First Lady Michelle Obama welcomes televison host Kelly Ripa, ultramarathon runner Dean Karnazes, and other participants in Run Across America to the White House. Run Across America is hosting community runs to help encourage young people to lead active, healthy lives. May 2, 2011.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Speaker Boehner Delivers Remarks on the Successful Mission to Bring Justice to Osama bin Laden
Washington (May 2)At a press briefing today, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) addressed the successful mission to bring justice to terrorist leader Osama bin Laden. Following are video and text of Speaker Boehner’s remarks: |
“The tragic events of 9/11 ten years ago remind us that we’re all Americans, and that what unites us as Americans is far greater than what divides us. And I think last night’s news unified our country in much the same way.
“The death of Osama bin Laden is an important moment in the war against radical extremism and terrorism - an important event for peoples all around the world who have been subject to the terror of al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden.
“To the families who lost loved ones on September 11, 2001: We will never forget what you lost. For those who have fought and died in the war against terror, and their loved ones: We honor your sacrifice. And to those who seek to destroy freedom by preying on innocent human life: We will not rest until we bring you to justice.
“Our fight for freedom and liberty around the globe continues. We face a complex and dangerous terrorist threat even today. It is important that we remain vigilant in our efforts to defeat our terrorist enemies and protect the American people. This makes our engagement in places like Pakistan and Afghanistan more important, not less.
“I want to congratulate -- and thank -- the hard-working men and women of the United States Armed Services. I want to thank all those involved in the intelligence community for their tireless efforts and perseverance that led to this successful evening.
“I also want to commend President Obama and President Bush for all their efforts to bring Osama bin Laden to justice.”
Statement by Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano on the Death of Osama Bin Laden
Release Date: May 2, 2011
For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
Contact: 202-282-8010
Office of the Press Secretary
Contact: 202-282-8010
The death of Osama bin Laden is an important success not only for the United States, but the entire world. Our efforts to combat terrorism, however, do not fixate on one individual, and we remain completely focused on protecting our nation against violent extremism of all kinds.
We remain at a heightened state of vigilance, but the Department of Homeland Security does not intend to issue an NTAS alert at this time. I have been clear since announcing NTAS in January that we will only issue alerts when we have specific or credible information to convey to the American public. However, our security posture, which always includes a number of measures both seen and unseen, will continue to respond appropriately to protect the American people from an evolving threat picture both in the coming days and beyond.
I commend the President and offer my gratitude to the men and women who defend and protect our nation at home and abroad, whether they wear a military or law enforcement uniform or serve as one of thousands of unsung heroes in the intelligence and homeland security community. It is true that we are stronger and safer than we were on 9/11 – not only because Osama bin Laden is dead, but because of the unflagging dedication and hard work of so many people throughout the world committed to freedom and security.
Sohaib Athar the ral time twitter of raid on obl
Uploaded by sohaibathar on May 2, 2011
as recorded by a friend who happened to be in the neighborhood
ReallyVirtual 10 hours 28 mins ago

@raihak The day there is uninterrupted electricity in Lahore for a whole month, I will start packing my bags, until then, Abbottabad is home


and now I feel I must apologize to the pilot about the swatter tweets :-/

@raihak The day there is uninterrupted electricity in Lahore for a whole month, I will start packing my bags, until then, Abbottabad is home


and now I feel I must apologize to the pilot about the swatter tweets :-/

@raihak The day there is uninterrupted electricity in Lahore for a whole month, I will start packing my bags, until then, Abbottabad is home


and now I feel I must apologize to the pilot about the swatter tweets :-/

Two helicpoters, one down, could actually be the training accident scenario they're saying it was >>

Here's the location of the Abbottabad crash according to some people >>>

@tahirakram very likely - but it was too noisy to be a spy craft, or, a very poor spy craft it was.

The abbottabad helicopter/UFO was shot down near the Bilal Town area, and there's report of a flash. People saying it could be a drone.

Captured on Twitter: Raid against Osama bin Laden
DUBAI/ABBOTTABAD (Reuters) - In the early hours of Monday, Sohaib Athar reported on Twitter that a loud bang had rattled his windows in the Pakistani town of Abbottabad, adding that he hoped it wasn't "the start of something nasty.
A few hours later Athar posted another tweet: "Uh oh, now I'm the guy who liveblogged the Osama raid without knowing it."
In the age of Twitter, perhaps it's no surprise that the first signs of the U.S. operation that killed al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden were noticed by an IT consultant awake late at night.
Athar, a resident of Abbottabad where bin Laden was holed up in a fortified mansion, first noticed the sound of a helicopter and thought it unusual enough to post via his Twitter account.
"I was awake, working on my computer when I heard a sound of helicopter. It was rare here. It hovered for about six minutes and then there was a big blast and power gone," Athar, 34, said in an interview with Reuters.
"I tweeted it because it was something unusual in the city," said Athar, adding that he moved from Lahore to the city a year and a half ago to avoid "bomb blasts and terrorist attacks."
After liveblogging and speculating for several hours over what happened, it dawned on Athar and those following him that they were witnessing the end of a worldwide manhunt for the man held responsible for orchestrating the September 11, 2001 attacks.
"I think the helicopter crash in Abbottabad, Pakistan and the President Obama breaking news address are connected," said one of Athar's followers.
Seven hours after Athar's first tweet, President Barack Obama announced bin Laden's death in an operation by U.S. forces where one helicopter was lost.
Twitter, launched five years after the 2001 attacks, is used by an estimated 200 million people per day, serving as an internet platform for users to broadcast, track and share short messages of no more 140 characters in length.
Athar's tweets, initially peppered with jokes ("Uh oh, there goes the neighborhood") eventually turned to exasperation as his email inbox, Skype and Twitter accounts were flooded by those trying to reach him ("Ok, I give up. I can't read all the @ mentions so I'll stop trying").
The number of people following Athar, whose Twitter handle is "ReallyVirtual," ballooned to nearly 33,000 later on Monday, from several hundred before.
Athar also runs a coffee shop in the center of Abbottabad, across from the Army Burn Hall College school in the same neighborhood as bin Laden's mansion. He fears that his new hometown, a relatively affluent enclave about 35 miles north of Islamabad, could now come under attack.
"They can attack military installation and this city has more targets than anywhere else," Athar said.
Separately, in the United States, the first indication that bin Laden had been found and killed came from a another tweet by Keith Urbahn, who says on his Twitter profile that he is chief of staff for former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.
"So I'm told by a reputable person they have killed Osama Bin Laden. Hot damn," Urbahn tweeted more than an hour before Obama's speech.
(Editing by David Stamp and Ralph Boulton)
President Obama Tours Tornado-Damaged Areas
President Obama is joined by First Lady Michelle Obama and local, state and Federal officials, as he tours areas devastated by tornadoes and severe storms in Alabama. April 29, 2011
I didn't vote for Obama, but I have to say this was really nice of him to get up close and personel with the people who were hurting and lost everything. And I didn't vote for bush and not knocking anybody, but just like the guy below me said, all bush did was do a fly over with the Governors from my understanding.
What an eventful last 10 days for Obama! He wanted to see first hand and give morale and support to the tornado victims, get his long form birth certificate to appease teabaggers, had to go to a White house correspondents dinner the next day, acted as a true leader and effective Commander in Chief to give orders to get bin laden dead or alive.... This stuff is way more heavy and important than a fancy schmancy royal wedding.
Mr. President Obama, we salute you.
Thank God for this man...his taking office was timely and he continues to be a blessing. It's about time we had someone in office really looking out for people and actions speak so much louder than words. We have a long way to go, but we have the right man for the job. Obama, I have an idea to help solve the homeless problem and would love to discuss it with you. perhaps the time has come today. Keep doing what your doing...the USA needs more men like you. Contact Oprah if you want to talk, ok.
President Obama you are just amazing. What President can handled the many problems that you have faced and still not lose his cool or your ability to reason logically. Your accomplishments are Historic.
START treaty, Healthcare Law, Finance Reform, DADT repeal, Nobel Peace Prize, Reinvestment Act and now Osama Bin Laden.
First Family Tours Kennedy Space Center
President Obama, along with First Lady Michelle Obama and daughters Sasha and Malia, take a tour of the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, FL. The family had planned to watch the launch of the Shuttle Endeavour, but the launch was delayed due to equipment issues. April 29, 2011.
Dyson: Trump part of a "bigotocracy"
Bob Scheiffer spoke with Michael Eric Dyson of Georgetown University and Michael Gerson, former member of the Bush White House, on President Obama's jabs at Donald Trump during the White House Correspondents Dinner and the motives behind Trump's birther investigation.
National Security OBL Geronimo E KIA
The White House May 2, 2011
The President, VP, national security team get updated on mission against Osama bin Laden in the Sit Room, 5/1/11
The scene outside the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue
Death of Osama Bin Laden
Monday 2 May 2011
Prime Minister David Cameron has issued a statement on the news of the death of Osama Bin Laden.
Osama Bin Laden, who was responsible for some of the worst terrorist atrocities including the 9/11 attack, was killed in a US operation in Pakistan.
Mr Cameron congratulated President Obama on the operation and said now was a time to remember all those murdered by Osama Bin Laden.
The PM said:
“The news that Osama Bin Laden is dead will bring great relief to people across the world. Osama Bin Laden was responsible for the worst terrorist atrocities the world has seen - for 9/11 and for so many attacks, which have cost thousands of lives, many of them British.“It is a great success that he has been found and will no longer be able to pursue his campaign of global terror. This is a time to remember all those murdered by Osama Bin Laden, and all those who lost loved ones. It is also a time too to thank all those who work round the clock to keep us safe from terrorism. Their work will continue.“I congratulate President Obama and those responsible for carrying out this operation.”
Mr Cameron also spoke on television at his residence at Chequers. The Prime Minister said:
“This news will be welcomed right across our country.
“Of course, it does not mark the end of the threat we face from extremist terrorism. Indeed, we will have to be particularly vigilant in the weeks ahead.
“But it is, I believe, a massive step forward.
“Osama bin Laden was responsible for the death of thousands of innocent men, women and children right across the world – people of every race and religion.
“He was also responsible for ordering the death of many, many British citizens, both here and in other parts of the world.
“I would like to congratulate the US forces who carried out this brave action. I would like to thank President Obama for ordering this action.
“And I think it is a moment when we should thank all of those who work day and night, often with no recognition, to keep us safe from the threat of terror.
“But above all today, we should think of the victims of the poisonous extremism that this man has been responsible for.
“Of course, nothing will bring back those loved ones that families have lost to terror.
“But at least they know the man who was responsible for these appalling acts is no more.”
Crowd celebrates Osama bin Laden's death
A crowd of hundreds celebrated out front of the White House after President Obama announced the death of al Qaeda figurehead Osama bin Laden. Chip Reid reports.
Osama bin Laden is dead
May 1, 2011

(CBS News)
Al Qaeda looks to co-opt Egypt, Tunisia unrest
After ten years of hunting, a team of U.S. personnel kill Osama bin Laden in a firefight near the Pakistani capital
Osama bin Laden over map of europe (CBS/AP)
(CBS News)
Updated 12:47 p.m. ET
The founder and spiritual figurehead for al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, is dead.
President Barack Obama said in an address from the White House that a small team of Americans carried out the operation to kill bin Laden in Pakistan, and that cooperation from Pakistani authorities was crucial.
"Shortly after taking office, I directed Leon Panetta, the director of the CIA, to make the killing or capture of bin Laden the top priority of our war against al Qaeda," Mr. Obama said. "Tonight, we can say to those who have lost loved ones to al Qaeda's terror, justice has been done."
A senior official told CBS News that bin Laden resisted capture by a security team, and was killed in the ensuing firefight.
Obama chaired no fewer than five National Security Council meetings meeting on the pursuit of bin Laden, CBS News has learned, and gave the order to plan attack on compound on the morning of April 29. He gave final order for the attack this morning, which he described in his speech as resulting in a "firefight" in which no U.S. personnel were harmed.
Key dates in the hunt for Osama bin LadenCrowds gathered outside of the White House and in Times Square following the announcement, and spontaneous celebrations broke out.
The long-lost terrorist mastermind had eluded an aggressive hunt by U.S. authorities for nearly ten years since the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. on Sept. 11, 2001.
CBS News correspondent Lara Logan reports that human intelligence was vital in killing bin Laden, which is an important boost to the image of U.S. international intelligence gathering, because it says that no enemy is safe anywhere.
Bin Laden's death is a major accomplishment for Mr. Obama and his national security team, as the administrations of both presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush hunted the Saudi-born terrorist.
WikiLeaks: al Qaeda watched towers burnAl Qaeda looks to co-opt Egypt, Tunisia unrest
Security at "strategic places in Pakistan has been beefed up as a precaution against any retaliation to news of Osama bin Laden's death", a senior Pakistani security official told CBS News early on Monday. "If he (bin Laden) is really dead, there will be attempts to seek revenge," said the official who spoke to CBS News on condition of anonymity.
Former State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said on Twitter: "#BinLaden's death does not eliminate the threat from #alQaeda, but it is hard to see anyone playing the same organizational role he did."
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