*****If anyone who reads this blog if you can find me the piece about Humana and the CBO I would really appreciate it. Until I can prove that this is real and not just a smoke screen, I have looked up everywhere and I can not find anything. It is important to understand where the tea partiers are coming from. They seem to be people hell bent on destroying what is left of the republican party. Now I do not love the GOP, but I am not sure the tea party is what the country wants either. If you would like some sites to go check out what the tea party is about here they are:
Michelle Malkin ,
Grassroots Conservative Movement ,
SGP Smart Girl Politics
Smart Girl Politics: Founding Sisters of the Tea Party movement Michelle Malkin touts these women as the starters of the Tea Party Movement.....interesting.
Tea Party Patriots on Ning
Tea Party Patriots on Twitter
Tea Party Patriots [Offical web Site]
Offical Website Tea Party Patriots
By: Esther Petersen
I am afraid that we have been proven right. I have attended five Tea Party type events this year and the theme, for most of the people I talked to was, “it all about control”. At the very first Tea Party event on April 15th, it was TARP and the Omnibus spending plan that were front and center in the targeted anger. That is interesting to note as TARP was passed under the leadership of the GOP and Omnibus was under the leadership of the Democrats. Healthcare reform (or take over) was still on the “far-off” drawing board with Cap and Trade. Two big, bad, bills looming in, what we hoped, was a very distant future. If only……..
Fast forward to the end of September and look at where we are now. Cap and Trade was rammed through the House of Representatives and the Healthcare legislation has at least four different bills floating around. “We the People” did our job throughout the summer with our phones calls and emails, and we certainly made our position know loudly and clearly through our unprecedented town hall participation. Oh yes, we read up on as much as we could, we made no pretences as to our positions, we fought hard all summer, and ended with a massive march on Capitol Hill. And what has happened since? Have our Representatives decided to actually listen to us and to do what we demanded of them? No, they most certainly have not. In fact, they are now putting a gag order on Humana, a private business, which prevents Humana from passing on information to its customers that is backed up by the CBO! That is correct! Humana is not lying to its customers, they are passing on information that has been verified by the Congressional Budget Office, yet the long and ever far reaching arm of the Federal Government has told them to “shut up”.
If only that were the only thing that was obscene about the moves made since the August recess. Now, what is referred to as the Baucus bill will include not only a substantial fee, but possible JAIL TIME for people who do not purchase insurance. Let us think about that for a moment. It has been shown through interviews and speeches that President Obama, Representatives Pelosi and Frank, and Senators Bernie Sanders and Dennis Kucinich to name a few, are all supportive of a single payer health system. The problem is, the American people do not agree. The American people want healthcare reform not a “government takeover”. So what is the solution? Why that is simple, force the public into a single payer system over a period of time and do it by making the current system so obnoxious that people begin to think there is no other option. Boom, there it is. They gain full control and we are stuck with it. If this is not the case then why would they be opposed to the options such as opening up state borders and tort reform that would cost the American public nothing? Why would they be opposed to free market solutions? Why would they be opposed to breaking the bill down into much smaller, less intrusive, easier to read bills? The answer, I am afraid, is becoming more and more obvious. They do not want to just reform healthcare; they want to completely transform it into something we in this country have never seen before. They ultimately want to control it, therefore they will not listen to us and reform it slowly with common sense moves.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
GOP spreads Terror Falsehood
Lawrence O'Donnell Who is subbing for Keith did this commentary the night of the debauched interview with Rudy Giuliani by George Stephanopoulos listing some of the terrorist attacks that took place under the Presidency Of George W Bush, I find this enlightening and kinda scarey that the esteemed ex-Mayor who builds his reputation on knowing about terrorist and how they work, who I expect would like to run in the 2012 race, has now just about cut his own throat. I do not see his candidacy coming to full flower-hood. I believe he is done, well done.
Rudy Giuliani Criticizes Terror Trial
Check out this video:
I must say I was a little disappointed in you George, I watch you all the time, and with the death of Tim Russert, I looked to you to be as hard nosed as He was. But boy you really just let that whole remark slip by what the hell were you thinking, how to get out of there without much conflict. I know that your time is limited but you should have stopped that egotistical hog wash in his hypocritical lie be4 another sentence was uttered. I mean after listening to him in the primaries talking about 9/11 until you wanted to put tape over his mouth. Trying to take all the glory from people [the police, firemen, emt's] who gave their lives trying to save us regular Americans. It got to the point that is where he lost alot of support if he had any. Please promise that since you are giving up "This week with" that your stint with GMA will be alot better than this last muddled mess because I believe that you are one of the best morning political commentators with an eye for the truth. Please do not let us down again.
Posted by: Peggy | Jan 10,2010 2:03:14 PM ME!!!!!!!!!
Georgie, Georgie, Georgie......what were you thinking not challenging Rudy on GMA??????
Posted by: Mary | Jan 8, 2010 2:56:44 PM
Very convenient lapse there George, isn't it?
The elite of our media consists of shills and sycophants, especially when it comes to calling on the politicians of the right when they try to bamboozle. Why should anyone expect you to be too much different?
Too late to apologize George. You are now, and shall forever be in my mind, indicative of a cowardly and greedy media that would be content to sacrifice the future of our society for a year or two of profits. Resign.
Posted by: adam payson | Jan 8, 2010 3:07:17 PM
I too miss Tim Russert!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Michelle | Jan 8, 2010 3:21:10 PM
And we assume you will be making your corrections and apologies on air tomorrow morning. You knew he was wrong when he said it, you owe your viewers an apology and pledge to not be a stenographer in the future.
Posted by: EdrieI | Jan 8, 2010 3:23:50 PM
I have to agree with Isis. There were SEVERAL attacks after 911.
tainted with anthrax kill five across the United States, with politicians and media officials as the apparent targets. On July 31, 2008 Bruce E. Ivins a top biodefense researcher committed suicide.[31] On August 6, 2008 the FBI concluded that Ivins was solely responsible for the attacks and suggested that Ivins wanted to bolster support for a vaccine he helped create and that he targeted two lawmakers because they were Catholics who held pro choice views.
May 2002 Mailbox Pipe Bomber: Lucas John Helder rigged pipe bombs in private mailboxes to explode when the boxes were opened. He injured 6 people in Nebraska, Colorado, Texas, Illinois, and Iowa. His motivation was to garner media attention so that he could spread a message denouncing government control over daily lives and the illegality of marijuana as well as promoting astral projection.
2002 July 4: 2002 Los Angeles Airport shooting Hesham Mohamed Hadayet, a 41-year-old Egyptian national, kills two Israelis and wounds four others at the El Al ticket counter at Los Angeles International Airport. The FBI concluded this was terrorism, although they found no evidence linking Hadayet to any terrorist group.
October 2002 Beltway Sniper Attacks: During three weeks in October 2002 John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo killed 10 people and critically injured three others in Washington D.C, Baltimore, and Virginia. An earlier spree by the pair had resulted in 3 deaths in Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, California, Arizona, and Texas to bring the total to 16 deaths. No motivation was given at the trial but evidence presented showed an affinity to the cause of the Islamic jihad.
March 2003 23: Sgt. Hasan Akbarwas charged in a hand grenade and shooting attack that killed Army Captain Christopher Seifert and Air Force Major Gregory Stone, while wounding 14 other soldiers on 23 March 2003. The attack took place at Camp Pennsylvania, Kuwait, a rear base camp for the invasion.
2006 March 5: Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar injured 6 when he drove an SUV into a group of pedestrians at UNC-Chapel Hill to "avenge the deaths or murders of Muslims around the world".
2006 Seattle Jewish Federation shooting, Egyptian shoots six Jewish women
2007 October 26: A pair of improvised explosive devices were thrown at the Mexican Consulate in New York City. The fake grenades were filled with black powder and detonated by fuses causing very minor damage. Police were investigating the connection between this and a similar attack against the British Consulate in New York in 2005.
2008 February: In the first reported incident of animal-rights extremists physically assaulting the family members of animal researchers, six masked activists attempted to force their way into the home of a University of California, Santa Cruz, researcher and injured the researcher's husband.
2008 March 3: Four multimillion-dollar show homes place in Woodinville, Washington are torched. The Earth Liberation Front is suspected in the fires.
2008 May 4 Multiple nail laden pipe bombs exploded at a Federal Courthouse in San Diego at 1:40 AM causing "considerable damage" to the entrance and lobby and sending shrapnel two blocks away. The F.B.I. is investigating links between this attack and an April 25 explosion at the FedEx building also in San Diego.
2008 July 27 Jim D. Adkisson opened fire in the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville,Tennessee killing two and injuring seven before being tackled to the ground by congregation members. A note found in his SUV indicated this was intended as a suicide attack and said the church was apparently targeted because of its support of liberal social policies.
Posted by: Pete | Jan 8, 2010 3:25:31 PM
Posted by: Matt | Jan 8, 2010 3:40:05 PM
I must say I was a little disappointed in you George, I watch you all the time, and with the death of Tim Russert, I looked to you to be as hard nosed as He was. But boy you really just let that whole remark slip by what the hell were you thinking, how to get out of there without much conflict. I know that your time is limited but you should have stopped that egotistical hog wash in his hypocritical lie be4 another sentence was uttered. I mean after listening to him in the primaries talking about 9/11 until you wanted to put tape over his mouth. Trying to take all the glory from people [the police, firemen, emt's] who gave their lives trying to save us regular Americans. It got to the point that is where he lost alot of support if he had any. Please promise that since you are giving up "This week with" that your stint with GMA will be alot better than this last muddled mess because I believe that you are one of the best morning political commentators with an eye for the truth. Please do not let us down again.
Posted by: Peggy | Jan 10,2010 2:03:14 PM ME!!!!!!!!!
Georgie, Georgie, Georgie......what were you thinking not challenging Rudy on GMA??????
Posted by: Mary | Jan 8, 2010 2:56:44 PM
Very convenient lapse there George, isn't it?
The elite of our media consists of shills and sycophants, especially when it comes to calling on the politicians of the right when they try to bamboozle. Why should anyone expect you to be too much different?
Posted by: gregor | Jan 8, 2010 3:01:02 PM
Too late to apologize George. You are now, and shall forever be in my mind, indicative of a cowardly and greedy media that would be content to sacrifice the future of our society for a year or two of profits. Resign.
Posted by: adam payson | Jan 8, 2010 3:07:17 PM
I too miss Tim Russert!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Michelle | Jan 8, 2010 3:21:10 PM
And we assume you will be making your corrections and apologies on air tomorrow morning. You knew he was wrong when he said it, you owe your viewers an apology and pledge to not be a stenographer in the future.
Posted by: EdrieI | Jan 8, 2010 3:23:50 PM
So Guiliani "clarifies" by suggesting there were no attacks on US soil AFTER 9-11. That's still incorrect!!! When will you call him on THAT lie?
Posted by: Isis | Jan 8, 2010 3:22:32 PM
I have to agree with Isis. There were SEVERAL attacks after 911.
tainted with anthrax kill five across the United States, with politicians and media officials as the apparent targets. On July 31, 2008 Bruce E. Ivins a top biodefense researcher committed suicide.[31] On August 6, 2008 the FBI concluded that Ivins was solely responsible for the attacks and suggested that Ivins wanted to bolster support for a vaccine he helped create and that he targeted two lawmakers because they were Catholics who held pro choice views.
May 2002 Mailbox Pipe Bomber: Lucas John Helder rigged pipe bombs in private mailboxes to explode when the boxes were opened. He injured 6 people in Nebraska, Colorado, Texas, Illinois, and Iowa. His motivation was to garner media attention so that he could spread a message denouncing government control over daily lives and the illegality of marijuana as well as promoting astral projection.
2002 July 4: 2002 Los Angeles Airport shooting Hesham Mohamed Hadayet, a 41-year-old Egyptian national, kills two Israelis and wounds four others at the El Al ticket counter at Los Angeles International Airport. The FBI concluded this was terrorism, although they found no evidence linking Hadayet to any terrorist group.
October 2002 Beltway Sniper Attacks: During three weeks in October 2002 John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo killed 10 people and critically injured three others in Washington D.C, Baltimore, and Virginia. An earlier spree by the pair had resulted in 3 deaths in Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, California, Arizona, and Texas to bring the total to 16 deaths. No motivation was given at the trial but evidence presented showed an affinity to the cause of the Islamic jihad.
March 2003 23: Sgt. Hasan Akbarwas charged in a hand grenade and shooting attack that killed Army Captain Christopher Seifert and Air Force Major Gregory Stone, while wounding 14 other soldiers on 23 March 2003. The attack took place at Camp Pennsylvania, Kuwait, a rear base camp for the invasion.
2006 March 5: Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar injured 6 when he drove an SUV into a group of pedestrians at UNC-Chapel Hill to "avenge the deaths or murders of Muslims around the world".
2006 Seattle Jewish Federation shooting, Egyptian shoots six Jewish women
2007 October 26: A pair of improvised explosive devices were thrown at the Mexican Consulate in New York City. The fake grenades were filled with black powder and detonated by fuses causing very minor damage. Police were investigating the connection between this and a similar attack against the British Consulate in New York in 2005.
2008 February: In the first reported incident of animal-rights extremists physically assaulting the family members of animal researchers, six masked activists attempted to force their way into the home of a University of California, Santa Cruz, researcher and injured the researcher's husband.
2008 March 3: Four multimillion-dollar show homes place in Woodinville, Washington are torched. The Earth Liberation Front is suspected in the fires.
2008 May 4 Multiple nail laden pipe bombs exploded at a Federal Courthouse in San Diego at 1:40 AM causing "considerable damage" to the entrance and lobby and sending shrapnel two blocks away. The F.B.I. is investigating links between this attack and an April 25 explosion at the FedEx building also in San Diego.
2008 July 27 Jim D. Adkisson opened fire in the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville,Tennessee killing two and injuring seven before being tackled to the ground by congregation members. A note found in his SUV indicated this was intended as a suicide attack and said the church was apparently targeted because of its support of liberal social policies.
Posted by: Pete | Jan 8, 2010 3:25:31 PM
Mr. Stephanopolous: You do realize that the mayor's clarification is obfuscation, right? His spokesman says that Giuliani was "clearly talking post-9/11". Huh?? He's not taking the position that there were no attacks post-9/11 under Bush but this is an attack under Obama? How is the Christmas attempt different from the Richard Reid attempt - which happened post 9-11 while Bush was president? Giuliani was not telling the truth, just repeating the latest GOP talking point without challenge.
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