunt and
members of her church, who have taken her and her daughter, Micalia,
under their wing.
It was a church member, a tax professor at Brooklyn Law School, who
suggested she speak with a medical malpractice lawyer when he learned of
Wilkinson’s plight.
“I am just going to say there is no amount of money in the world,”
Wilkinson said, her voice cracking with emotion. “If someone was to give
me a choice between having money or having my life back and my health
back, I would choose my health and having my life back for the sake of
this beautiful, little girl.
“Doctors need to be more careful and realize they have the lives of
their patients in their hands,” she added. “They are human and do make
mistakes. If it were a mistake where I was going to lose a lung and
still live, then I could deal with that.”
But Wilkinson wasn’t given that chance.
“We trust our doctors,” she said. “I think that’s where a lot of us go
wrong, because we put this trust in them that if there is something
going on with me, I will get the information and I will be sent for
followup care.”
Now, as she measures her days, Wilkinson thinks only of the girl she
has devoted her entire life to. Micalia doesn’t speak, and is a physical
handful as she gets older and stronger. She is dependent on her mother
for every aspect of her life. Wilkinson said she has appointed a
guardian for Micalia, but church friends say she worries her daughter
may end up in an institution without her round-the-clock devotion and
singular love.
Wilkinson’s great source of comfort has been the congregation at The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Park Slope. One member,
Mara Kofoed, has known her for 10 years. Along with other congregants,
she has accompanied Wilkinson to her chemotherapy treatments in hopes of
slowing the disease, and has brought the family dinner as Wilkinson
struggles with her health.
“Laverne is just one of the most loving people I ever met,” said
Kofoed, 35, as the two shared a warm moment at a recent Christmas church
service. “She is incredibly patient, just loves her daughter to no end.
That woman is full of wisdom, and strength and peace.
“What has happened to her is heart-wrenching. It’s heartbreaking to think of her having to let go of Micalia.”
Wilkinson said she decided to go public with her tragedy to “help
prevent this from ever happening to anyone else.” Looking sullen and
resigned, she added, “This may be my last Christmas with my daughter.”
Reviewing Wilkinson’s medical records, it is unclear how many doctors
failed her and how such a lethal lapse could have happened. What is
clear is that the ER’s first-year resident Willis — and the attending
Dr. Antonia Quinn — told Wilkinson she was fine and discharged her
around noon on Feb. 2, 2010. Radiologist resident Dr. Driss Raissi and
attending Dr. Russell Areman’s final report documenting the nodule in
her right lung was written at 2 p.m. — two hours after Wilkinson went
In his May 18, 2012, chart note, written after his bedside visit with
Wilkinson, Dr. Briefel promised a shattered Wilkinson that a thorough
review of her case would be undertaken “with the goal of finding ways to
improve how we provide care and that the hospital would let her know
the results of the investigation.”
It has been nearly eight months. Wilkinson has never heard a word from administrators or doctors at Kings County Hospital.
Debbie Egan-Chin/New York Daily News
Dr. Gary Briefel, an attending doctor at King's County
Hospital, discovered medical mistakes and tells Wilkinson the tragic
truth that her X-ray report from 2010 was never seen. Briefel documents
the error in Wilkinson's chart.