By karlrisma
Pictures of Hurricane Sandy passing over Jamaica, Also went on the
road to Kingston from Spanish Town

"After Sandy: Love to New York" A man tips his hat off to the sight of the Manhattan skyline across the Hudson River, the day after Sandy hit the East Coast.
Brooklyn Heights,
New York.
"After Sandy: Love to New York" A man tips his hat off to the sight of the Manhattan skyline across the Hudson River, the day after Sandy hit the East Coast.
Brooklyn Heights,
New York.
I wanted to share this image again as it fills me with emotions and makes me feel very small and almost fragile. I've been to this spot on the Hudson RIver many watch the sun and sailboats glide (up and down and back and forth respectively.) I've watched children play and old couples walk hand in hand, heard them giggling and whispering as the seabirds cheered them on.
What you don't see are the sailboats and powerboats washed up and piled up on the shore off to the right like discarded toys that some petulant child has grown tired of. I couldn't show you that yet as too many homes are flooded, people displaced, lives upended (and ended for 50 people who's families are in my prayers.) Pictures of piled up boats are for another day. Or maybe never.
No...all I can do is stare at the empty bench and feel thankful that the worst facing me is no power for a while. And remember that many many more are dealing with far worse. And staring off from wherever they are and hoping for a speedy recovery and for as much help as is required.
A Taste Of Salt
I took these pictures of the Bay of Fundy today - the day after/during
what was left of Hurricane Sandy hit us. Luckily it amounted to very
little and if there was a surge it went unnoticed by my eyes. When the
tide turned - to go out - the wind picked up and there was about 20
minutes when 1-2 metre waves were rolling in.
Since the weather was overcast and gloomy I converted my pictures to monochrome and I feel the splash/spray shows better.
I was sitting on the rocks shown in these pictures and on a couple of occasions I was hit by spray, several times more than a spray (mouth full of salt water) but as usual I kept the camera dry - Ha!
My heart goes out to the people of the North-Eastern US as well as Upper and Lower Canada … there was a lot of damage caused by Sandy.
Since the weather was overcast and gloomy I converted my pictures to monochrome and I feel the splash/spray shows better.
I was sitting on the rocks shown in these pictures and on a couple of occasions I was hit by spray, several times more than a spray (mouth full of salt water) but as usual I kept the camera dry - Ha!
My heart goes out to the people of the North-Eastern US as well as Upper and Lower Canada … there was a lot of damage caused by Sandy.