Are people getting $3 in Medicare benefits for every $1 in taxes?
Posted by Glenn Kessler
at 06:02 AM ET, 03/20/2013

(Alex Wong — Getty Images)
“We need to accomplish the big jobs now of making sure that Medicare
and Social Security are there, not just for people today, but for the
next generation. You know, people have paid into these programs, and for
every $1, people have paid in, they're getting about $3 out in benefits
in terms of Medicare.”
— Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), speaking on CNN, March 14, 2013
Back when the Fact Checker covered politics, “person in
the street” interviews generally yielded a similar answer when people
were asked about the government — and whether they got much in benefits
for the taxes they pay. The common response: It’s a raw deal for me.
we were struck by Barrasso’s comment. Are folks really getting $3 in
benefits for every $1 in taxes they have paid? And is this really the
right way to look at this statistic?
The Facts
Barrasso spokeswoman Emily Lawrimore said that Barrasso obtained this statistic from a report published by the nonpartisan
Urban Institute,
written by C. Eugene Steuerle and Caleb Quakenbush. The report tracked
Social Security and Medicare taxes and benefits over a lifetime, for a
variety of scenarios, and is embedded below. (For interested readers,
Urban also has posted
a Q-and-A on how the calculations were made.)
Looking specifically at the Medicare numbers, you will see that
Barrasso’s ratio of 1:3 generally holds up. A single man with an average
wage of $44,600 who turns 65 in 2030, for instance, would pay $90,000
in lifetime Medicare taxes and receive $311,000 in Medicare benefits.
Good deal!
The numbers are even better for a two-earner couple, if
one spouse earns relatively low wages. They pay $131,000 in taxes — and
receive $664,000 in benefits.
But, look closely, and you will
notice that these charts also include Social Security taxes, for a
combined total that is listed in bold type.
The combined numbers
still show people coming out ahead, but the ratio is not nearly as
generous. That single male who turns 65 in 2030? He actually pays
slightly more in Social Security taxes than he gets in benefits, so,
combined, he pays $494,000 in taxes and receives $650,000 in total
(Note: as we have explained in
our popular Social Security primer,
the old-age program is not just a retirement benefit but also a
disability and life insurance program, so one can’t really speak of a
“return” on investments.)
We checked with Steuerle —
a well-respected expert on taxes, budgets and retirement systems — and asked whether Barrasso was using his data correctly.
said that he was not trying to single out Medicare, but was trying to
focus on both Social Security and Medicare. “I think we would probably
engage in a better reform if we tried to reform both systems at the same
time,” he said in an e-mail.
“The complication is that these
systems are essentially transfer systems: money in, money out,” he
added. “A small temporary build-up of trust funds doesn’t really change
that calculus. I do the calculations on lifetime benefits and taxes
mainly so we can try to determine if this is the best or fairest way to
engage in such transfers within and across generations. How can we judge
unless we know that basic facts?”
In that vein, one could also
quibble with Barrasso’s use of the phrase “paid in,” because as Steuerle
suggests, it is not as if people have actually invested in the
programs; they are simply paying the bills for current retirees.
truth, we already got our ‘money’s worth’ in terms of the benefits we
provided for our parents,” he said. “That doesn’t necessarily entitle
us to some amount from our kids, particularly if there are a lot fewer
of them around per recipient.”
In fact, the “money-in, money-out”
aspect of Social Security and Medicare means the so-called returns are
only going to get worse over time. Right now, some of the shortfall is
being made up with transfers from general revenues — which crowds out
the possibility of using those government funds (also from taxes) for
other activities, such as investments in infrastructure.
are continually declining returns in these systems because they start
out with windfalls for the first generations, then higher taxes on later
generations,” Steuerle said. “Social Security has reached this point of
maturity. Medicare has not, in no small part because these huge health
benefit growth rates continually mean higher taxes (or deficits) on the
younger generations to pay for them.”
The Pinocchio Test
Barrasso did preface his reference to this statistic by
mentioning both Social Security and Medicare, though it might have been
better to note that the so-called returns have been declining for Social
Security. As we said, we might also quibble with the phrase “paid in,”
since that suggests some sort of investment.
But, overall,
Barrasso got the numbers right and helped call attention to the fact
that, at the moment, Medicare is a pretty good bargain for people — a
bargain that likely cannot be sustained. He earns the coveted Geppetto
Geppetto Checkmark