CNN/ORC poll: Obama up 7 over Romney
August 9, 2012, 04:52PM
Photo by: Pablo Martinez Monsivais
**FILE** President Obama speaks Aug., 6, 2012, at a campaign fundraiser in Stamford, Conn. (Associated Press)
President Obama holds a 7-point edge over Mitt Romney in a new CNN/ORC International poll released Thursday, up from the 3-point lead he held in a poll conducted about a month ago.
Fifty-two percent of registered voters say they would vote for Mr. Obama if the election were being held today, compared to 45 percent who would vote for Mr. Romney. Mr. Obama held identical 49 percent to 46 percent leads in the previous two CNN/ORC polls, though he did have an 11-point advantage in March and a nine-point edge in April.
The poll, conducted from Aug. 7-8, includes 911 interviews with registered voters; that sample has a margin of error of 3.5 percentage points. Mr. Obama notably has an 11-point lead among independent voters, though that sample has a margin of error of 5.5 percentage points.
Forty-nine percent of registered voters approve of how Mr. Obama is handling his job, compared to 48 percent who disapprove.
In a problem that has been dogging Mr. Romney in recent polls, Mr. Obama also outperforms the Republican on favorability. Fifty-four percent of registered voters view him favorably, compared to 44 percent who have an unfavorable opinion. That compares to 48 percent who view Mr. Romney favorably and 47 percent who view him unfavorably.
Poll: Obama holds 13-point edge over Romney in favorability
August 8, 2012, 09:25AM
Photo by: Evan Vucci
President Obama greets the crowd after arriving for a campaign stop at Loudoun County High School on Thursday, Aug. 2, 2012, in Leesburg, Va. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
A new Washington Post/ABC poll released Wednesday shows President Obama holding a 13-point favorability edge over presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, who has the lowest personal popularity levels for a major-party challenger in such midsummer election-year polls dating back to the Reagan administration.
Fifty-three percent of voters say they have a favorable opinion of Mr. Obama, compared with 40 percent for Mr. Romney. Forty-nine percent hold negative views of Mr. Romney, compared with 43 percent for Mr. Obama. Mr. Romney has been underwater in 10 straight Post/ABC polls this year, and his favorability among independent voters stands at just 37 percent, compared with 53 percent for Mr. Obama.
Dating back to 1984 in ABC/Post and Post polls, every single presumptive nominee had positive favorability ratings — except for Mr. Romney. One 1984 poll was conducted by the Los Angeles Times, which showed Democrat Walter Mondale with a 53 percent favorability rating, compared with a 40 percent unfavorable one.
Andrea Saul, a spokeswoman for the Romney campaign, countered that people are still getting to know Mr. Romney and that voters still say they would be better off if he was elected.
"They trust him most on the economy and to turn things around," she said on CNN's "Starting Point." "And that's what people care most about, is getting a job, having more pay come back in their paycheck, and under this president, we've seen his policies just haven't worked. Sure, he's a nice guy, but that doesn't mean that people are being able to meet their bills, get a job, and those are the things that Americans care most about."
But do people have to like Mr. Romney to vote for him?
"Well, I think the more people learn about Mitt Romney, the more they are going to like him, and the more that they see that they can trust him to turn this economy around," she said. "President Obama has not been able to get the job done, and that's why middle-class Americans are suffering so much."
Stephanie Cutter, deputy campaign manager for the Obama campaign, disagreed.
"People don't trust" Mr. Romney, she said later on the program. "They now understand that this private-sector experience that he's talking about was all about making profits for himself at any cost, at any consequence to anybody else, and they're questioning whether that's the type of experience they want of somebody running the country. And I think that they're concluding no."
Ms. Cutter, though, said she agreed with Ms. Saul that the favorability numbers are about voters getting to know Mr. Romney.
"They are getting to know Mitt Romney, and they're not liking what they're seeing," she said.
The poll was conducted from Aug. 1 to 5 among 1,026 adults, and the margin of error is plus or minus 4 percentage points.
NYT/Quinnipiac/CBS polls: Obama leads in Va., Wis., trails in Colo.
August 8, 2012, 07:53AM
Photo by: J. Scott Applewhite
**FILE** President Obama talks Aug. 3, 2012, at the White House about taxes. (Associated Press)
President Obama leads presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney in the key states of Virginia and Wisconsin, but trails Mr. Romney in Colorado, according to new swing state polls released Wednesday.
Forty-nine percent of likely voters, including undecided voters leaning toward a candidate, favor Mr. Obama compared to 45 percent who support Mr. Romney in Virginia, according to the Quinnipiac University/New York Times/CBS polls on swing states. Mr. Obama also gets 51 percent of the vote in Wisconsin compared to Mr. Romney's 45 percent.
Mr. Romney, however, leads 50 percent to 45 percent in Colorado. Mr. Obama carried all three states in 2008.
A plurality of voters in each state all rate the economy as the most important issue in their decision, however — a split that could augur well for Mr. Romney. Fifty-one percent in Colorado say they think Mr. Romney would do a better job on the economy compared to 41 percent who favored Mr. Obama. Though Mr. Obama leads in Virginia, voters there give a 2-point edge to Mr. Romney on the economy, 47 percent to 45 percent. And Mr. Obama holds just a 1-point lead, 47 percent to 46 percent, on the issue in Wisconsin.
However, strong majorities in each state favor Mr. Obama's plan to reduce the deficit by raising taxes on households making more than $250,000 per year. Fifty-six percent support it in Colorado, compared to 40 percent who oppose it. In Virginia, the gap was 23 percentage points — 59 percent support it and 36 percent oppose it. In Wisconsin, the split was even greater — about two-thirds support the concept, compared to 30 percent who oppose it.
But Quinnipiac pollsters cautioned that the electorate remains fluid with months to go before the November vote.
"History tells us that many voters who say they are sure will change their mind in the next 90 days," said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.
In Colorado, 32 percent of those polled are self-identified Democrats, 27 percent are Republicans, and 37 percent are independents, with independents essentially split between voters leaning more toward either party.
In Virginia, the sample is 23 percent Republican, 30 percent Democrat and 40 percent independent, although 46 percent of independents say they are closer to the Republican Party compared to 32 percent who say they are closer to the Democrats. Likewise, Wisconsin has a greater Democratic sample size: 34 percent say they are Democrats, 27 percent are Republicans and 33 percent are independents. Among independents, 45 percent say they are closer to the Republican party, compared to 37 percent who say they are closer to the Democratic party.
But Mr. Romney also appears to be siphoning off some of the support Mr. Obama received in 2008. Forty-eight percent in Colorado say they voted for Mr. Obama in 2008, compared to 46 percent who voted for Sen. John McCain, Arizona Republican. Fifty-one percent in Virginia voted for Mr. Obama in 2008 while 42 percent voted for Mr. McCain, and 53 percent voted for Mr. Obama in Wisconsin compared to 40 percent who voted for Mr. McCain.
Results are based on surveys of 1,463 likely voters in Colorado, 1,412 in Virginia and 1,428 in Wisconsin conducted from July 31 to Aug. 6.
• Sarah Freishtat contributed to this report.
Poll: Obama leads Romney in North Carolina
August 7, 2012, 03:31PM
Photo by: Susan Walsh
**FILE** President Obama campaigns July 16, 2012, at the Cincinnati Music Hall in Cincinnati. (Associated Press)
North Carolina voters favor President Obama by a slim margin over Mitt Romney, according to a poll released Tuesday.
The poll by Public Policy Polling, a Democratic-leaning firm based in North Carolina, shows Mr. Obama with a lead of 49 percent to 46 percent over the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.
The results are a slight departure from recent polls that have shown Mr. Romney to have a narrow lead in the state, one of several traditionally Republican states Mr. Obama "flipped" in 2008. A poll this month by Rasmussen Reports showed the former Massachusetts governor with a five-point lead.
The PPP poll echoes sentiments seen in other swing states, where voters are somewhat discouraged by the president's performance but have not warmed to Mr. Romney.
The poll showed that 48 percent of North Carolina voters approve of the president's job performance while 49 percent disapprove. By comparison, only 42 percent of voters have a positive opinion of Mr. Romney while 50 percent have a negative opinion.
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