I could not have said this any better, so here is the best answer to two men that i loath, hate, shun, who are miserable human beings. Thank you Keith, you make a statement and you know how to make it sting.......
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Limbaugh twists Obama’s response to Haiti
I want Rush Limbaugh to shut his bigoted serpent forked tongue, I am so sick of the news stations giving him any national acceptance. They gave him so much voice that he felt he deserved the title of GOP manager. If he had that kind of power I would leave the political landscape. He ias not worth enough to be a rug for my beloved dog. When he dies the worms, ma gets, flies will leave him alone for fear of being infected. I do not like him, I do not want to see him anymore, why do you justify him by showing what a jackass he is. STOP GIVING HIM VOICE AND A SOAP BOX TO SPREAD HIS VILE GARBAGE.
Nothing this President does is good enough for him, and I do not think that will change. That is all I have to say on this subject!
Nothing this President does is good enough for him, and I do not think that will change. That is all I have to say on this subject!
Robertson: Haiti 'cursed' since Satanic pact
I am a Christian and I believe that God loves all his subjects and the idea that God holds a grudge, Mr Robertson SHAME SHAME, you know better than that. I am fed up with national tv who gives idiots like you a public stance to tell your stupid lies. I would not call you a Christian or a good leader. How dare you think your pea sized brain is any better than anybody else's, God will deal with you the day he arrives to take his church home. because I am sure you will go but once gone I do not know where you will be. Because Jesus will deal harshly with those of forked tongue.
I will not waste much breath on this, my next blog will answer both of these blogs quite well, and I can not take the bow for that.
The Rev. Pat Robertson, on his CBN broadcast today, offered his own explanation of the earthquake in Haiti: "Something happened a long time ago in Haiti, and people might not want to talk about it," he said. "They were under the heel of the French ... and they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said, 'We will serve you if you'll get us free from the French.'
"True story. And the devil said, 'OK, it's a deal,'" Robertson said. "Ever since, they have been cursed by one thing after another."
His words, which refer to a piece of Haitian folklore about the country's founders, come around the 6:00 mark in the report above, which also includes interviews with missionary groups active in the country.
Several comments from what Pat Robertson said.
Pat Robertson is, quite simply, an embarrassment to our country. And his protege Bob McDonnell will be sworn in this week as governor of Virginia. How shameful.
what will Robertson say when America and all nations fall and are destroyed? On the day of God's wrath?
I wonder who his source was? Lucifer himself? Good Lord...And this is the same nut who, last night on his show stated "It looks like Brown really has a chance to win the seat for the people up there. Oh goody. Let's hope he does" Nothing like the religious nut job right to give you chills...
I will not waste much breath on this, my next blog will answer both of these blogs quite well, and I can not take the bow for that.
The Rev. Pat Robertson, on his CBN broadcast today, offered his own explanation of the earthquake in Haiti: "Something happened a long time ago in Haiti, and people might not want to talk about it," he said. "They were under the heel of the French ... and they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said, 'We will serve you if you'll get us free from the French.'
"True story. And the devil said, 'OK, it's a deal,'" Robertson said. "Ever since, they have been cursed by one thing after another."
His words, which refer to a piece of Haitian folklore about the country's founders, come around the 6:00 mark in the report above, which also includes interviews with missionary groups active in the country.
Several comments from what Pat Robertson said.
Pat Robertson is, quite simply, an embarrassment to our country. And his protege Bob McDonnell will be sworn in this week as governor of Virginia. How shameful.
Posted By: Fairfax Voter | January 13, 2010 at 01:56 PM
Posted By: | January 13, 2010 at 02:00 PM
Posted By: Don W. | January 13, 2010 at 02:01 PM
So a people that frees itself from slavery has "made a pact with the devil."
I thought this guy was a Christian.
Sigh...One thing about Pat Robertson--he's predictable. Actually, though, I was expecting him to blame the earthquake on Haitians' connections to the Roman Papacy or voudoun; didn't know about this particular bit of folklore. Then again, it's Pat Robertson--even without any of the above, he could probably blame the earthquake on some professor in Haiti teaching evolution...
What an evil concept. He is saying that because of rumors that several generations ago, people did something stupid, God has continued punishing these poor people after all this time.
What abject ignorance this demonstrated. God loves all of his children and he doesn't cause things like earthquakes and hurricanes and tsunamis. He created earth with all of its beauties and dangers but he doesn't deal death and destruction on an entire little nation.
People like Robertson honestly should be shunned in our society instead of lavishly paid and venerated.
I thought this guy was a Christian.
Posted By: dadanarchist | January 13, 2010 at 02:04 PM
Posted By: Marty in Boise | January 13, 2010 at 02:23 PM
What abject ignorance this demonstrated. God loves all of his children and he doesn't cause things like earthquakes and hurricanes and tsunamis. He created earth with all of its beauties and dangers but he doesn't deal death and destruction on an entire little nation.
People like Robertson honestly should be shunned in our society instead of lavishly paid and venerated.
Posted By: | January 13, 2010 at 02:27 PM
Wall Street Rakes Big Bonuses, Obama Fails to Stem Abuse
Smith Faculty Opinion Article
By Dr. Peter Morici, Professor of International Business |
Wall Street Rakes Big Bonuses, Obama Fails to Stem Abuse
Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan and other big Wall Street banks are awarding multi-million dollar bonuses to the same financiers who pushed the nation to the brink of financial ruin. President Obama voices outrage but fails to stem the abuse.
Wall Street leaders argue those bonuses were earned, much like jewel thieves refer to a big heist snatched from an impenetrable safe.
Wall Street has kept its mischief legal by salting the pockets of politicians running for Congress and President, and by making certain that key policymakers at Treasury and Federal Reserve are faithful Goldman Sachs alumni.
Those bonuses were made possible by billions in taxpayer financed TARP funds and nearly two trillion in loans from the Federal Reserve and through the FDIC.
Those funds helped Wall Street financial institutions, deemed too big to fail, survive their own misdeeds. Bankers used this cash, much obtained at near zero interest rates, not to make loans for homes and businesses but to trade derivatives, currency futures and other exotic contracts.
The fallout is a dramatic drop in the interest paid by banks for private capital too. Retirees suddenly found CDs that once paid four or five percent interest, now pay two or three percent.
Essentially, Treasury and chiefs Timothy Geithner and Ben Bernanke are taxing grandma to subsidize Goldman Sachs and finance huge big paydays for bankers who hatched the greatest financial calamity in 80 years.
Meanwhile Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan and others continued their pay cartel salaries to everyone from top executives to the mailroom clerk.
It is not surprising that their CEOs, who get the biggest paydays, claim huge bonuses are essential for rewarding talent. When my students grade themselves, they reach self-serving conclusions too.
Sadly, Obama, Geithner and Bernanke could halt this madness but don't.
These banks serve as primary dealers in U.S. Treasury securities-a very profitable business-and depend on Fed lines of credit to sustain business. Status as primary securities dealers and access to Fed financing could be withdrawn from banks that refuse to establish sane compensation practices going forward.
Cynically, Wall Street has contributed mightily to the campaigns of Senate and House committee members who make the rules and President Obama's election campaign.
Goldman Sachs and others paid Obama's senior economic advisor Lawrence Summers millions in speaking and consulting fees the year between being fired as President of Harvard and joining the Obama Administration.
Americans should expect better but won't get it as long as Barack Obama has the audacity to hope voters will look the other way.
Why Free Trade Is Failing America
Smith Faculty Opinion Article
By Dr. Peter Morici, Professor of International Business |
This link to read his writings for 2009
January 05, 2010
Why Free Trade Is Failing America
No economic policy could better serve Americans than genuine free trade but open trade policies are failing Americans. Free trade is a compelling idea. Let each nation do more of what it does best, and specialization will raise productivity and incomes.
Americans are not sharing in those benefits because President Obama, like President Bush, permits China and others to cheat on the rules, unchallenged, to the detriment of the U.S. interests he was elected to champion.
The World Trade Organization has greatly reduced tariffs, prohibits virtually all export subsidies, and regulates other national policies that could subvert trade, such as health and product safety standards arbitrarily slanted to favor domestic suppliers.
For these rules to optimize trade, raise productivity and boost incomes, exchange rates must adjust to reasonably reflect production costs. To buy Chinese televisions, Americans must be able to purchase yuan with dollars; however, an artificially strong dollar that overprices U.S. tractors and software in China will unravel the benefits of trade by denying Americans opportunities to export to pay for those televisions
Exchange rates are established in currency markets, created by businesses trading through major financial institutions. Unfortunately, China and several other Asian governments blatantly manipulate those markets without a credible U.S. response and with ruinous consequences for American workers.
The United States annually exports $1.6 trillion in goods and services, and these finance a like amount of imports. This raises U.S. gross domestic product by about $170 billion, because workers are about 10 percent more productive in export industries, such as software, than in import-competing industries, such as apparel.
Unfortunately, U.S. imports exceed exports by another $400 billion, and workers released from making those products go into non-trade-competing industries, such as retailing, where productivity is at least 50 percent lower. This slashes GDP by about $200 billion, overwhelming the gains from trade, and requires workers displaced by imports to accept lower wages.
The trade deficit creates an excess supply of dollars in international currency markets, as Americans offer more dollars to purchase foreign products than foreigners demand to purchase U.S. products.
Simple supply and demand should drive down the value of the dollar against the yuan and other currencies, make U.S. imports more expensive and exports cheaper, and reduce or eliminate the trade deficit. But the Chinese government subverts this process by habitually printing and selling yuan for dollars in currency markets, keeping its currency and exports artificially cheap.
Currency manipulation creates a 25 percent subsidy on China’s exports, and other Asian countries are impelled to follow similar policies, lest their exports lose competitiveness to Chinese products.
Also, huge trade imbalances between Asia and the West, perpetuated by currency mercantilism, create an imbalance in demand—a shortage of demand for the goods and services produced in the United States and Europe, and artificially robust demand for products made in China and elsewhere in Asia.
Consequently, to keep the U.S. economy going, Americans must both borrow from foreigners and spend too much, as they did through 2008, or their government must amass huge budget deficits by borrowing from abroad, as it is now does thanks to stimulus spending and the TARP.
In the bargain, the United States sends manufacturing jobs to Asia in industries that would be competitive, but for rigged exchange rates. The trade deficit slices $400 to $600 billion off GDP, and Americans suffer unemployment above 10 percent.
China grows at nearly 10 percent a year and makes American diplomats look like fools for advocating free markets as a growth policy.
Campaigning for the Presidency, Barack Obama promised to do something about Chinese currency manipulation. Instead, like a good supplicant, he now thanks Chinese officials for buying U.S. Treasury securities.
China’s development policies make its leaders look smart but nothing makes them look like geniuses better than an American president who appeases their beggar-thy-neighbor policies.
It will be impossible for the United States to create the 9 million jobs needed to bring unemployment down to pre-recession levels without taking on China’s currency manipulation and other unfair trade practices.
For that Americans may need to wait for a better president—one with the courage to stand up to China.
Taylor James and Check out his Cartoons at the bottom link
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Me? I don’t fly much. I’ve got travel issues. I’m not afraid to fly, mind you — though I’ve never bought the notion that airline travel is much safer than traveling by car. While statistically true, it’s not the whole story. If you’re a skilled driver, don’t tailgate, pay attention to road conditions, don’t use your cell phone or send text messages, and are not drunk or half-asleep, you DO have some control over getting to your destination safely.
Not so, the passengers on the flight to Detroit carrying the Nigerian underpants bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. Well, actually, the passengers DID have some control over the situation and were able to subdue the would-be attacker. But that’s only because Abdulmutallab’s attempt to detonate his underpants went awry. Had his briefs exploded, there may well have been no survivors.
No, when it comes to air travel, I have two monumental fears: 1) Being stuck in the terminal the whole day, or overnight, whether its due to a blizzard or some guy casually walking past an unmanned security checkpoint; 2) being stuck in the plane on the tarmac for hours on end. I have some experience with the former, and the latter gives me nightmares.
…Sometimes I think the airlines are less concerned about a terrorist carrying a box-cutter aboard the plane, than a law-abiding passenger going postal when the plane sits on the tarmac for six hours. The likelihood of the former is still quite remote, while the latter becomes more likely as airline “service” continues to deteriorate.
Now, with the implementation of new guidelines by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and CIA and FBI agents under order to “connect the dots” as intently as they solve their sudoku puzzles, perhaps we can all fly with a little less fear of exploding undergarments or footwear? But what’s certain is that negotiating airport concourses and boarding your flight will be more arduous than ever.
As for privacy concerns raised by libertarians regarding full-body scans at airports, I say, get over it! In fact, the TSA should hire perverts to operate the scanning machines. However ghastly the thought, these degenerates would never be late for work, never get bored, and NOT miss a thing! Mentally balanced TSA employees, on the other hand, would quickly find the task of examining scan after scan intolerably dull. Dangerously dull.
Trust me on this. Having taken life drawing classes during college, I can tell you, the thrill of sketchingnaked ladies (or guys, depending on the audience) quickly wanes. It was a three-hour class, and our instructor would bang on a big trash barrel with a cane, periodically, to keep students from nodding off and dropping their charcoal sticks on the floor. When that didn’t work, he would have us break for five minutes of calisthenics.

Only the criminally depraved can could stare at body scans all day, five days a week, remain alert and keep our country safe! Keep them chained to their posts for public safety, if necessary, but they’d probably stay put of their own accord.
Better yet, we could do what an editor friend of mine suggested: have everyone show up at airports for a pat-down, wearing only trench coats and sneakers. Or maybe we could all just fly in the buff — passengers, flight attendants and pilots alike? Who knows — mass displays of public nudity might eliminate the threat from Muslim extremists altogether!
Fly naked? I’ll do it if you will.
Well, thanks for stopping by. If you’d like to see additional samples of my work, please click
Taylor Jones
Taylor Jones
The Best of the Political Cartoonist
MSNBC Slideshow there were several of these I thought worth merit and a little funny.
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The Week in Political Cartoons
These are some of the Political Cartoons from some of the best Political Cartoonist on 12/31/09
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R.J. Matson 12/31/09
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